View Full Version : Include CSS Styles on a non VB page

04-24-2001, 03:11 AM
How can I do that?

Thanks in advance

04-24-2001, 03:37 AM
Create a style CSS place it on the server and add your
link to the top of the html.

<link href="http://www.xxx.com/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">


Something else I wanted to add. If you want to use your style sheet from vB for the other pages you can. I'm sure there are other ways to do this but you could copy the (css) info out of your CP, modify it as you wish, add it to notepad, name it styleXXwhatever.css and use the link like above to call it. You can have as many stylesheets as you would like. I use 5 of them for various parts of the site and for specific purposes. Hope this helps.

04-24-2001, 04:46 AM
Thank you for your reply, I know how to link to a CSS file, what I meant was to use vbulletin's CSS styles.

I assume you must include global.php and something like $CSSinclude or whatever it is :)

The reason I don't just copy and paste to an external file, is that I want it to change according to the styles used by the board, and I intend to have more than one.

Anyone know how can I include vbulletin's styles on a non vb page?