View Full Version : User Credit Card / Home address verification

06-11-2007, 07:31 PM
Been searching forums but seen no hacks for it sadly.... Basicaly i am running a forum on VB 3.6 , am new to VB but am getting the hang of it and getting used to it nicely. Basicaly needing a User Credit Card / Home address verification for users subscribing to the forums . so when say they sign up to the forums there is some sort of verification process involving either say a driving license number and / or a credit card so to check information against what they input also . like when you sign up for ebay is what i would really like and think would be usful for others also as for the site as of it nature we cannot have users jsut sign up like normal incase they input fake address etc / card so wonding if its possible and also to intergrate into registration process? :)

Thanks Rented