View Full Version : Show Thread Enhancements - Automatic Embedded Video (youtube, plus many more)

06-22-2007, 10:00 PM
This hack has been withdrawn. Read on for an explanation. Shortly after the initial release I was contacted by another developer who had some ideas for the mod. This developer basically rewrote a new mod based on my original concept. Unfortunately we couldn't come to an agreement on a way to develop and support the future of this mod. Since he has released his mod separately, and it does pretty much everything my original mod did and is more efficient for those running large systems, I have decided to discontinue the further development of my mod. I took this decision because I don't believe that it makes sense to have two mods out there doing the same thing. I recommend to all users, both present and future, that you switch over to his mod instead (here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863)). I've taken a look at it and I think it's a great mod and you'll all be very happy with it. I understand that he will also provide routines to import and convert tags used by my mod, this should also make your life easier.

Since I will not develop this mod further, I am also withdrawing support for it. Since I don't believe there is such a thing as an unsupported mod (since people will ALWAYS ask for and expect support regardless) I have therefore withdrawn the file from download. I hope some of you can understand my decision.

This mod has had a short but happy life, and I wish you all the best with the replacement mod. Thank you to everyone who has offered encouragement so far, and I hope to see you on my next mod.

I've left the original text below for historical reasons:

What does this mod do?

If a user copies and pastes a URL that links to a video streaming service (such as youtube) the mod will automatically take the URL and convert it into an embedded form directly in the post itself. Users can now play the videos directly from the thread! In other words:
No template or file edits
Nothing to configure
Initial version supports sixteen different video sharing sites
Pasted URLs are automatically converted to versions that display embedded video - in thread
Option to include original URL in additional to providing embedded version.
Forum, group and user permissions allow you to include or exclude who/what is affected by this mod. How many services will it support?

The initial version contains support for sixteen different video services. If others contribute the required information for other services, this is likely to grow. The initial version (1.0) contains support for the following services:

Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/), Metacafe (http://www.metacafe.com/), iFilm (http://www.ifilm.com/), Putfile (http://www.putfile.com/), Bolt (http://www.bolt.com/), Google Video (http://video.google.com/), Guba (http://www.guba.com/), Grouper (http://www.grouper.com/), Revver (http://www.revver.com/), Atom Films (http://www.atomfilms.com/), Veoh (http://www.veoh.com/), Myspace Video (http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids), Vimeo (http://www.vimeo.com/), Vmix (http://www.vmix.com/), Eyespot (http://www.eyespot.com/), Liveleak (http://www.liveleak.com/), Sapo (http://videos.sapo.pt/wyJKB4ohV0GqoR2ZgmMZ)

Which services does it not support?

Many video sites don't provide enough information in the URLs to make automatic embedding possible. The following services were checked and found to be impossible to use with this mod:

Photobucket (http://www.photobucket.com/), Daily Motion (http://www.dailymotion.com/), vidiLife (http://www.vidilife.com/), Yahoo Video (http://video.yahoo.com/), AOL Uncut (http://video.aol.com/), Yikers (http://www.yikers.com/), vSocial (http://www.vsocial.com/), ManiaTV (http://www.maniatv.com/), Phanfare (http://www.phanfare.com/), CastPost (http://www.castpost.com/), Jumpcut (http://www.jumpcut.com/), Sharkle (http://www.sharkle.com/), Clipshack (http://www.clipshack.com/), Filecow (http://www.filecow.com/), Break (http://www.break.com)

Please don't request that these services be included in this mod - it's not possible. If you'd like to try and figure out how to do it yourself - please do!

Why is this different to other mods?

Other mods require you to enter BB Code yourself, but more importantly they require the user to have to add the tags themselves. Users are notoriously lazy and often won't even bother to use BB Code. This mod suits lazy users - it handles everything automatically without the user having to do anything - they just copy and paste the URL!

How do I install it?

Download the enclosed .xml file. In your AdminCP -> Plugins and Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product use the browse button to upload the .xml file you just downloaded and make sure "Allow Overwrite" is set to yes if you are upgrading from a previous version. Click "Import". Installation time - 30 seconds.

How do I configure it?

Go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Automatic Embedded Video. All settings are pretty much self explanatory and there is nothing that needs to be changed for most forums.

Are there any limitations?

The hack will only work with properly formatted URLs. If the user mangles them, it may not work. Only new messages posted will be affected and this mod will not have any effect on any URLs you may paste in while editing. It will only take effect when you preview or submit new posts!

Is there a downside to this mod?

None that I can think of!

Will new services be added in future?

Possibly. Make sure you click "Installed" so that you'll be notified about new versions.

How can I expand it myself?

See the first post on this thread for details.

User Testimonials

What have people been saying about this mod?

"Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again." - hornstar1337

"No way! This Hack is simply a Must!!" - Silvio

"simply the best mod ever." - kushal

"You are my hero. My users are always F'n up the BBcode that should be so simple and now its idiot proof." - MortysTW

"Thanks very much for the mod - very simple to install yet useful as anything." - p0ng0

"Sorry I had to come and re-post how excited this mod has made me lol." - Fleabag

"Working great with vbSEO" - mtlcore

"I have only tested a few videos so far but works like a charm!!! What an awesome mod!!!" - RichieBoy67

Version History

1.0 - Initial release (23.06.2007) (updated a couple of hours after release with some minor fixes 01:31 24.06.2007 GMT)
1.1 - Feature upgrade (26.06.2007). Added ability to include/exclude users, groups or forums. Added feature to replace even when BB Code permissions don't allow it. Added feature to both embed the video AND display the original URL above the video. Loosened logic to include variations in URLs for certain services (different countries, domains, etc). Should cover a wider range of URLs now. More video services coming soon...

27.06.2007 - Mod withdrawn. Details above and here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1277714&postcount=189).

06-23-2007, 07:05 PM
Would you like to expand the range of services this mod can handle automatically?

Before asking for support please read this handy guide to how this works.

Known Issues

This list will be updated with information as and when it is known to me. Please check here first before reporting a problem, and check back later to see if there are any updates to this list.
Conflicts with Hide Hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130887). Status: one of the BB Codes used in this mod may conflict with the hide hack. No further information available from any users of the hide hack at this stage - therefore this will not be investigated yet.
Conflict with Viper's youtube hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130868). Status: Not possible for me to resolve this due to aggressive behaviour in this hack. See here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1277320&postcount=172) for details. Possible solution here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1277505).Before Asking for Support

Assuming your issue isn't solved by anything above, or other comments on the thread (yes, please actually read the thread before reporting a problem), please supply the following information when you report a problem:
Mysql version
Php version
Vbulletin version
Do you have VBSEO installed?
Do you have any other mods that rewrite URLs installed?
Have you checked that BB Code is installed in the forum you are testing it in?
Have you tested more than one service (i.e. not just youtube)?
Do your URLs appear naked (unchanged from the way you pasted them)?
Please post any URLs which are not working for you so I can see them!
If possible, include a link to the test post on your forum so I can see it.Also - do not ask for support if you have not clicked "Install".

06-23-2007, 07:10 PM
Wow this looks sweet, im going to install it now!

06-23-2007, 07:12 PM
Good job man! Been waiting for this for a long time!!!

06-23-2007, 07:17 PM
It would be great if it would automatically edit the old posts..

06-23-2007, 07:18 PM
This isn't really working for me, I input the url into a new post and it just shows up with the url? I tried a youtube url.

06-23-2007, 07:19 PM
Good job man! Been waiting for this for a long time!!!

So was I - I was surprised how lame some of the other mods were, and many of my users just weren't bothering to use the BB Code I provided for them.

When I checked to see how this could be done, it was surprisingly easy - I'm really surprised that nobody has done a decent mod along these lines up until now! Hopefully others will pitch in and help to expand it.

06-23-2007, 07:19 PM
I marked as installed. Will look into tonight.

Here's the Break (http://www.break.com) BBCode I have created for my site which I would love to see included. Thank you.

Title: Break Embed Code

Tag: break

Replacement: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" data="http://embed.break.com/{param}">
<param name="movie" value="http://embed.break.com/{param}" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />

Example: MjU3ODkx

06-23-2007, 07:21 PM
This isn't really working for me, I input the url into a new post and it just shows up with the url? I tried a youtube url.

It worked for me in less than 10 seconds!! :D

All I did was import the product > create new post. Bam!

06-23-2007, 07:31 PM
This isn't really working for me, I input the url into a new post and it just shows up with the url? I tried a youtube url.

I've sent you a PM so we can figure that out without cluttering up this thread.

It would be great if it would automatically edit the old posts..

In theory this could be possible. If there's enough interest shown and someone willing to test it I'll whip up something to do the existing posts.

I marked as installed. Will look into tonight.

Here's the Break (http://www.break.com) BBCode I have created for my site which I would love to see included. Thank you.

Thanks for that - I'll put it into the next version. But please see the first post on this thread I've made instructions for people to add things themselves. You could use pretty much the same regular expression as for the youtube entry.

It worked for me in less than 10 seconds!! :D

All I did was import the product > create new post. Bam!

Ok, I'm glad it works - sometimes it's hard to know what will happen when you release something. It works fine on my system :D

06-23-2007, 07:33 PM
Hey man, I am willing to test it out if figure something out.

06-23-2007, 07:41 PM
i couldnt get it to work either with youtube. I tried both links given on youtube

06-23-2007, 07:51 PM
i couldnt get it to work either with youtube. I tried both links given on youtube

I'd ask anyone reporting problems with this mod to give the following information:

VBulletin version
Mysql version
PHP version
Whether you have any mods which involve the rewriting of URLs installed.
Post the exact URLs which didn't work
Confirm that BB Code is enabled and working in the forum you are testing it on

If youtube isn't working, then try some of the other services, just to be sure that there isn't some issue going on.

Also - if people would like support for this mod - please click on installed before requesting support.

06-23-2007, 08:00 PM
gorgeous! :up:is what I was looking 4.
Ty so much for work *installed* I do try it now! :P

Is there the way to keep working the old bbcoded url '[media]' ? theywere used by VbMediaPlayer that I've uninstalled.

pls accept my apologises for my bad itanglish

take care


06-23-2007, 08:03 PM
Silvio - if you have other bbcodes like [media] then these will not be affected. This mod simply converts certain URLs to certain BBCode, and installs that BBCode. You'll see when you have a look.

06-23-2007, 08:06 PM
i couldnt get it to work either with youtube. I tried both links given on youtube

I guessing if you have BB code turned off it will not work.

That is what happened to me.

06-23-2007, 08:09 PM
I guessing if you have BB code turned off it will not work.

That is what happened to me.

Most certainly!! Useful question to ask those that report problems I guess :D

06-23-2007, 08:34 PM
I just followed up with someone else who had reported a problem to me. When they sent me a link to their post I noticed that the URL was no longer "naked" but had had the URL text automatically changed to the title of the target page (VBSeo does this by default, but mine is turned off).

This mod expects a "naked" URL. If you see something else appear in the post after you submit it other than exactly what you posted - this is not a naked URL.

If someone can help me out here and tell me what the other thing is that is screwing with the URL then I can try to work around it, or at least detect the settings and give an error message.

06-23-2007, 08:37 PM
Gorgeous! it is working perfectly on a vb3.6.7pl1 ty Installed.

