View Full Version : hot views hack.

07-01-2000, 03:18 PM
This is a suggestion.

Don't know if this is already available.

Like the hot topic (flaming folders) but the icons do something (don't know what yet, need some good icons) when a thread is read like 100 times or something or more depending on your board.

I think it would be interesting, or whould it just be a annoying?

Up to you?

I just bought the software last night.
Installed good.
Already impressed.

Now lets get some good new innovating hacks going.
Something new and useful (I am not neccessary talking about my idea or anything).


07-05-2000, 06:40 AM
What do you mean 'do something'? Flaming topic icons are already available - see the Graphics forum.

07-05-2000, 07:09 AM
No, not the flaming topic from a post being replied to XXX number of times but getting hot (or something better) from XXX number of page views.

For instance,
It turns hot pink, or whatever, if the topic is viewed 500 times no matter how many replies it gets.

I see that this would be good in many different forums, such as forums that post a large number of jokes where it is not important how many people reply but how many people read it.

Or like News forums where not many people reply but alot view it.
Maybe a heavy traffic icon or something.
It would signify which threads on getting the most attention, without really worrying about how many replies.

Do you see what I mean.
It is a fairly new idea as most boards do not have the viewed category on it.
And since vbulletin does it would be a cool little extra.
But a name for this occurance and a icon would need to be made for it.

07-05-2000, 07:14 AM
not to mention another column, which would make the pages look a little more cluttered...

07-05-2000, 07:14 AM
Oh right I get it. Neat idea. Since the views figure is readily available in the forum display it shouldn't be too hard to implement either.

07-05-2000, 07:24 AM
you can stick it in with the views column.

Maybe like the galaga hack where the icon changes as more
people view it.

Like I said, it would be great for a news/joke forum.

Have 10 levels and as the views hit 100, 250, 500, whatever the icon changes.

But it can be a starter default icon until it gets many views.

Once again, just and idea.

07-05-2000, 07:26 AM
Is their a hack that will take you directly to the threads with the most views.

Like active threads but only the ones viewed over 500 times or something.

I am not sure if this is part of active threads or not.
I am thinking that is just the threads since you logged on.

A hack that you can call from other pages on your site with threads that have the most views for that day.

I think it would be nice to get rid of the read 258 times or whatever and make it ranked like the galaga so instead of a exact count which is nice but not allows exact instead have a image that gets more stars or something for getting viewed more.

Could call it popular or pop topics I guess.

[Edited by Webby99 on 07-05-2000 at 12:44 PM]

07-05-2000, 07:27 AM
I reckon you could have the first idea implemented inside 10 minutes. I'll check back in 15 and expect to see results - okay :D

Don't like the most viewed threads idea however. :(

[Edited by Mark Hewitt on 07-05-2000 at 04:28 AM]

07-05-2000, 09:28 PM
This is something that UB offered.
THe way it worked was that after XX # of views, the number in the "Views" column would turn into a gif. When you moved the mouse over the img the alt gave the # of hits.
That would be simpler, however I do like the leveled idea that was mentioned

07-05-2000, 09:52 PM
Here is the 10 minute hack:

Edit forumdisplay.php and find at line 160 in 1.1.3beta2


and change to:

if ($views >= 100)
$views = "<img src=\"images\newhotfolder.gif\" Alt=\"$views views\" border=\"0\""

Of course change the image to whatever image you want and if you want it to change as views get higher and higher just put something like this:

if ($views >= 100 && $views <= 200)
$views = "<img src=\"images\newhotfolder.gif\" Alt=\"$views views\" border=\"0\"";
if ($views > 200 && $views <= 400)
$views = "<img src=\"images\newhotterfolder.gif\" Alt=\"$views views\" border=\"0\"";

I put this hack in my board and you can see it at:


We need a nice gif to use, any suggestions?

07-05-2000, 10:54 PM
we also tweaked the active posts hack to create a list of most read posts. simple to change - just change which field in the database call. we then have a page which shows which threads are being read the most on the board. i think it's very useful. in general, it tends to show the news of the day without anyone having to pick out an individual thread and say it is news.