View Full Version : Add-On Releases - Vbshout Rules

06-25-2007, 10:00 PM
I was thinking about the shoutbox. There has to be rules for it, but they aren't defined anywhere, and I have recently been banning some of my users because
of violations. They were complaining about the rules not being posted. Well, whalaa! Here they are! A very simple shoutbox rule page!


Display your shoutbox's rules.

Ability for users to report violations using the contact.php. Reported violations will be sent to the webmasters predefined email.

Guests cannot report violations.


Download the zip package and refer to the install.txt

Support will only be given in this thread to users who clicked install. On the subject, if you use this, PLEASE CLICK INSTALL!

06-26-2007, 07:53 PM

06-26-2007, 09:27 PM
Okay, this could actually be really useful because we have been having quite a few fights on the shoutbox lately.

as long as the time the email is sent, i will be able to take a look at the archive to see if i can find the problem anyway.

06-26-2007, 10:39 PM
Hmmm...this might be just what I need, as certain members have been using the Shoutbox, but not posting much, so I disabled it. Posting has since increased ten-fold! Don't really wanna get rid of the shoutbox, so this might be a good solution.

Subscribed and will consider installation tomorrow as I've no time tonight! I'll be back, thanks!:D

06-27-2007, 02:47 AM
Exactly what this solves! It creates clear-cut rules for the shoutbox, so there is no arguing!

06-27-2007, 02:43 PM
Awesome! I've been looking for this as we had a few staff discussion on my forums regarding having some rules & guidelines for the shoutbox since it was getting out of control and you finally made it! But one question. Is this gonna work with the paid version (http://www.infernotechnologies.net/idx/infernoshout) of vBShout (the latest version)?

06-27-2007, 05:08 PM
The only thing that I'm not familiar with is the templates for it, but im sure there is a title. This is basically completely dependent from the application, so that shoudn't be a worry. As long as you can find the title and replace it for the shoutbox rules & guidelines, there won't be a problem.

06-27-2007, 11:09 PM
The only thing that I'm not familiar with is the templates for it, but im sure there is a title. This is basically completely dependent from the application, so that shoudn't be a worry. As long as you can find the title and replace it for the shoutbox rules & guidelines, there won't be a problem.

The title on the paid version goes to the archive unlike the free version, so for this to work it will need a split title for the paid version.

06-27-2007, 11:15 PM
The free version also goes to the archive, which I had just realized. Thanks for pointing that out. I am currently fixing it.

06-28-2007, 09:58 AM
So, we'll still be able to get to the archive when you're done with a fix? I want to install this but not if I can't get to the archives...been trying to decide what's more important, rules or archived conversations. Caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment.:confused::erm:

06-28-2007, 01:15 PM
I installed, but there are some points to improve:
1) navbits are not displayed in navbar
2) username and emailaddress are not filled in by default
3) guests can access the shoutbox rules and so they can send the form mailer,
if in your vb options is no guest restriction for the default mailer specified.
4) the "</form>"-tag element is there twice resulting in invalid html code
I fixed for myself this bugs and then it becomes now very handy, thx I installed it yet. :cool:

06-28-2007, 04:15 PM
So, we'll still be able to get to the archive when you're done with a fix? I want to install this but not if I can't get to the archives...been trying to decide what's more important, rules or archived conversations. Caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment.:confused::erm:

You can always get to the archive, that was just a link I replaced.

I installed, but there are some points to improve:
1) navbits are not displayed in navbar
2) username and emailaddress are not filled in by default
3) guests can access the shoutbox rules and so they can send the form mailer,
if in your vb options is no guest restriction for the default mailer specified.
4) the "</form>"-tag element is there twice resulting in invalid html code
I fixed for myself this bugs and then it becomes now very handy, thx I installed it yet. :cool:

1- Never said that.
2- Tried to make that work, wouldn't work for me though, Working on a fix too.
3-Guests can see the rules, but not report violations.
4-My bad. :D

06-28-2007, 04:23 PM
Ok then, here's stupid question...how can I get to the archives if that link is replaced? Not trying to be funny, I'm asking cuz I don't know.:erm::o

EDIT: Nevermind...saved the link to the archives.

BUT, the violation reporting e-mails don't send, but that's ok.