Now I will try to understand how to replace in *forum posts the & the nulling them.

any idea?:rolleyes:

ty so much in anycase for this good work shared with all us!

06-23-2007, 08:41 PM
Gorgeous! it is working perfectly on a vb3.6.7pl1 ty Installed.

Now I will try to understand how to replace in *forum posts the & the nulling them.

any idea?:rolleyes:

ty so much in anycase for this good work shared with all us!

You should probably post a request for that question somewhere else, since it has nothing to do with this mod. Ask "How do I remove old BB Code tags from existing posts?"

06-23-2007, 08:49 PM
Damn nice hack and thanks *installed*

Now if I could just figure out why I have always had problems with the audio from youtube when playing from embedded code. Audio plays fine from their website. :confused:

06-23-2007, 08:50 PM
I'm using 3.6.7, but it's not embedding to youtube video automatiaclly, it's still showing the link???

06-23-2007, 08:51 PM
Works great for me and I am using 3.6.7PL1

06-23-2007, 08:55 PM
I'm using 3.6.7, but it's not embedding to youtube video automatiaclly, it's still showing the link???

Did you see post #13?

06-23-2007, 09:04 PM
Ok - the first post in this thread has now been updated with a list of known issues and a list of things to give me if you are asking for support. Please read this and check back periodically, I'll be updating this first post as soon as I have more information.

06-23-2007, 09:14 PM
I saw an instruction on a site


They use a BB code quite different, one tag for movies from several sites and they are able to include Daily Motion, which is impossible to use with your code.

I'm not complaining for anything. Just thought I should post the instruction here for a reference.

Thx for your great mod.

06-23-2007, 09:21 PM
I saw an instruction on a site


They use a BB code quite different, one tag for movies from several sites and they are able to include Daily Motion, which is impossible to use with your code.

I'm not complaining for anything. Just thought I should post the instruction here for a reference.

Thx for your great mod.

If they can do daily motion with BB Code, then it could also be incorporated into this mod. Whoever has done that mod may know something I don't. If you could contact them for me and get the technical details (or point me to the mod that does it). Are you a user of that forum?

06-23-2007, 09:42 PM
This is amazing! Thanks so much. :)

Edit: Working flawlessly! Editing old posts now. :)

Edit 2: I seem to have some issues with this mod fighting it out with vBSEO. New posts convert fine - editing posts results in vBSEO replacing the URL with the title of the page the link points to (an enabled feature). I'm guessing this has something to do with execution order of plugins. Maybe this one needs to be prioritised to resolve this?

Edit 3: Just read the first post lol. A big shame to lose original videos, but I can live with that. Thanks!

06-23-2007, 10:00 PM
Fleabag - correct. I'm working on that now. Change execution order to 4 and I believe it will win over VBSEO. Don't bother updating your existing threads - I'm going to make some code that will do it for you. Keep an eye on this thread (it will be within a couple of days)

Everybody else - I've found a few things that I am ironing out. Youtube has a few different characters that I didn't expect, so I'm going to update all the search strings. This may have caused some of the issues from people who reported issues.

However, since only one person actually gave me the URLs that didn't work, I wasn't able to spot this until now.

I'll replace the download file and note that on this thread when I'm done. Watch this space.

06-23-2007, 10:04 PM
Here is the first contribution.


Find AdminCP -> Plugins and Products -> Plugin Manager select the plugin "Parse/Replace New Post" under "Product: Automatic Embedded Video" and add:

Regular Expression:

// videos.sapo.pt
array_push($replace, '$1');
array_push($patterns, '^\[URL\]http://videos\.sapo\.pt/(\w*)\[/URL\]^i');

Find AdminCP -> Custom BB Codes -> BB Code Manager and add:

Add BB Code:

Title: Sapo Embedded Video
Tag: sapovid
<embed src="http://imgs.sapo.pt/sapovideo/swf/flvplayer-sapo.swf?file=http://rd3.videos.sapo.pt/{param}/mov/1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent"></embed>
Example: GnR4iyISmcKjJnRAj6cY
Description: Allows users to embed video from videos.sapo.pt

That's it
Now you may play videos from the Portuguese portal Sapo.pt.

06-23-2007, 10:10 PM
It is awesome having them done with such simplicity. Not that I am saying this was simple to do!

mfyvie - Good news on the convertor for old posts, I'll keep my eyes peeled. One problem I have though is that I run a custom module through GARS, containing the video URL which was previously parsed by Anymedia. Your updater would alas miss out that info, so I am unable to move the data to show an actual video. Any thoughts?

And thanks again! I mean wow!

Edit: I applied the change to the execution order but it seems vBSEO is still winning over. I managed to post an initial video but it seems each once since gets URL'ised before it can be video'ised.

06-23-2007, 10:35 PM
VBSEO isn't the only module that forms titles from links, check out


I have this installed and assume it would interfere with this module ?

06-23-2007, 10:36 PM
Great! This will be nice for "video threads" where the members often paste links.

It seems to miss them if you have a youtube.com link instead of www.youtube.com


06-23-2007, 10:43 PM
It is awesome having them done with such simplicity. Not that I am saying this was simple to do!

mfyvie - Good news on the convertor for old posts, I'll keep my eyes peeled. One problem I have though is that I run a custom module through GARS, containing the video URL which was previously parsed by Anymedia. Your updater would alas miss out that info, so I am unable to move the data to show an actual video. Any thoughts?

And thanks again! I mean wow!

Edit: I applied the change to the execution order but it seems vBSEO is still winning over. I managed to post an initial video but it seems each once since gets URL'ised before it can be video'ised.

Ok, I'll have to look more closely at that vbseo issue in that case.... Regarding your old posts issues - please post exactly what you need (or better, send me a PM) with the exact text that you want to convert.

VBSEO isn't the only module that forms titles from links, check out


I have this installed and assume it would interfere with this module ?

I checked it - it's running at execution order 5, so in theory if this mod was lower, it should get there first.

Great! This will be nice for "video threads" where the members often paste links.

It seems to miss them if you have a youtube.com link instead of www.youtube.com


Please see Post #1 and the giant text which says "Known Issues"

06-23-2007, 10:50 PM
I marked as installed. Will look into tonight.

Here's the Break (http://www.break.com) BBCode I have created for my site which I would love to see included. Thank you.

da420 - I've looked at this embed code. The problem is that the identifier you are using between your tags is NOT contained in the original URL. This makes it impossible to automatically include (please read the notes I provided as an attachment in post #1 which explains what is needed to include something extra with this mod)

Lizard King
06-23-2007, 10:57 PM
This is weird as hell. I tried this hack both on my live server and my test server. No way i can get this working. On my test server i don't have vBSEO installed at all. BB Codes are on. Both of my servers use Php 5.1.6 MySql 5.0.22 . Live server has Apache , test server has lighttpd on it.
http://www.ayyas.com/misc.php?do=bbcode live server test server

Example Urls : test server
http://www.ayyas.com/road-trip/18229-test-konusudur/#post313522 light server

06-23-2007, 11:01 PM
Lizard King, please see post #1 with a list of things I require in a bug report. At the VERY LEAST I need the URLs that you are trying run through this mod! So far only a single person has ever provided this to me, and it makes it DAMN hard when trying to figure out if my regular expressions need to be improved or not. I take it also that you've tried different services with different video, and haven't just been testing the same URL each time?

06-23-2007, 11:02 PM
This looks truly awesome, but it is a shame that a feature in vbseo will need to be turned off first, hopefully there can be another solution for this.

06-23-2007, 11:06 PM
I changed the execution order of this hack, to 1, and it all works just fine now. Working with vBSEO. I'm guessing this technically should deal with the URL before anything else - as long as vB gets there first I'm happy. Will changing execution order to 1 have any detremental effects?

Lizard King
06-23-2007, 11:09 PM
Lizard King, please see post #1 with a list of things I require in a bug report. At the VERY LEAST I need the URLs that you are trying run through this mod! So far only a single person has ever provided this to me, and it makes it DAMN hard when trying to figure out if my regular expressions need to be improved or not. I take it also that you've tried different services with different video, and haven't just been testing the same URL each time?
I think you missed that i edited my post and included the links.

06-23-2007, 11:10 PM
I changed the execution order of this hack, to 1, and it all works just fine now. Working with vBSEO. I'm guessing this technically should deal with the URL before anything else - as long as vB gets there first I'm happy. Will changing execution order to 1 have any detremental effects?

that is what im thinking, and how do you change the execution order ^^
Maybe vbseo execution order could be changed a little higher, could be worth asking vbseo as well.

06-23-2007, 11:12 PM
vBSEO is already at 5. You browse plugins in ACP and click edit to change the order.

I think I spoke too soon... I sucessfully posted a URL, but the next one I tried resulted in vBSEO replacing the string again. The only thing I did in between was to try and edit an old post, to see if it would have any effect. Maybe editing the post is causing the issue.

06-23-2007, 11:14 PM
This looks truly awesome, but it is a shame that a feature in vbseo will need to be turned off first, hopefully there can be another solution for this.

Actually, I've just confirmed this with my own internal test, and if you download this mod in about 30 minutes it won't be an issue.

I changed the execution order of this hack, to 1, and it all works just fine now. Working with vBSEO. I'm guessing this technically should deal with the URL before anything else - as long as vB gets there first I'm happy. Will changing execution order to 1 have any detremental effects?

I've actually changed it to 3 - just in case there is something out there later than needs to get in earlier. Changing to 1 effectively locks any other mod from going before you if it needs to.

I think you missed that i edited my post and included the links.

Yes, after or during my reply. From looking at the links I can see that some were working, some were not. This is due to the - character in the youtube URLs (wasn't expecting that, my test URLs didn't have them). This will be fixed in a few minutes. Watch this thread.

Lizard King
06-23-2007, 11:14 PM
Strange thing , After posting a metacafe link now youtube videos also started to work on my test server. However on live server metacafe videos work but youtube videos look like C7V3WCy1Ozc , Here is the link for the thread http://www.ayyas.com/road-trip/18229-test-konusudur/#post313522
I have my execution order for this product set to 1 also.

06-23-2007, 11:19 PM
Affirmative - YouTube's without URL's work just fine. Great work, good to hear the fix is coming! :D

If you could make it let us edit posts manually and work too, you'd really make my day. My month in fact.

06-23-2007, 11:19 PM
Works great. Hope we can fix that YouTube no www. problem.


06-23-2007, 11:25 PM

All users who have downloaded and installed this mod prior to the date stamp on this post (which is after all a couple of hours after the release) should redownload and reinstall the .xml file included with this release.

This should resolve all issues reported on this to date (that I have control over).

Those who have reported issues so far, please retest to see if they are resolved after you reinstall, and raise them again if they are.


06-23-2007, 11:33 PM
Works great. Hope we can fix that YouTube no www. problem.

Now fixed. Also loosened the logic for all the other services in case this happens to them in the future.

If you could make it let us edit posts manually and work too, you'd really make my day. My month in fact.

Well I want to avoid duplicating the entire code at another hook, or using a file (I hate it when I have to upload a file). Remember that when you edit you can manually use the BBCode tags, you just won't get an automatic conversion.

If your issue is that you want to go and convert all your EXISTING posts, then I'm going to make a script to do this for you - so you wouldn't need the edit feature you are asking for.

