View Full Version : ubXchange idea becomes a project

06-30-2000, 03:24 PM
This message is for all ubb-runners:
I have developed the Idea of ubXchange!!
The idea behind ubXchange is to build a community of bulleting boards.
The project started up by creating a service for banner-exchanging. This
service is especially formed according to the needs of bulleting board

Only People who run boards for discussion of whatever kind are allowed to
In the course of their registration our members can decide on which boards
their banner should be inserted.
As you can control that your banner for a computer game board is only
published on boards with the same or a similar topic.
On the other hand you can control what kinds of banners are to be
published /are not to be published on your site.
The advantages of this service towards usual banner exchange services are
With this service you exactly address the target group which is important
for your board, as they are users which are already active on other boards.
The probability that a reader of one discussion board is clicking on a banner
of another discussion board is very high.

Well there will be a lot of features coming up in the next weaks and days.
This special bannerexchange is just the beginning.

The first 100 members get 2000 free adviews

For VBB- user there would be a hack which makes it easier to set up and
integrate our exchange service in existing boards in a few days.

See http://www.ubxchange.com
now for more details and registering.

The next upcoming features in the next few weaks / days...
-Userxchange (allows you to exchange registered users with other boards) so the users are able to post on other boards without registering again. The users so can choose on which categories of boards they wanna be able to post. And the webmasters can still ban users for their board. This would be combinated with a catalog of boards sorted by themes.
Please post me feedbacks here.
Thanks :)

06-30-2000, 03:37 PM
is this a hack or an ad for your service for UBB's?

I tend to think the latter...

06-30-2000, 03:46 PM
That becomes a hack like i tryed to explain in the past of my posting. I guess it would take me one more weak until the main xchange (user) mod is ready to post here. ANd i want some replys to that idea of user xchange and the following features. Just checking if feedbacks coming here.
That shouldnt be promotion to my site, it should become a community of board runners. Same as you run your own board but with the possibility to exchange members threads and a lot more. Just be patient and let me collect feedbacks here please :)

06-30-2000, 03:49 PM
Did you miss something important? This is not a UBB, has nothing to do with the UBB, but all through your post it says UBB. Is this correct?

06-30-2000, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by werehere
Did you miss something important? This is not a UBB, has nothing to do with the UBB, but all through your post it says UBB. Is this correct?

i sayed: "For VBB- user there would be a hack which makes it easier to set up and
integrate our exchange service in existing boards in a few days. "

Well this mod should be called "United Bulleting Xchange"
I havend talked about UBB!
Sorry if my posting havent made this clear! Hope it is now.

06-30-2000, 05:06 PM
What's VBB?? Is that an infopop product?

06-30-2000, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by JimF
What's VBB?? Is that an infopop product?
I called vBulletin VBB

06-30-2000, 05:33 PM
I still don't know what a "VBB" is...

06-30-2000, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by JimF
I still don't know what a "VBB" is...

06-30-2000, 05:36 PM
Ummm...I'm confused. Maybe I have to reread this again?

06-30-2000, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by SonnetCelestial
Ummm...I'm confused. Maybe I have to reread this again?
okay i will try a short summary:
I am going to make an xchange for bulleting boards only.
First step of this is building up the banner exchange.
Second step is buliding up a hack for ubb and THIS boradsystem which allows the exchange of members and threads.
Hard to explain how that will work.
- Users who registered at one board wich have the xchange hack can post also on other boards who have the hack installed.
- Threads and Topics can be exchanged. So you have for example a forum called (random threads from other bulleting boards) where you will see diskussions from other boards and can reply.

06-30-2000, 08:29 PM
Funny thing is, you're running the freeware version of UBB on your site. I don't think you're in any position to set up an "exchange."

This is spam.

07-01-2000, 01:02 AM
Before you do anything else, please explain how you're going to manage an exchange of users/threads.

There is NO practical way to do this on a large scale, and I'm guessing you have 0% of the work done on it.

Care to elaborate?

07-01-2000, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by leah r
Funny thing is, you're running the freeware version of UBB on your site. I don't think you're in any position to set up an "exchange."

This is spam.
Well i run the freeware Version of UBB on this site cause to hurry setting up a forum.
Look at http://www.talkvision.de (for my registered ubb version)
and look on
http://www.mobilfunk-hilfe.de (for my registered vbulleting board)
And then repeat your last sentence :)

07-01-2000, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by Stallion
Before you do anything else, please explain how you're going to manage an exchange of users/threads.

I wouldnt explain the technical method here exactly (for now) but there will be a mainserver somewhere in the web who collects threads members etc and a mod who plays the interface.

There is NO practical way to do this on a large scale, and I'm guessing you have 0% of the work done on it.
Care to elaborate?
I have the part of exchaning the users done only a few problems are left (for example if 2 guys have the same name on different boards) and i posted here to get help with such problems (or even ideas) not to be called a spammer. If all in here thing so better one of the moderators delete this topic.

