View Full Version : Please review my new forum ~ needs lots of work

06-20-2007, 04:00 AM
It's completely brand new and needs some more work. Before I go live, I was wondering what you guys thought about it? What modifications should I add? :confused:


Thank you for any feedback!

Brandon Sheley
06-20-2007, 05:43 AM
One of the first things I would edit is the "Powered by vBulletin (http://forum.vbulletinsetup.com/f7/how-make-your-welcome-headers-image-252.html)" tag in the title.

Also, have you checked out any of the styles on vb.org ?
You may see something you'll like better the the default style.
I would start adding some threads in those empty forums, they are more inviting that way :)
Looks like you still have some work to do, but hopefully that will get you a little further.