Strange thing , After posting a metacafe link now youtube videos also started to work on my test server. However on live server metacafe videos work but youtube videos look like C7V3WCy1Ozc , Here is the link for the thread http://www.ayyas.com/road-trip/18229-test-konusudur/#post313522
I have my execution order for this product set to 1 also.

If you are seeing the bbcode tags like that then my mod has done its work. You may be having some kind of other issue related to the bbcode itself - I'd look into that separately.

Please don't set execution order to 1, I'm now using 3. Use 1 only to verify that there isn't something sitting at 3 or lower, but nothing else should be.

vBSEO is already at 5. You browse plugins in ACP and click edit to change the order.

I think I spoke too soon... I sucessfully posted a URL, but the next one I tried resulted in vBSEO replacing the string again. The only thing I did in between was to try and edit an old post, to see if it would have any effect. Maybe editing the post is causing the issue.

I don't use any of the hooks for post editing, but vbseo may well be doing so. However, if the mod has already converted it to bbcode, then vbseo won't be able to touch it in the edit (since it won't see it as a link).

that is what im thinking, and how do you change the execution order ^^
Maybe vbseo execution order could be changed a little higher, could be worth asking vbseo as well.

Not needed. My mod is now at 3, vbseo default is at 5, which is also fine. Provided you've reinstalled my mod - everything should now be working.

Lizard King
06-23-2007, 11:35 PM
The - problem has been solved. My other problem C7V3WCy1Ozc was a conflict with another Youtube video bbcode (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130868) i disabled this to test and now it works. However i have tons of messages using this tag.

06-23-2007, 11:35 PM
Here is the first contribution.


Just to let you know - this is now included in the current version. I loosened the logic on the regular expression a little in line with some changes I made to all the others. Seems to work fine on my board.

06-23-2007, 11:36 PM
Seems this hack does not work with vbAnonymizer installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=131292&page=16

06-23-2007, 11:39 PM
The - problem has been solved. My other problem C7V3WCy1Ozc was a conflict with another Youtube video bbcode (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130868) i disabled this to test and now it works. However i have tons of messages using this tag.

That can't be possible - that other mod uses [youtube]. I used [youtubevid] because I anticipated that other people may have already created tags for youtube.

If you really did have a conflict then the original installer would have bombed out and you would have got no bbcode imported from my mod. I've changed the installer now so that it doesn't touch existing bbcode if there is a name conflict, but will still import the other items.

Even if there is a conflict it shouldn't matter, since someone else's bbcode for these videos should basically work the same way as mine, in that it expects the unique identifier to be wrapped up between the tags.

06-23-2007, 11:40 PM
Working great with vbSEO

Lizard King
06-23-2007, 11:42 PM
The - problem has been solved. My other problem C7V3WCy1Ozc was a conflict with another Youtube video bbcode (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=130868) i disabled this to test and now it works. However i have tons of messages using this tag.
I edited the plugin and solved this problem by changing youtube bbcode to another.

Thanks great mod.

06-23-2007, 11:42 PM
Seems this hack does not work with vbAnonymizer installed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=131292&page=16

See post #47 - yes it should. That hack is at execution order 5, mine is now at 3. This should have resolved that issue, just like it did for the vbseo issue and others.

06-23-2007, 11:43 PM

Thats what I get after install

06-23-2007, 11:50 PM
Thats what I get after install

rjmjr69 - That looks like I've introduced a problem into the installer, this will only have affected new installs in the last 15 minutes. I've removed the file until I can fix that, then when it appears again you can download it and reinstall it.

In the meantime, you can safely delete all those rubbish bbcode entries (which end with the number 2 after each tag).

06-23-2007, 11:52 PM
I didn't realise that I could manually use the BB codes when I edited the threads. On top of your converter you plan (or even without) I am now sorted. Thanks a lot! :)

06-24-2007, 12:01 AM
Thank you sir I will delete them now and eagerly await the next attempt. Keep up the great work

Might I make a suggestion and I am not sure this matters or not but would a check of the BB codes that are already installed be something you could put into your installer to either overwrite the ones that are present or delete them and redo them with your code?

06-24-2007, 12:07 AM
Thank you sir I will delete them now and eagerly await the next attempt. Keep up the great work

Might I make a suggestion and I am not sure this matters or not but would a check of the BB codes that are already installed be something you could put into your installer to either overwrite the ones that are present or delete them and redo them with your code?

Ok, the file is back - please download and reinstall.

Actually in the first version you had there was a check to not install if field was already present. Since it was a new install you got those fields. This is why yours didn't work, when all the others did.

The logic now deletes all the records and reinstalls them to be safe. I'll remove the delete statements for the next version (unless updating).

Sorry about that - it's 3am and I should be in bed. Late night and last minute code changes are always a bad idea :rolleyes:

Please let me know ASAP whether that has resolved the issue for you so that I can go to bed...:erm:

06-24-2007, 12:19 AM
Latest version works well for me! All issues are gone. I love it so much. I'll get this into action ASAP, see how I can combine it with GARS.

Thanks a lot, when pay day comes around I hope to make a donation. I would easily buy this hack. I hope you realise how popular this is going to be!

Nominated for MOTM. :)

Edit: And go to bed sir! Good work!

06-24-2007, 12:20 AM
it works goodexcept 4 when there is a = at the end...

all the kink copies except that... breaking the whole link......

still i installed

06-24-2007, 12:24 AM
it works goodexcept 4 when there is a = at the end...

all the kink copies except that... breaking the whole link......

still i installed

Ok, that's another youtube condition I haven't seen before... Ok, here's a quick fix for that condition. Go into the plugin and find the bit for youtube and replace it with this:

// youtube.com
array_push($replace, '$2');
array_push($patterns, '~\[URL\]http://(www\.)?youtube\.com/watch\?v=([\w-]*)[^\[]*\[/URL\]~i');

That should resolve your issue. I think I'll update all the other links to allow stuff to be appended onto the end of the URL just in case that happens in other cases where I haven't anticipated it....

06-24-2007, 12:26 AM
Latest version works well for me! All issues are gone. I love it so much. I'll get this into action ASAP, see how I can combine it with GARS.

Thanks a lot, when pay day comes around I hope to make a donation. I would easily buy this hack. I hope you realise how popular this is going to be!

Nominated for MOTM. :)

Edit: And go to bed sir! Good work!

No problem, glad you appreciate it, and of course donations are always welcome :-)

I've got a few other mods waiting in the wings which fit into the "Why on earth didn't someone do that before?" category :-)

06-24-2007, 12:34 AM
it works goodexcept 4 when there is a = at the end...

Ok, I've now loosened the logic for all of the video services to allow extra rubbish to be appended onto the end of any URL. That should hopefully nip any such issues in the bud before they happen.

I've updated the file again and put a "b" on the end of the filename.

06-24-2007, 12:34 AM
YOUR THE MAN...!!!!!!!!!!! thanks all works just fine now... goto bed get some rest

06-24-2007, 12:38 AM
Ok, it looks like most of the issues with this have been resolved so I'm off to bed. Will get back to this thread in about 6 hours to answer more questions.

I'm glad that so many of you appreciate this mod. So if you like it - why not help out to make it better?

How to help improve this mod

Check out the list at the top of the mod - I've listed all the supported services, as well as unsupported services. Let's make both of these lists bigger! Do you know of any other video services? If not, why not spend some time looking for some? Surely there must be a lot more out there, but I need your help to find them, and my time is also limited! You can also read the guide I included in post 1 for more information about how this mod can be expanded.

The bottom line is that if everyone helps to expand the range of services covered by this mod - everyone benefits!

06-24-2007, 12:43 AM
Will do.... Now go get some rest so you can give us all more fun toys to play with :)

Looks like someone else just release a very simular mod I think just a tad bit late but this is what his supports.

Youtube (and es.youtube)

You can find the new mod in the new modifications under search button

06-24-2007, 01:03 AM
Thank you Mark this is just what I have been looking for :D


06-24-2007, 01:07 AM
1.0b has corrected my issue with vbAnonymizer. Thanks!

06-24-2007, 02:00 AM
Installed THANKS !!!!!!

katie hunter
06-24-2007, 02:04 AM
I put it on but when i insatlled put a veoh url , it says data is not available =/ do i have to add something else ?


the video is there btw


I allowed youtube as well and it didn't show up at all ;s

06-24-2007, 02:48 AM
Updated Thank you

Would there be anyway to exclude some forums from this?

I have a forum for video ripping and the links
that members post will get converted :(

Thank you for any help :)

06-24-2007, 04:17 AM
I use custom bbcode permissions and when someone who does not have permission to use the bbcode puts in a link the unparsed bbcode shows up instead of the link. Is there anyway to fix this or change it?

06-24-2007, 05:13 AM
Thanks for this

06-24-2007, 05:18 AM
Actually forum pemessions would be cool, enable and disable this in certain forums would be great for the next update. installing the new version now. Thanks for the great hack!

Ren? Kunze
06-24-2007, 05:45 AM
If I find class, is only unfortunate which he no German sides supported.
One can also make which it supported:


That would be class if one to still insert could.

06-24-2007, 08:12 AM
Will do.... Now go get some rest so you can give us all more fun toys to play with :)

Looks like someone else just release a very simular mod I think just a tad bit late but this is what his supports.

You can find the new mod in the new modifications under search button

I've taken a look - it's a very different kind of mod, and many more steps to install. It also needs users to click a button on the links they post in. In my experience many users can't be bothered to click buttons. But I've PM'd the author so that we can maybe share information on adding different file types to our respective mods.

I put it on but when i insatlled put a veoh url , it says data is not available =/ do i have to add something else ?


I allowed youtube as well and it didn't show up at all ;s

You haven't given me anywhere near enough information for me to begin to help you. However, I did paste those links you gave into my forum, and they were automatically converted and the videos played.

Updated Thank you

Would there be anyway to exclude some forums from this?

I'll work on this today, it will probably be ready in about 8 hours or so. Stay tuned to this thread.

I use custom bbcode permissions and when someone who does not have permission to use the bbcode puts in a link the unparsed bbcode shows up instead of the link. Is there anyway to fix this or change it?

I'll simulate this issue on my own forum and see if there is a way to deal with this. If there is, it will be in the next update. Stay tuned to this thread.

If I find class, is only unfortunate which he no German sides supported.
One can also make which it supported:


That would be class if one to still insert could.

I'll make sure that google.* is supported in the next update, and I'll try to include those other sites, if it is possible to do so.

Does anyone know of any other video sites that operate under multiple domains? If so, I need to loosen the logic to incorporate these other domains (like, .de, .es) but I'll need some helping in finding out which sites do this!

06-24-2007, 09:20 AM
Youtube have recently introduced a uk section. an example of their link is below.


would it be possible to include the above in a working version that converts this?

I've found it works if I change it to


great mod by the way, much appreciated!

06-24-2007, 09:38 AM
Youtube have recently introduced a uk section. an example of their link is below.


Damn it - they keep changing this stuff... I'll loosen up the logic for youtube a little and consider doing so for the other services as well just in case. This change will be in the next version.