[Edited by ubxchange.com on 07-01-2000 at 05:43 PM]

07-01-2000, 03:11 PM
Are we going to have to give out our FTP usernames and passwords?

Either way, you will need to have access to all our Members' info including passwords, which is not something I'm going to risk on some remote server managed by some Joe. (no offense, its just that you haven't earned anyone's trust...and this wasn't the *best* way to go about doing it ;)

07-01-2000, 03:47 PM
No the exchange mod works as an cgi script..that means you install this script and run it and the script sends the informations information of your url your categories and forums to the server via email then a script at this server works with that emails and builds a database of it (sorry for my bad english but that isnt my home language :))
On the other hand the clientscript will get information from the server containing the exchange features.. maybee a random forum what is hosted by all exchange members (including threads & topics) and so on.. I know the problem of trusting so i thought about one addon that allow users to check the option (or not) that they will join the exchange.

The problem with the passwords still exists. I know that noone would give all member informations away to "someone".
Maybee a option where the user can choose if he is willing to exchange his infos would help!?
I have no good idea for that point at the moment

07-01-2000, 04:30 PM
I think if people here wanted to be part of a BB exchange they would have set up a board at EZBoard or Delphi.

We run our boards to increase traffic at our sites and being part of an exchange like this puts people at risk of losing their members to another site, therefore it's not a good idea for most people. Just my 2 cents...

07-01-2000, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Martin
I think if people here wanted to be part of a BB exchange they would have set up a board at EZBoard or Delphi.

We run our boards to increase traffic at our sites and being part of an exchange like this puts people at risk of losing their members to another site, therefore it's not a good idea for most people. Just my 2 cents...

Hmm even if you can choose only to exchange one forum of your board with other users? For example one topic where all other guys can post even if they dont leave your homepage!? Like brodcasting something!?

07-01-2000, 04:57 PM
to do that I would have to either give you my memberlist, including e-mail addys, so you could include them in your database so the posts could show on your exchange with proper authorization or you would have to run a spider against my database to keep your "exchange" constantly updated, which I don't want you doing since it would require you to have my database security info.

No thanx.

07-01-2000, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Martin
to do that I would have to either give you my memberlist, including e-mail addys, so you could include them in your database so the posts could show on your exchange with proper authorization or you would have to run a spider against my database to keep your "exchange" constantly updated, which I don't want you doing since it would require you to have my database security info.
No thanx.

Nope it could be enough if there would be a second data at your user infos: For example homeboard instead of email addy

New thread from : user xyz (www.martin.com)
I just to have made one file writeable by world (authorized exchange boards)
So no user information would gave away and no one will loose members to an other board.

07-02-2000, 12:03 AM
Ok after reading what this guy/gal wants to do it sounds like a major security hazzard. if this sends out all of our members accounts, info ect. someone can either:
1. Steal Admin PW's
2. Gather Emails and sell them
its not the smart thing to do.

but a good idea would be if you have more than one forum setup on the same domain you can share members accounts... ( hack or new version option in VB maybe? :) )

l8r this will never work. hope you didn't pay for that domain.

[Edited by Mafukie on 07-02-2000 at 09:09 AM]

07-02-2000, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Mafukie
Ok after reading what this guy/gal wants to do it sounds like a major security hazzard. if this sends out all of our members accounts, info ect. someone can either:
1. Steal Admin PW's
2. Gather Emails and sell them
its not the smart thing to do.
[Edited by Mafukie on 07-02-2000 at 09:09 AM] [/QUOTE]
It think i will send only the user name and the destination of the home board (this would stay for password on the new server) not all the datas.so no passwords are trade and no emails are trade!

07-02-2000, 03:31 PM
I just received spam from this individual. Ironically, this guy sent it to abuse@adolescentadulthood.com

This Mail is only for bulleting board runners.
Only go on reading if you want more visitors for your bulleting board.
I have developed the Idea of ubXchange.

What is ubXchange ?
The idea behind ubXchange is to build a community of bulleting boards.
We started up the project by creating a service for banner-exchanging. This service is especially formed according to the needs of bulleting board runners.

Only People who run boards for discussion of whatever kind are allowed to register.
In the course of their registration our members can decide on which boards their banner should be inserted.
As you can control that your banner for a computer game board is only published on boards with the same or a similar topic.
On the other hand you can control what kinds of banners are to be published /are not to be published on your site.
The advantages of this service towards usual banner exchange services are obvious.
With our service you exactly address the target group which is important for your board, as they are users which are already active on other boards.
The probability that a reader of one discussion board is clicking on a banner of another discussion board is very high.
As you can see the participation on our banner exchange service has plenty of advantages for you, your board and your users.

With the registration in our free exchange service you get 300 banner add views as a start up.