06-24-2007, 10:14 AM
/me clicks install

06-24-2007, 11:18 AM
I don't see a BBcode of Metacafe after install the mod. How to add it manually? Thx

06-24-2007, 11:49 AM
Damn it - they keep changing this stuff... I'll loosen up the logic for youtube a little and consider doing so for the other services as well just in case. This change will be in the next version.
Yes! :(
Youtube isnt working anymore! Italy has it.youtube.........
the video is visible even if it is substituded by www but isnt parsed from this script anymore :\

In newer version will be amazing to see permissions to usergroup who can see and usergroup who can post videos :P !

ty so much for help

take care

06-24-2007, 11:57 AM
now seems that in youtube there ia a sort of private videos management :| what is that :S all videos seems to be private status :S

06-24-2007, 12:00 PM
I don't see a BBcode of Metacafe after install the mod. How to add it manually? Thx
There is not Metacaffe bbcode! just simply post the full URL of ur Metacafe video and this script will parse it for you.

06-24-2007, 12:20 PM
If I find class, is only unfortunate which he no German sides supported.
One can also make which it supported:


That would be class if one to still insert could.

yes. please :)

06-24-2007, 12:22 PM
I don't see a BBcode of Metacafe after install the mod. How to add it manually? Thx

Why you want that? All works automatic.. there ist no BB Code needed

katie hunter
06-24-2007, 12:29 PM
You haven't given me anywhere near enough information for me to begin to help you. However, I did paste those links you gave into my forum, and they were automatically converted and the videos played.

All I did is install the xml and put the the veoh link and it didn't work =s
Don't know may be vbseo ?? Cause I have that on.

If you want my admin password and log in, I can pm it to you.

Also here is my msn o_tome@hotmail.com

This is the veoh bbcode, same issue with youtube didn't work

<embed src="http://www.veoh.com/videodetails2.swf?permalinkId={param}&id=anonymous&player=videodetailsembedded&videoAutoPlay=0" allowFullScreen="true" width="540" height="438" bgcolor="#000000" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>

06-24-2007, 01:32 PM
The mod automatically add BBcode for every supported sites to the BBcode Manager in ACP. After install the mod, I saw all the BBcodes, except one for Metacafe. When I post link for Metacafe, the mod convert the link, wrap the bbcode around it, but file cannot be played because there is no flash player installed.

If it works fine for you, can you take a look in your BBcode manager and give me the code for Metacafe Embbed Video

Edit: I got the code from xml file & add it manually

06-24-2007, 02:00 PM
Seems to work fine on my board.

It's working in my board too.


katie hunter
06-24-2007, 02:43 PM
If i use this mod before could it mess up veoh bbq that is why it doesn't play on my forum may be x;


The best i could think of.

06-24-2007, 03:04 PM
Sorry I had to come and re-post how excited this mod has made me lol.

06-24-2007, 03:39 PM
You are my hero. My users are always F'n up the BBcode that should be so simple and now its idiot proof.

Thank you!

06-24-2007, 05:24 PM
simply the best mod ever.

06-24-2007, 08:07 PM
Excellent mod.There's a little problem with google video though. These URI's work well: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7078548359754181918But when a user pastes this URI: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6291983484610119600 Nothing happens or the URI is parsed as a URI and not a video.The difference as I asume is of the '-' next to docid= in the URI.

06-24-2007, 09:15 PM
Hi guys,

Just an update on this. I had said earlier that I'd have a new version up tonight, but unfortunately I don't. I have however finished almost all the issues raised in the thread so far. The next version already has the following features:

Forum / user / group permissions. Settable to include or exclude on any combination.
BBCode override switch which forces the changing of URLs to BB Code, even if BB Code is disabled for a given forum.
Loosened logic now allows any name for any site instead of "www". For example this allows it.youtube.com, as well as things like google.it.
Various other small issues such as other characters appearing in URLs have also been resolved.

Tomorrow morning I will try and add all the missing service types that have been identified (such as the German ones), then I just need to package and test it before I release it. I'd prefer to do the release well rested. Last night's releases ended up a little chaotic since I was doing them in the middle of the night.

So please be patient and wait until tomorrow for version 1.1.

Of course those who were polite enough to have clicked install will be notified of the new version, everyone else will have to keep an eye on this thread...

06-24-2007, 09:35 PM
this youtube link dont work: http://www.youtube.com/v/lpm6tqnEw5s

katie hunter
06-24-2007, 09:35 PM
Hey mfyvie would that version fix my issue cause veoh can't still be played ;x
I posted some info on page 6 and 7

06-24-2007, 09:39 PM
There is no reason to rush a new version! The release here is 100% stable and working, extra features can wait. We are just all so glad to have a working video mod. :)

katie hunter
06-24-2007, 09:45 PM
There is no reason to rush a new version! The release here is 100% stable and working, extra features can wait. We are just all so glad to have a working video mod. :)

Do you know what is preventing this from loading ;l ??


It works on other forums but not mine !!

06-24-2007, 09:47 PM
I have only tested a few videos so far but works like a charm!!! What an awesome mod!!!

You are so right about people having a hard time posting tags etc. Many of my members could never get the hang of it... I cannot believe how easy this is... My members will love it...

If anyone wants to see it in action visit my forum in my sig and go to the media forum...

Thanks for the mod! Totally useful and awesome..

katie hunter
06-24-2007, 11:37 PM
Figured the issue =3 working now <3

06-25-2007, 12:56 AM
Superb!!! Thank you very much. :)

Just out of curiosity, is there a way to include this in a vBa module? Such as the most recent posted video will be viewed in the module?

06-25-2007, 03:10 AM
wow this is so coollllll

06-25-2007, 05:34 AM
this youtube link dont work: http://www.youtube.com/v/lpm6tqnEw5s

Ok, that looks like a totally different format for youtube, but I've fixed it for that and it will be in the next version.

Excellent mod.There's a little problem with google video though. These URI's work well: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7078548359754181918But when a user pastes this URI: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6291983484610119600 Nothing happens or the URI is parsed as a URI and not a video.The difference as I asume is of the '-' next to docid= in the URI.

Already fixed for the next version.

now seems that in youtube there ia a sort of private videos management :| what is that :S all videos seems to be private status :S

Sorry, I don't know what you mean, could you please post more information on this point if you want me to look into it. Like a sample URL

I use custom bbcode permissions and when someone who does not have permission to use the bbcode puts in a link the unparsed bbcode shows up instead of the link. Is there anyway to fix this or change it?

I've been thinking about this. This is a bit of a problem. If some users in a given forum have permission to write BB Code, but others don't have permission to read it, then this will create a situation where some users can't view a video, and others can.

I believe the best way to handle this is that I'll add an option to insert the BB Code, while preserving the original URL. This way both will appear next to each other.

Updated Thank you

Would there be anyway to exclude some forums from this?

I have a forum for video ripping and the links
that members post will get converted :(

Thank you for any help :)

This is done and tested and will be in the next version. I went further and combined it with user and group permissions and made it possible to both include and exclude. It turned out to be a bit more complex than I expected.

06-25-2007, 05:58 AM
Figured the issue =3 working now <3

Katie, this is a good example of why I am not giving you any support. To be honest your messages are impossible to understand. I guess English is not your first language (I hope!!), and I have some understanding for that, but messages like the one I quoted above help nobody, since nobody has the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Despite asking you twice (both on thread and in a PM), you have ignored my requests to properly report your problem. I made it quite clear in post #1 what I wanted from people who have problems. As it stands, you are the only one left on this thread who has an issue that we haven't been able to explain. You talk about turning various codes on and off which also leads me to believe you are modifying my code (since I don't offer this feature via an option).

So I'm sorry Katie, but unless you can start to communicate more clearly and give me something I can use to solve your problem, I can't help you. I'm also not going to log into to your forum as an admin and spend time trying to figure out what it is about your forum that is different to everybody elses (where it works), unless you are going to pay me for it. Sorry.

06-25-2007, 07:40 AM
Katie, this is a good example of why I am not giving you any support. To be honest your messages are impossible to understand. I guess English is not your first language (I hope!!), and I have some understanding for that, but messages like the one I quoted above help nobody, since nobody has the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Despite asking you twice (both on thread and in a PM), you have ignored my requests to properly report your problem. I made it quite clear in post #1 what I wanted from people who have problems. As it stands, you are the only one left on this thread who has an issue that we haven't been able to explain. You talk about turning various codes on and off which also leads me to believe you are modifying my code (since I don't offer this feature via an option).

So I'm sorry Katie, but unless you can start to communicate more clearly and give me something I can use to solve your problem, I can't help you. I'm also not going to log into to your forum as an admin and spend time trying to figure out what it is about your forum that is different to everybody elses (where it works), unless you are going to pay me for it. Sorry.

yeah it is always important to provide good info, just wanted to point out that the words you quoted mean: her problem is fixed/resolved, and at the end she said love so she was all happy.

Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again. :up:

06-25-2007, 08:18 AM
yeah it is always important to provide good info, just wanted to point out that the words you quoted mean: her problem is fixed/resolved, and at the end she said love so she was all happy.

Anyway, this is be far the best mod of the year! something so simple, yet so effective! My members and myself love it. Thanks again. :up:

I figured that's what it might meant, but I was also referring to her previous posts which were pretty much incomprehensible (to me at least). If she fixed it then how? Was it because of something she had messed up herself, or some kind of unusual condition which caused this mod to fail - if so, what was it so that I can fix something in the mod for the future? Etc... Nobody else seemed to suffer from the same issues as she did, so I'm guessing that her board has something unique, or she had altered the mod in some way (I suspect the later).

06-25-2007, 10:05 AM
Just out of curiosity, is there a way to include this in a vBa module? Such as the most recent posted video will be viewed in the module?

This would be pretty easy to do. Some issues I see here - not all video types could be supported, but it would be easy to make a vBa module which sniffs only for one particular type of tag (like youtube) and uses a version of embed code with a smaller resolution (to fit the size of the module).

If someone wants to to write one I'll make their life easier by writing thread id, post id, forum id, post date to the database along with the tag type and the tag content. This should make it really easy for such a module to check permissions and display the video.

06-25-2007, 10:07 AM
Thanks very much for the mod - very simple to install yet useful as anything. Your work is appreciated!

06-25-2007, 10:48 AM
Just got around to testing this. I have found a plugin clash using the Youtube video embedding.



Gives me this


But doesn't actually embed. Obviously your mod is working but isn't showing.

Through the process of elimination however i tracked it down to a conflict with the Embed XHTML valid YouTube and Google Video into your posts plugin


If i disable his plugin and repost the same link, yours embeds as it should.

Whats bizarre is that viper uses the bbcode


So its not touching your BBCODE at all. But i've now tried several times and the only way i can get your embed to work is by disabling his. Although thats an option, we do have many youtubes already embedded using his BBCODE.

Any ideas for a fixable solution ?

I tried with myspace videos and they parse and emded fine.

06-25-2007, 12:22 PM
I also use Vipers youtube embed code, is there any way that the too could work together?

06-25-2007, 04:07 PM
I've been thinking about this. This is a bit of a problem. If some users in a given forum have permission to write BB Code, but others don't have permission to read it, then this will create a situation where some users can't view a video, and others can.

I believe the best way to handle this is that I'll add an option to insert the BB Code, while preserving the original URL. This way both will appear next to each other.

The way it is with the custom bbcode permission mod that I have installed is that the user can not use the bbcode, but they are able to see the bbcode of those who can use it. For example if they try to use the bbcode and they don't have permission then it shows up like this.

[youtube]150472[youtube] and it doesn't show the video, but if they do have permission to post the bbcode then everyone can see the embedded video.

Hope that makes sense.

06-25-2007, 04:27 PM
Thanx for bbcode's :) its superb

06-25-2007, 07:02 PM
Quality hack. Thanks!

06-25-2007, 07:08 PM
The way it is with the custom bbcode permission mod that I have installed is that the user can not use the bbcode, but they are able to see the bbcode of those who can use it. For example if they try to use the bbcode and they don't have permission then it shows up like this.

[youtube]150472[youtube] and it doesn't show the video, but if they do have permission to post the bbcode then everyone can see the embedded video.

Hope that makes sense.

Ok, I understand the issue now. I've added two options which should then resolve this issue for people in your situation. To be honest, it wasn't as straight forward as I thought, and has so far taken me the entire day to test and get right (some of these regular expressions are nasty). But finally it is working. To give you a taste of what is coming, see the attached screenshot of the options.

I also use Vipers youtube embed code, is there any way that the too could work together?

Ok, I'll take a quick look at this and see if I can figure out where the conflict lies. If you need the old BBcodes from this mod to support existing tags in your posts you can leave the BB Code in there but disable Viper's mod (since I am guessing that mine covers this anyway).

06-25-2007, 07:29 PM
Very nice mod !!! Installed :>

06-25-2007, 07:57 PM
Thank you for this wonderful work.

Is it possibile to filter the various BBCodes in the Quote Tags?

06-25-2007, 08:19 PM
Thank you for this wonderful work.

Is it possibile to filter the various BBCodes in the Quote Tags?

Wasn't really planning on adding a feature like that to this mod. Trying to keep it as simple as possible. There may be other mods that are designed to block various BBCodes in quote blocks.

06-25-2007, 08:22 PM
i installed this and it killed my hide tags .. i removed it via add remove products and my hide tags are still very dead here is what displys now


{param} isnt supposed to be there and now every post that hide tags was used on is now dead

how do i remove this 100% ? cuz somthing is still lingering after i uninstalled the product

06-25-2007, 08:26 PM
i installed this and it killed my hide tags .. i removed it via add remove products and my hide tags are still very dead here is what displys now


{param} isnt supposed to be there and now every post that hide tags was used on is now dead

how do i remove this 100% ? cuz somthing is still lingering after i uninstalled the product

I don't know what hide tags are, but I can tell you that this mod does not interact or affect any tags named hide.

You can manually remove any bbcodes installed by this mod in the BBCode manager, apart from that, everything else is automatically removed when you uninstall. This mod simply installs some new BB Codes (not called hide) and fires from a single hook via a plugin (which disappears when you remove it). I suspect this issue may have been caused by something else.

06-25-2007, 08:31 PM
worked b4 i installed this then it didnt after install .. so i dont know what else it would have been

06-25-2007, 08:35 PM
uninstalled the extra bbcodes and now my hide tags work again .. this did effect sids hide hack for me

06-25-2007, 08:40 PM
uninstalled the extra bbcodes and now my hide tags work again .. this did effect sids hide hack for me

OK, but I don't understand how the presence of one BB Code can affect another unrelated BB Code - they don't reference each other. But if you could tell me *which* particular BB Code it was that was causing a conflict with this other hack - that would make it a lot easier to figure out and potentially work around. But without further info I can't help.

06-25-2007, 08:53 PM
i didnt look at which one all i know is my hide hack including ty hack was working .. til i installed this .. then uninstaling all the extra bbcodes this installed it worked again .. im not the coder here and wont claim to be but the 2 hacks didnt like eachother .. its all good now i wish this would have worked for me

here is the hack that quit when i installed yours


06-25-2007, 08:56 PM
Ok, but you don't need to be a coder to tell me which one conflicted. It would be helpful if you could reinstall it, uninstall it, then go through and remove the bbcodes one by one until you find the one that conflicts. Then I might be able to help you. You don't need any programming experience to perform these steps :)

katie hunter
06-25-2007, 09:59 PM
I figured that's what it might meant, but I was also referring to her previous posts which were pretty much incomprehensible (to me at least). If she fixed it then how? Was it because of something she had messed up herself, or some kind of unusual condition which caused this mod to fail - if so, what was it so that I can fix something in the mod for the future? Etc... Nobody else seemed to suffer from the same issues as she did, so I'm guessing that her board has something unique, or she had altered the mod in some way (I suspect the later).

Sorry about the misunderstanding x3 Here was what the issue was. Don't know if I can explain it well or not but when I used the veoh tag, I put this whole url in for example:


I wasn't suppose to put it like this that is why it gave me data is not valid.

All I had to do is put the last part of the url v448414RTx2kCZp
And it worked !!

So it will be [ VEOH ]v448414RTx2kCZp[ /VEOH ]

Hope this helps more ;)
Nice mod btw <3 Thanks for the effort and sorry about the misunderstanding xp.

06-25-2007, 10:03 PM
Added feature to both embed the video AND display the original URL above the video

Amazing, thanks!

Oh, and first download. :D

When you get around to doing the post update script, please also allow it to update existing embedded videos with the URL above. I don't know if it's working as designed, but I also get page titles retrieved for me. If this isn't design, then I can report it is working beautifully with vBSEO. :D

06-25-2007, 10:07 PM

Ok, I wanted to include more video services in this release, but decided it was better to get this out so people can take advantage of the new features in 1.1 if they want to. The most important reason for people to upgrade to 1.1 is that the URL matching is now less strict, and will therefore do a better job at matching the same video services covered in version 1.0 (youtube, etc).

More services will have to be added to a later release (maybe in a few days).

If requesting support, please confirm that you are running version 1.1. People running 1.0 will not be supported and raising issues which are fixed by 1.1 because you didn't bother to upgrade first will result in sarcastic and irritable comments from me:D


06-25-2007, 11:08 PM
No way! This Hack is simply a Must!!

ty ty a lot!

06-25-2007, 11:13 PM
here is a little typo?

Included forums - enter a list of forum IDs, separated by commas, which will be excluded from automatic embedding

06-26-2007, 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by jasculs View Post
The way it is with the custom bbcode permission mod that I have installed is that the user can not use the bbcode, but they are able to see the bbcode of those who can use it. For example if they try to use the bbcode and they don't have permission then it shows up like this.

[youtube]150472[youtube] and it doesn't show the video, but if they do have permission to post the bbcode then everyone can see the embedded video.

Hope that makes sense.

Ok, I understand the issue now. I've added two options which should then resolve this issue for people in your situation. To be honest, it wasn't as straight forward as I thought, and has so far taken me the entire day to test and get right (some of these regular expressions are nasty). But finally it is working. To give you a taste of what is coming, see the attached screenshot of the options.

Is this already implemented in 1.1 or is this going to be in future releases?

06-26-2007, 01:47 AM
Nevermind...I read the 1.1 features

06-26-2007, 07:08 AM
This product is fantastic and i'm very excited. You've done an outstanding Job.

I upgraded to 1.1 and the only issue i have still that is outstanding is with a conflict between this mod and Viper's YouTube & Google Video.


If vipers bbcode plugin is enabled, your plugin refuses to parse youtube video. Disabled and your mod works as designed.

If i disable Viper's YouTube & Google Video plugin i can still add the tags with the editor icon for his mod, but nothing gets parsed. He has hooked in to both bbcode_parse_start and bbcode_parse_complete with his plugin and there is a conflict somewhere with names i guess ? But i can't seem to work out what.

As i said before we have many youtube videos already posted using vipers mod so this is a problem not having the option to have them co-exist.

06-26-2007, 07:34 AM
Sorry about the misunderstanding x3 Here was what the issue was. Don't know if I can explain it well or not but when I used the veoh tag, I put this whole url in for example:

www.veoh.com/videos/v448414RTx2kCZp VEOH ]v448414RTx2kCZp[ /VEOH ]

Katie, this mod was never intended to be used that way. The entire point of this mod is that it automatically does these tags for you! You aren't supposed to be using the tags manually (though you could, if you did it correctly).

I strongly suggest that you go back and read the description of what it does, so that you can better understand what this is.

here is a little typo?

Included forums - enter a list of forum IDs, separated by commas, which will be excluded from automatic embedding

Thanks for that - I've corrected it, so the change will be made in the next version. I guess people will figure it out in the meantime.:o

I upgraded to 1.1 and the only issue i have still that is outstanding is with a conflict between this mod and Viper's YouTube & Google Video.


If vipers bbcode plugin is enabled, your plugin refuses to parse youtube video. Disabled and your mod works as designed.

Thanks for taking the extra time to figure out which situation causes the conflict. I'll add this to the list of known issues and take a look. So far there is just one other mod that is known to conflict and that's the hide hack. However, until someone tells me which BB Code is conflicting, I'm not going to look at it.

06-26-2007, 07:57 AM
When you get around to doing the post update script, please also allow it to update existing embedded videos with the URL above. I don't know if it's working as designed, but I also get page titles retrieved for me. If this isn't design, then I can report it is working beautifully with vBSEO. :D

Sorry, didn't answer this one before. Yes, this is correct. The original URL it put back into the message, after this my mod doesn't touch it again (it also sniffs the message to see if it has duplicated the bbcode tags and kills the duplicates if they are present). After this vbseo gets it and alters the URL if you have configured it to do so.

Regarding the update script to update all past posts. I've been holding back on this for a couple of reasons, but the main reason is to do it properly. My idea is that the update script will tie into the mod and convert everything according to the settings you have set (whether you want the original URL copied, etc. For this reason I want to have the mod in a final state (as in feature complete) and with more services added to it before I build such a script.

The reason I haven't added any more services to the mod at this point is that I am looking at changing the internal architecture of the way this mod works, so don't want to expand the service offering until I am sure how this is going to work in future.

Thanks to everyone for the interest they have shown in this mod - the response has been amazing and over 120 installs in just a couple of days. I have more ideas in the pipeline for this mod, so I think this mod is going to turn out to be quite popular :)

06-26-2007, 08:08 AM

I don't know if anyone report this, but is not possible to check version under plugins page.

06-26-2007, 08:13 AM
I don't know if anyone report this, but is not possible to check version under plugins page.
Just saw that last night myself. This will be corrected in the next version. But you clicked install, so you'll be notified by email by vbulletin.org when the mod is updated

06-26-2007, 09:22 AM

Nominate for MOTM

06-26-2007, 09:45 AM
Works on 3.6.5. Great mod and much easier to use than BB Codes!

One problem: It seems that if you edit a post and change the url of the video, it doesn't embed but instead just displays the url to the video.

Feel free to use my BB Codes with your mod to add more compatible video services. Links are in my signature. I'm going to nominate this for mod of the month as it is very useful for my forum.

06-26-2007, 10:28 AM
I just wanted to say that your doing an excellent job mfyvie and its extremely appreciated that you are not only releasing such an outstanding hack but also willing to listen, upgrade and give support. Nominated for MOTM

06-26-2007, 11:03 AM
Installed, thanks.

Perhaps u can add the feature to put (admin level) the background color of the objets.

06-26-2007, 11:15 AM
One problem: It seems that if you edit a post and change the url of the video, it doesn't embed but instead just displays the url to the video.