After the integration of the X-Change-Code on your site you get an additional add view for each page view containing this code. (ratio - 1:1 !!!)
For UBB & VBB- user there would be a tool which makes it easier to set up and integrate our exchange service in existing boards wenn the new features are ready to puplish.

and, a few seconds later...

Forgot URL: http://www.ubXchange.com
DONT delete this mail unreaded
if you want more traffic on your discussion-board.

Personally, I will never do business with any company that spams.

07-02-2000, 04:47 PM
Wasn pasting the whoile mail in here also spam!??

07-02-2000, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by ubxchange.com
Wasn pasting the whoile mail in here also spam!??

No, you sending it was the spam.

BTW - You sent it to my email twice, and that is spam as well.

07-02-2000, 06:01 PM
Two emails from ubXchange:
1) Only for bulleting board runners
2) Aw: ubXchange


07-02-2000, 06:37 PM
I guess I got lucky!!!


07-02-2000, 10:51 PM
obviously this is a joke. Welp off to some other threads.

07-03-2000, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by the prof:
Personally, I will never do business with any company that spams.

Beyond that, I would never do business with a company that can't spell "bulletin" when they are trying to create a "Bulletin" board community for "Bulletin" board owners. And I also would never do business with a company that would double-spam you because THEY forgot the LINK to the thing they were spamming you about.

If there is one thing we have learned, it is that this person obviously fell out of the "Stupid Moron" tree, and hit every branch on the way down.


07-03-2000, 06:35 AM
Another email from the bulleting(?) exchange

3) Forumsexchange (in german)

Please remove me from your mailinglist. Thanks.

07-03-2000, 08:11 AM
Is he talking about just exchanging banners or actual threads themselves because there is talk of members and passwords and things. /me is confused.

Anyway if it is a banner exchange between boards that cover the same topic then no thanks, the last thing I want to do is advertise the competition!

07-03-2000, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Mark Hewitt
Is he talking about just exchanging banners or actual threads themselves because there is talk of members and passwords and things. /me is confused.

Anyway if it is a banner exchange between boards that cover the same topic then no thanks, the last thing I want to do is advertise the competition!

Well this thread in here got out of control. I am not willing to defend my self against negative replys.

To MArk: No i want to exchange threads! Once again:
The Bannerexchange was only the first step and i CANT make money with that service!
The thread exchange should allow conversation beetween different boards. So for examlple you have one "exchange" forum on your board called "NBA".. and this forum will be the same on all other boards using the exchange mod.
So the guys at each forum can reply and only the conversation (no passwords) will be viewable by all thge orter boards. So for example
User blabla from Bord (blabla) have replyed to ypur topic...blablabla

To Jim: 1: I'm not a company only a single person
2: i will see how preety you can speak my language if you have never learned thit in scool etc.
3: See second and imagine how niche it would be if guys use this as an argument against you.

07-03-2000, 11:08 AM
To MArk: No i want to exchange threads! Once again:
The Bannerexchange was only the first step and i CANT make money with that service!
The thread exchange should allow conversation beetween different boards. So for examlple you have one "exchange" forum on your board called "NBA".. and this forum will be the same on all other boards using the exchange mod.
So the guys at each forum can reply and only the conversation (no passwords) will be viewable by all thge orter boards. So for example

I do the same sort of thing at my boards, except that is all on one server and the board changes itself to suit the other sites. See link in sig.

and I don't charge for it!

07-03-2000, 11:18 AM
...So what have I missed in the last week? :D

Spamming aside: on a technical level, this isn't feasible.
1. The way you mentioned a little back was flat files... that's like UBB all over again.
2. Since nothing is on the same server, you're going to need to most likely store these files as readable, and then use LWP to serve them up. Then force the local server to parse them from there.
3. How would you integrate this into a running BBS system? This method is completely different (...and SOOOO much more server intensive) than any current display method now.
4. If you want to integrate UBB, are you going to have the local server run a cron job to generate the HTML file, or are you going to serve the page up dynamically? Don't even let me get into speed issues with UBB, a popular board, dynamic pages, and remote retrival...

07-03-2000, 11:23 AM
I would like to interject here for a moment, if I may?

while I think we all agree that the idea is utter crap, and while his(?) constant defense of the idea makes for an easy target, how does it reflect on this community to let this degenerate into personal attacks?

Just my 3 cents...

07-03-2000, 11:28 AM
Martin: Thx
Ed: Maybee with SSI's and trading textfiles.
Or i write a script what gets information from a html document on my server and includes its contant on any wished place at the other bords

07-03-2000, 05:00 PM
Is this Sol ? :p

07-03-2000, 05:09 PM
LOL!!!!! :D

07-03-2000, 06:55 PM
UBXchange: no one is interested in your idea, so you're not going to benefit by continuing to post here. My suggestion is to stop spamming users, and drop the project altogether. After all, no real time was invested. The banner exchange script isn't even yours, so there was no work wasted.