Feel free to use my BB Codes with your mod to add more compatible video services. Links are in my signature. I'm going to nominate this for mod of the month as it is very useful for my forum.

That's correct - it won't embed URLs which are done in the edit mode - only new posts. You can manually use the bbcodes in this case though (see description of mod at the top of the page, this is covered). I checked the link in your signature - I just see the bbcode for livevideo (which I was about to add anyway). Have you done any other ones for any other services? The tricky part isn't the bbcode, it's extracting the right details from the URL!

Installed, thanks.

Perhaps u can add the feature to put (admin level) the background color of the objets.

I don't really want to clutter up the admin interface with options like this - it would also make life a bit more difficult, since these colours are all set differently in each BB Code depending on the embed code. Your best option be to edit the embed code in the BB Codes you wish to change. This way you can alter the background colours as you like.

06-26-2007, 11:19 AM
Survey - I'm thinking of changing the direction of this mod slightly to improve the performance for people running large forums.

Up until now I have always tried to develop my mods as single .xml files, because these are ultra easy to install, and no file uploads are required.

However, in order to implement what I want to do there will need to be some file uploads also The Geek has written some code for me which I'm looking at including.

So this is just a quick survey - are you the type of person who only used this mod because there were no files to upload, or would you have tried it anyway, even if you had to upload some files?

Please note that I am not talking about file edits, or template edits or anything. Simply uploading files in addition to installing the .xml file.


06-26-2007, 11:39 AM
I think for most of us we'll use the mod because of the added functionality. If that means uploading a few files, so be it, and i for one will be happy doing so.

You've made it super easy for us so far and a few file uploads won't change that :)

06-26-2007, 11:41 AM
I checked the link in your signature - I just see the bbcode for livevideo (which I was about to add anyway). Have you done any other ones for any other services? The tricky part isn't the bbcode, it's extracting the right details from the URL!

I'm guessing you missed these two then?


Feel free to add them to this mod. Any credit would be appreciated.

06-26-2007, 11:46 AM
Sorry, I thought those were BBCodes for non-video stuff, but on closer inspection you are absolutely right and I wasn't aware of those two sites and I'll include them. I can give you some credit on thread, but I don't want to clutter up the main page mentioning credit for everyone who points me to some bbcode, especially if the bbcode is quite simple.

Now if you can do me some bbcode for some of the sites I've listed under "Impossible" on the front page, I'll be really happy! (mind you, I've double checked some of them and I believe they may be possible)

06-26-2007, 11:48 AM
Sorry, I thought those were BBCodes for non-video stuff, but on closer inspection you are absolutely right and I wasn't aware of those two sites and I'll include them. I can give you some credit on thread, but I don't want to clutter up the main page mentioning credit for everyone who points me to some bbcode, especially if the bbcode is quite simple.

Now if you can do me some bbcode for some of the sites I've listed under "Impossible" on the front page, I'll be really happy! (mind you, I've double checked some of them and I believe they may be possible)

Ok, glad I can contribute to this great mod. I'll take a look at the other and see what I can do.

06-26-2007, 12:09 PM
Ok, glad I can contribute to this great mod. I'll take a look at the other and see what I can do.

I've attached my list of sites I've recorded later for following up. It includes URLs and embed code, as long as comments on whether it looks easy or not. Many of these are 5 minute jobs, but I just haven't had all of these 5 minutes yet, and also I don't want to include any new bb code until the next release, so have shifted these tasks to a lower priority.

You may find the attached text file saves you a lot of work if you want to churn out some bb code!

06-26-2007, 12:33 PM
Finally got Photobucket to work!



<embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid172.photobucket.com/remix/player.swf?videoURL={param}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>



However I have no idea of how you are going to get it to work with this mod. It was a tough one to get working. I'll work on the others.

Here is the video link: click here (http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?media=%2Fremix%2Fplayer.swf%3FvideoURL%3Dhttp%253 A%252F%252Fvid172.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fw 11%252F77086dm%252F89fc6002.pbr%26hostname%3Dstrea m172.photobucket.com&searchTerm=cars&pageOffset=8)

Here is what I used:


Basicly, the "share url" that is given by Photobucket but without this bit:


06-26-2007, 12:48 PM
Post edited because of new arrangement with the mod author. This code has been PM'd to the mod author to be included.

06-26-2007, 12:58 PM
Good work, but you may not be out of the woods just yet... Did you notice the s172 and vid172? You should check a lot of different photobucket videos and see if this changes - it does! I have one that uses s178! This means two things need to be extracted...

It might be better to extract just enough info to use in the bbcode rather than the entire URL (this is what I usually do). This particular bbcode will need to use the option option in order to pass the second bit of information.

Note how I've changed things below:

<embed width="430" height="389" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://vid{option}.photobucket.com/remix/player.swf?videoURL=http://s{option}.photobucket.com/{param}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>


Notice that I am using the convention with vid on the end of bbcode tags. This is to make sure there is no conflict with other tags with the same name!

I would then make a regular expression to pull out the data and feed it into the bbcode tag. This is why it is also important for each service to figure out if other domain names or host names are also possible from the same domain - for example youtube can be:

youtube.com, www.youtube.com, or in future it may even be youtube.de, youtube.co.uk, etc. This also happened with google. Youtube also uses two completely different formats, so I have to trap both of those as well.

That's why for some of these services you have a try a few different ones and see if the details change slightly!

For these codes it's probably best if you start to put them all into a text file, rather than posting them one by one. They won't be of any use to anyone in this mod until I write the regular expressions to match them. If you see post #1 I wrote some info on this - but to be honest they are a little tricky, so probably best if I do the regular expressions for the bbcode you make :-)

That way it would be better not to clutter up the thread - or maybe send me a PM with the details. When they are in a forum that others can use, the best thing is that I roll them up into a new version.

06-26-2007, 01:12 PM
Ok, just to be clear. I make the BB Code and you do the expression bit? Does the bb code have to work completely or just enough to embed? For example: the clipshack one wont work with the mod unless the Clip.aspx is changed to player.swf by your mod.

So if I am able to get it to embed, you will be able to convert it alright?

06-26-2007, 01:14 PM
I just also wanted to mention that The Geek (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=41852) has been kind enough to help me out with some large chunks of code which I'll be incorporating into the new version. I just wanted to publicly acknowledge that, as a lot of the code in the new version will probably be his! Maybe you can go and visit his site and buy some of his cool mods: http://www.thevbgeek.com/

06-26-2007, 01:51 PM
Ok, just to be clear. I make the BB Code and you do the expression bit? Does the bb code have to work completely or just enough to embed? For example: the clipshack one wont work with the mod unless the Clip.aspx is changed to player.swf by your mod.

So if I am able to get it to embed, you will be able to convert it alright?

yep - I'll do the regular expression. In some cases I may rework your bbcode to make it more efficient, or to work better with the regular expression. The main part where you can help me out is to figure out the smallest possible embed code for use in the bbcode. To check if it is working you should be able to play the video from the example listed in the bbcode manager. Then change the example to another one and that should work too. If you can get that far, you've probably cracked it - just check that there aren't different formats of the URL out there - that often happens with some of these guys.

Please don't release those BBCODES publicly - why? Because in the next version I won't be using the same bbcodes, and I don't want to have more bbcode floating about before v1.2 is released! I'll convert those bbcodes to the new arrangement.

06-26-2007, 02:07 PM
Excellent Hack! Installed! MOTM??? It's got my vote!

06-26-2007, 02:15 PM
yep - I'll do the regular expression. In some cases I may rework your bbcode to make it more efficient, or to work better with the regular expression. The main part where you can help me out is to figure out the smallest possible embed code for use in the bbcode. To check if it is working you should be able to play the video from the example listed in the bbcode manager. Then change the example to another one and that should work too. If you can get that far, you've probably cracked it - just check that there aren't different formats of the URL out there - that often happens with some of these guys.

Please don't release those BBCODES publicly - why? Because in the next version I won't be using the same bbcodes, and I don't want to have more bbcode floating about before v1.2 is released! I'll convert those bbcodes to the new arrangement.

Ok. Sent you a PM with some more BB Codes. In total that is six BB Codes, including the 2 in my signature and the photobucket code.

IGN Code - in my signature.
Game Trailers Code - in my signature.
Photobucket code - posted a few posts back.
Clipshack - sent by PM.
Sharkle - sent by PM.
Current - sent by PM.

06-26-2007, 03:15 PM
Sweet !!! Installed on 2 sites now :D

Would be even sweeter to pick up old posts and convert those links to new BBCODE's automagically !!

The Geek
06-26-2007, 04:31 PM
the version I submitted will.

Lizard King
06-26-2007, 05:39 PM
Which version you submitted Sam ?

06-26-2007, 05:50 PM
Which version you submitted Sam ?

He's referring to what I referred to in post #154 above.

06-26-2007, 06:03 PM
I installed it again, and it still wasn't working, but now I figured out why. I was testing it the whole time in the mod-forum, which is password protected, I think that's the reason, because it works in the public area.

But just a suggestion, if you now post a link, let's say:
And post it. You get the included video with the link above it. Is it possible to remove the link above the include? It would look better.

Besides that, marked as installed and gonna vote it for mod of the month. good job!

06-26-2007, 06:07 PM
I installed it again, and it still wasn't working, but now I figured out why. I was testing it the whole time in the mod-forum, which is password protected, I think that's the reason, because it works in the public area.

But just a suggestion, if you now post a link, let's say:
And post it. You get the included video with the link above it. Is it possible to remove the link above the include? It would look better.

It sounds to me like you switched on the option to copy the URL above the embedded text. If you don't want that feature, then don't use that option :p

Having a password protected area won't affect the mod, but if you've included or excluded forums via the admin options - it will. Or if BBCode is switched off and you haven't used bbcode override that's also a problem.

06-26-2007, 06:25 PM
It sounds to me like you switched on the option to copy the URL above the embedded text. If you don't want that feature, then don't use that option :p

Having a password protected area won't affect the mod, but if you've included or excluded forums via the admin options - it will. Or if BBCode is switched off and you haven't used bbcode override that's also a problem.

Hmm, where can I find this option?
If I click on "edit" (under "Manage Products" I don't see any options) and if I click on "Plugin Manager" and than on "edit" I see some code, but I'm not sure what to edit, to get rid of that text.

Besides that I noticed another problem. The automatic embeding doesn't work if you edit a thread. I create a new post/thread, post the code, press submit and it works. If I click on "edit" and add another link to a video, it doesn't get embedded?!

06-26-2007, 07:29 PM
Hi again! I'm all up for file uploads, anyone who complains is a 'tard. :D

Love the way this is developing. I'm already building a GARS forum to utilise this new feature. And in fact I am about to buy a new vB to create a new site at the URL in my sig (Televisual) - GARS & this mod will make love (I hope :D).

Above poster: It isn't supposed to process the URL's when you edit a thread.

06-26-2007, 08:14 PM
great mod thanks m8

06-26-2007, 09:18 PM
Great great greaaaattt!!!! :D

06-26-2007, 10:01 PM
Just got around to testing this. I have found a plugin clash using the Youtube video embedding.



Gives me this


But doesn't actually embed. Obviously your mod is working but isn't showing.

Through the process of elimination however i tracked it down to a conflict with the Embed XHTML valid YouTube and Google Video into your posts plugin


If i disable his plugin and repost the same link, yours embeds as it should.

Whats bizarre is that viper uses the bbcode


So its not touching your BBCODE at all. But i've now tried several times and the only way i can get your embed to work is by disabling his. Although thats an option, we do have many youtubes already embedded using his BBCODE.

Any ideas for a fixable solution ?

I tried with myspace videos and they parse and emded fine.

SAME HERE I uninstalled the vipers and went threw all night and fixed all my old videos SUCKED !!! and ..

I cant get this mod to embed when editing a post it just wont go


06-26-2007, 10:11 PM
I cant get this mod to embed when editing a post it just wont go

From the information listed at the top of every page on this thread (and mentioned also a few posts back as well):

Are there any limitations?

The hack will only work with properly formatted URLs. If the user mangles them, it may not work. Only new messages posted will be affected and this mod will not have any effect on any URLs you may paste in while editing. It will only take effect when you preview or submit new posts!

06-26-2007, 10:26 PM
1. If you edit a thread and add the youtube code, it is not converted to video
2. On the dark background there is some white borders around ( http://valhalla.ulver.com/f155/t8409.html )

06-26-2007, 10:33 PM
1. If you edit a thread and add the youtube code, it is not converted to video
2. On the dark background there is some white borders around ( http://valhalla.ulver.com/f155/t8409.html )

1. Are you reporting this to me, or telling the poster above to read the notice at the top of the page? If you are reporting this, I would refer you to the post IMMEDIATELY ABOVE the one you wrote. I've taken the time to support people here - could you please just read the notes before you raise an issue with me that I've known from the start? two people in a row raising exactly the same thing is a bit much sometimes.

2. This is what comes in the embed code. If it makes sense at some later date I might consider seeing if it is possible to configure this, but it would be a pain doing it for every different type of embed code.

06-26-2007, 11:06 PM
Just got around to testing this. I have found a plugin clash using the Youtube video embedding.



Gives me this


But doesn't actually embed. Obviously your mod is working but isn't showing.

Through the process of elimination however i tracked it down to a conflict with the Embed XHTML valid YouTube and Google Video into your posts plugin


If i disable his plugin and repost the same link, yours embeds as it should.

Whats bizarre is that viper uses the bbcode


So its not touching your BBCODE at all. But i've now tried several times and the only way i can get your embed to work is by disabling his. Although thats an option, we do have many youtubes already embedded using his BBCODE.

Any ideas for a fixable solution ?

I tried with myspace videos and they parse and emded fine.

Fixable solution? Yeah, disable Viper's mod! I didn't have time to completely reverse engineer his mod, but I'll explain what I saw. He's going in to the bbcode parser and screwing around. The bad part is things like this:

// Everything that's left is invalid calls to the BBCode, so let's ditch it
// Not using an array since the pre-PHP5 replica function can't handle arrays
$text = str_ireplace('[YOUTUBE', '', '', $text);
$text = str_ireplace('[GVIDEO', '', '', $text);

If you look closely, instead of checking for [YOUTUBE] (which is the tag he uses, also not a good choice to use the same name tag as everyone else might and to delete it if you uninstall the product...), he is checking for [youtube (without the ending bracket).

This basically means that he is looking for any other tag which starts with the word youtube, and trashing it. Since I chose youtubevid to try to be unique, his mod is killing my tag, which is why it isn't showing up until you disable his mod.

Be careful about uninstalling his mod though - it will delete the tags he uses as well, and any existing content you have won't be embedded after that. Disable it instead.

The only way you can fix this is to get him to update his mod to not kill off other people's bbcode, or disable it. If you do uninstall it, manually copy down the details of the bbcode for the existing tags, because you'll have to recreate them again afterwards.

What I can do however is make the next version of my mod refuse to install if it finds a mod like this one which conflicts. I know that's not the perfect solution, but short of changing tag names to get around this issue, there's nothing I can do (and I don't want to change tag names now that they are out there!)

06-27-2007, 01:35 AM
Sorry to bug again, but I still don't know where to disable the "copy url above" option:

It sounds to me like you switched on the option to copy the URL above the embedded text. If you don't want that feature, then don't use that option


06-27-2007, 04:15 AM
great hack, love it !!

06-27-2007, 07:14 AM
Sorry to bug again, but I still don't know where to disable the "copy url above" option:

Ummm, well since you were the one who switched it on, you should really know where to switch it off? Try the clue in the description of this mod listed at the top of the page, namely:

How do I configure it?

Go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Automatic Embedded Video. All settings are pretty much self explanatory and there is nothing that needs to be changed for most forums.

06-27-2007, 07:33 AM
Hey not sure if you are aware of this link, but this is another link from youtube that is different and doesnt work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtRk0-B7QEc

06-27-2007, 07:56 AM
Hey not sure if you are aware of this link, but this is another link from youtube that is different and doesnt work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtRk0-B7QEc

Umm, you've been pretty good so far, but does the following from post #129 apply to you?

If requesting support, please confirm that you are running version 1.1. People running 1.0 will not be supported and raising issues which are fixed by 1.1 because you didn't bother to upgrade first will result in sarcastic and irritable comments from me

I tested that URL, and it works. It works because I allowed for that format in 1.1.

06-27-2007, 08:04 AM
Fixable solution? Yeah, disable Viper's mod! I didn't have time to completely reverse engineer his mod, but I'll explain what I saw. He's going in to the bbcode parser and screwing around. The bad part is things like this:

// Everything that's left is invalid calls to the BBCode, so let's ditch it
// Not using an array since the pre-PHP5 replica function can't handle arrays
$text = str_ireplace('[YOUTUBE', '', '', $text);
$text = str_ireplace('[GVIDEO', '', '', $text);
If you look closely, instead of checking for (which is the tag he uses, also not a good choice to use the same name tag as everyone else might and to delete it if you uninstall the product...), he is checking for [youtube (without the ending bracket).

This basically means that he is looking for any other tag which starts with the word youtube, and trashing it. Since I chose youtubevid to try to be unique, his mod is killing my tag, which is why it isn't showing up until you disable his mod.

Yikes yes that does seem like sloppy code. I'll have to look at a workable solution.

Disabling vipers code won't work as his bbcode fails to function then. I can only assume hes parsing as its displayed to alter the {param} tag as he presents his bbcode as

<object width="425" height="340" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/{param}" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<em><strong>ERROR:</strong> If you can see this, then <a href="http://www.youtube.com/">YouTube</a> is down or you don't have Flash installed.</em>
</object>But we posted in the youtube videos using the url link


So this results in quite a messed up

<object width="425" height="340" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eKifSDgU48">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eKifSDgU48" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<em><strong>ERROR:</strong> If you can see this, then <a href="http://www.youtube.com/">YouTube</a> is down or you don't have Flash installed.</em>
</object>The only workable option i've so far found is to remove vipers code completely and manually edit each youtube embedded video replacing his tags with your tags and removing the front line url so




That works effectively but will require some work to track down each post that has his tags embedded.

Thankfully there is a solution to this using phpmyadmin.

Just enter into your database and type in the following mysql in the SQL tag to show you all your posts that have referance to youtube tags (note on a big board this could be many]

FROM `post`
WHERE `pagetext` LIKE '%[youtube]%'
LIMIT 0 , 30
The you just have to edit the tags from




removing referance to the url and adding this new embedded bbcode.

Its a cludge but if you only have around 50 or so linked youtube videos is likely the best course of action to get this mod working and remove vipers.

06-27-2007, 08:13 AM
Yikes yes that does seem like sloppy code. I'll have to look at a workable solution.

Disabling vipers code won't work as his bbcode fails to function then. I can only assume hes parsing as its displayed to alter the {param} tag as he presents his bbcode as [snip]

Well if I were you I'd complain to viper about that block of code. I don't want to second guess him, but if it were me, and I were dealing with this issue, I'd probably go into his plugin and knock out that block of code - it seems agressive to me and doesn't actually do any good. So there might be some other tags around? So what? They can be left in peace.

I think that will solve your issue - but like I said - the thread for that mod would be the best place to discuss how that mod should be changed, rather than this thread.

06-27-2007, 08:21 AM
Agreed however i'm happy to substitute one for the other and for those using vipers mod that think the same, theres a workable solution now posted to allow yours to be used across the board :)

06-27-2007, 08:41 AM
just installed ..

its working...but after showing the vdo it also showing the url...
any way Not to show the url but only vdo


06-27-2007, 08:59 AM
Please tell me why I should support you when you haven't even bothered to read even the last 2 pages of this thread?

This is happening because YOU enabled an option to do this, and now you are asking ME how to turn it off? Go back and read the last couple of pages for the answer.

To everyone else - this is now the second person that has reported this. I believe that they have both turned this option on in the admin CP. I've double checked the code and the default is "No" for this switch, and the logic which controls it appears to be working on my forum. It's a simple conditional, and I don't think it is malfunctioning.

Could someone who is running 1.1 please confirm for me that the URL copy feature does in fact default to off, and that it doesn't appear unless the forum admin specifically goes and turns it on? Given that both of these users didn't even bother to read the options in the admincp (otherwise they would have mentioned it), I am assuming that the mod is not defective, but I'd really like to know from someone else whether my assumption is correct. Lazy users seldom give feedback on their own laziness, they tend to just disappear, so I doubt I'll get the feedback from these two that the mod wasn't at fault.


06-27-2007, 09:05 AM
Thanks for this mod :)

Do you think this mod may integrate this site ?


06-27-2007, 09:14 AM
Could someone who is running 1.1 please confirm for me that the URL copy feature does in fact default to off, and that it doesn't appear unless the forum admin specifically goes and turns it on? Given that both of these users didn't even bother to read the options in the admincp (otherwise they would have mentioned it),

As you know i upgraded from v1.0 to 1.1 and i can confirm that this option is off by default.

Enabling it and disabling it works as it should mate. Theres nothing wrong with the mod, just laziness at fault.

06-27-2007, 09:18 AM
As you know i upgraded from v1.0 to 1.1 and i can confirm that this option is off by default.

Enabling it and disabling it works as it should mate. Theres nothing wrong with the mod, just laziness at fault.

Thanks for that. Actually, it's worse than laziness. Laziness would have been using the default setting. Changing a setting that you don't bother to understand, then reporting it as a problem goes beyond that :mad:

I seriously understand now why many developers release their mods as unsupported.

06-27-2007, 11:48 AM
This mod rocks. Don't forget to hit install.

06-27-2007, 12:17 PM
Thanks for that. Actually, it's worse than laziness. Laziness would have been using the default setting. Changing a setting that you don't bother to understand, then reporting it as a problem goes beyond that :mad:

I seriously understand now why many developers release their mods as unsupported.

Well know mate that your support is appreciated.

06-27-2007, 12:34 PM
Umm, you've been pretty good so far, but does the following from post #129 apply to you?

I tested that URL, and it works. It works because I allowed for that format in 1.1.

(vbulletin lagging all arvo for me) I actually tried to edit my post and change what I wrote as I realised that I had not updated yesterday (thought i did ^^ ) and after updating, it works fine, and I also tested out some of the new features, which I love :D

Thanks again for releasing this awesome product :)

06-27-2007, 02:30 PM

I'm sorry guys, I've withdrawn this mod. Since this mod was a big hit, you are probably quite surprised by this.

The Geek approached me shortly after the release of this mod and suggested some changes to the architecture. I asked for some code samples, but he ended up writing a completely new product with similar functionality. I was prepared to incorporate some of the ideas, but unless I used his code he was going to release it as a totally separate product. Unfortunately we couldn't come to an agreement about the way forward and he decided to release his product anyway.

I strongly believe that there shouldn't be two products which do the same thing. Even though users are free to choose, it fragments the community - I would prefer that this idea goes further and I believe that this can only happen if everybody gets behind one mod. So I made a choice, since I can't force someone else not to release a mod based on the same idea, I'm withdrawing my mod, so that the community can get behind ONE mod, rather than two.

I'm sorry it's not my mod that will take this concept further, but I trust you'll enjoy The Geek's version and help him to build it further. It's been fun writing this mod and I learned a lot while doing it. At the end of the day at least I can say that I contributed the idea that started it all off. I strongly believe that embedded video on forums is going to really change the way things are done, and I'm glad I could at least play a small part in that.

Good luck to all of you.


06-27-2007, 02:52 PM
So the mOd you want us to use is from the Geek and hasnt been posted yet?

06-27-2007, 03:00 PM
So the mOd you want us to use is from the Geek and hasnt been posted yet?

Correct. Obviously if you've already got my mod installed you don't have to remove it immediately, nothing will break :D You can then take a look at the Geek's version when it is released. I've just withdrawn the mod early to make sure that the size of the installed base for this mod is as small as possible prior to the release.

He told me he doesn't know exactly when it will be released, he thinks tonight or tomorrow. The version I saw didn't have my extra features, so I guess he is busy coding those now to make sure that it supports the same kind of things.

Ren? Kunze
06-27-2007, 03:37 PM
Harm. I have myself been pleased it with me to insert already in such a way with the German videos. It was first chops that immediately and very well functioned.

06-27-2007, 05:24 PM
Ummm, well since you were the one who switched it on, you should really know where to switch it off? Try the clue in the description of this mod listed at the top of the page, namely:

Dude, I'm not stupid. If I said, I didn't enable it, I didn't enable it - it's that easy. Anyway I just take a look at it and of course it was "disabled" in the options, but it STILL shows the text above it.

Anyway, I see that you stopped support of the mod, so it doesn't matter that much. But it's indeed weird to stop support for this mod, when the "new" one isn't even out yet...

The Geek
06-27-2007, 05:44 PM
For what it's worth, I'm disappointed by mfyvies choice on this - but it is his to make. I encouraged him to keep this here, but I see that it is already removed.

The version I sent him was a functional replacement for his first version and IIRC, contained all of the feature set, but none of the code. Since then he added a bunch of other features, most of the relevant ones I folded into the project before we went separate ways. My version is about 90% lifted out of existing code I have for GAL 6, so it was pretty quick and easy to package up.

The only thing I would like to do is write a conversion tool for all the existing bbcodes that this one installed. As stated, it should be ready tonight or tomorrow but I wont guarantee ill have time to do a conversion tool for these bbcodes.

This mod is a great idea and I wish we would have found the common ground we needed to release something jointly. I still think that users would benefit more from a choice - but it doesnt look like that will happen. Sorry about the pain guys.

06-27-2007, 07:06 PM
Well Im not into the drama of who when and why , all i know is that i have been through a few different You Tube Ect... Embedders and this one seems to work great i then spent about 8 hours removing my old [YOUTUBE] ... I tried to replace them with [youtubevid] As per this mod and all of them refused to embed ???? So I posted That this dont work when editing a thread , and left all my posts with no embed tags so the links would work ,

Good Or Bad Im ready to get a mod that going to be around for the long run ,

Jumping on the newest mods here is cool , leaves you thinking that your hooking up your members with stuff that no one else has , But on the bad side You have to ride out the waves,re writes, new versions , updates , additional edits Ect and its a headache ,

Im extremely greatful for you coders as i have 40 Hacks now But i wish that You guys/gals would get all your ducks in a row before just posting a new hack It would save you from getting 500 pages of support questions and getting burnt out answering the same questions so many times that it goes UNSUPPORTED and Screws all the members who didnt get on board with your hack at the beginning

Aie Aie Aie

Thanks Geek and i plan on installing your Mod as soon as i see it as i want to get my Board on the right track when it comes to video embedding ASAP

Make sure it will work when editing a thread if you would please

06-27-2007, 07:22 PM
Im extremely greatful for you coders as i have 40 Hacks now But i wish that You guys/gals would get all your ducks in a row before just posting a new hack It would save you from getting 500 pages of support questions and getting burnt out answering the same questions so many times that it goes UNSUPPORTED and Screws all the members who didnt get on board with your hack at the beginning

I also don't want to get into all the details, but suffice to say that this is exactly what I tried to do here (get my ducks in a row). When I started this, and also when I released it there was no other mod that could do this. Therefore I tried to get a quality release that worked very quickly and gave most of the features that people wanted, with a roadmap for further development down the track. It's quite hard to do with this video stuff, because people will always report variations in the format, so it takes time to tweak. Let's not forget that this mod was only a few days old. However, when other mods pop up with identical functionality afterwards, I don't see the point in continuing development. I'll simply go off and find another original idea to develop (I have plenty). I don't write and support these mods because I enjoy it, I write them because I need the functionality, and if nobody else has stepped up the plate, then I have to do it. I also can't allow myself to be in a position where I have used someone else's code, but I have restrictions placed on me on which features I can and can't implement with this code. In this case I'll make the choice to use my own code - but not if my own code does exactly the same thing as someone else's!

If other mods had done this before there's no way I would have written one!

So sorry again - I was in this for the long haul, but I don't want to see a situation of two (or more mods) with totally separate codebases doing the same thing initially, with users bouncing between them. I think in this case choice is a bad thing. Programmers should be putting their resources into fresh ideas, this is now what I will do. I hope you enjoy some of my forthcoming releases.

Anyway, just so you know - if you uninstall my mod, the bbcodes are left in place for you to remove manually. This means existing stuff will keep working. For most people having 16 extra bbcodes on their system won't bother them. And if it really was such an issue for you, then you probably wouldn't have used this mod in the first place :)

The transition to the other mod won't be a drama, and you'll get everything you got from mine - except support. ;)

06-27-2007, 08:02 PM
Well Thanks For That ,

So Were all going to have to Pay For the Geeks Version Aint We?

As for how many installs you got in 3 days its pretty obvious How badly needed this is .

There are alot of Mods that alot of people want the same thing , Its Crazy How No One wants to work on these .

Im willing to pay someone $30 a mth for a billiards table that verify's the $username tag and keeps records and is remotely hosted and my forum is not even a billiards/pool forum There are a Ton of billiards/pool forums online that i know would jump all over it .

At $30 a Mth for 100 Boards thats $36,000 a Year !!!! WOW

This is just an example , I cant code I have built a few websites And my crutch is Front Page If I could code You can bet that I would be Focusing on things that People on here ask for ...

Give a Gift Subscription

I would pay for it ! Where is it at TAKE MY MONEY !!!!

Get a Copy of the Forum Rules Shown at registration listed on the FAQ Page ... What a No Brainer ?

User Group Based Post Icons As Admin I want to Tag some of my threads with an Official Post Icon So Users can see this means business , Currently anyone can use every post icon

Thats Just a few that I need bad and have asked for and i know others would use that no one has pursued

I have Paid for Sweepstakes $25 , Infernos Whos Online AJAX box $15 , Addon Chat $180 , Plugin Poker $25 a month

I have the Referrals Page But i cant set it to only show referrals based on dates Tho its an option its never been finished I will pay for this !

My board supports its self i have 80 paid subscribers My board started on march 14th 2007 Im ready for this thing to Rock and Roll I have $$ to invest to make it better , Im asking you to take it !




The Geek
06-27-2007, 08:06 PM
As an FYI: My contribution was never going to be a commercial mod and it never will be. I just won't be offering direct supporting on it. This was another reason I encouraged this mod to stay here.

BTW: It is generally advisable to have your mod remove itself completely when a user uninstalls it. However I suppose that means I don't need to bother with a converter.

06-27-2007, 08:13 PM
I don't think you will have to pay for the geek's version, he just won't be supporting it. If he was going to release it as a paid mod, then I would not have pulled mine and would have continued development.

I hear your pain about these mods. I was in the same boat. I couldn't program mods either, so I started to teach myself by looking at how other mods worked. It wasn't easy - and even now when I post a programming question, unless it is easy it doesn't get answered, or if it does get answered not always with enough detail to help...

These days I don't bother posting mod requests anymore, I just start to sit down and write them. But I'm usually writing for something I really need.

I'd happily take on your projects, but I don't need any of them for my own system, and there probably wouldn't be enough income in them to justify them without that :-( the other problem is because I am still learning it takes me a long time to do this stuff.

The ironic thing is that when you post a request for a mod nobody is interested, but when the mod comes out everyone yells out "fantastic!" That's the way it goes in the world of free software...

06-27-2007, 08:30 PM
Thanks And I Understand 100% , I hate seeing the Coders Say Thats it Not Supported

Dont get discouraged your efforts go along way for Me,My Board and its members .

As for the Give a Gift Subscription Ill pay you $20 PayPal right now for taking over https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=105553 for 3.6.7 This is a business move for me as it would only take 1 use to pay its self 100% then any use after that all in the green


06-27-2007, 08:40 PM
All the files for that subscription gift mod are gone. If you still have a copy then PM/Email me. I can't promise anything...

06-27-2007, 08:54 PM
Geek please dont make the new mod to where we have to edit .htaccess file as i cannot edit mine because FP rewrites it

Ive been notified By VB.org that were not allowed Sharing The Pigs Files W/O permission

06-27-2007, 11:31 PM
Wheres the new mod by the Geek? I dont see him releasing anything new for along time now

The Geek
06-28-2007, 12:20 PM
I release stuff all the time, just not on .org :D

FYI: Here is the mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=150863).

Thanks all. nJoy.

06-28-2007, 04:10 PM
mfyvie, your the one who made this first. All credit goes to you no matter how unique others' codes are. Thanks a bunch for your contributions and I will be anticipating future releases.

06-28-2007, 06:31 PM
I have to admit I am gutted. I would have kept using this mod, but I appreciate what all this is about. I stupidly deleted the archive, too.

Still, gutted. You are correct, a short and happy life.

Good work, you did it damn well. You filled a hole in my heart lol.

I look forward to your future mods, you mentioned earlier in the thread. If you could contact me when info is available I would be very happy. :)

06-28-2007, 06:55 PM
Well like everybody else i'm sorry to see the invented mod fold in favour of others but do entirely agree it would be pointless in light of new developments. I was amazed to see two mods almost identical to yours come out so quickly afterwards and although vbgeek is an extremely competent programmer and i have to admit love his direction on this mod i just feel its a shame that it ended this way.

However remember that you quickly saw a niche, set the seed, grew it very very quickly into a small acorn and it would have been a huge tree. Nobody can take that away from you and you've just proved that the simplest ideas (in concept) are always the best.

I for one was very glad of the journey and really look forward to your next release. Well done mate you've done us proud.

06-30-2007, 09:15 AM
Downloaded, and works perfectly on my forum. Thanks for the hack, great job!