View Full Version : fleccy.com - Need opinions

06-03-2007, 04:05 PM
Hi everyone!

I just need an opinion on the look of http://www.fleccy.com/forum/

I think i'm going to change the status icons but i need an overall opinion.

Oh, and add some more random banners because i like to be random.

It's a general help site with tutorials on how to use torrent, etc.

Thanks! :)

06-04-2007, 02:19 AM
Just checked out your site. I'm going to be quite blunt here. When i came to your site, i thought the whole 'grey' theme looked very boring and uninteresting. I scanned over the whole forum home and still had no idea what the forum was about. So perhaps brighten it up a bit, make it look attractive to the eye. And give the user an idea of what this place is about. If it is just random talk, let users know.

Hope that helps a bit

06-04-2007, 12:05 PM
Just checked out your site. I'm going to be quite blunt here. When i came to your site, i thought the whole 'grey' theme looked very boring and uninteresting. I scanned over the whole forum home and still had no idea what the forum was about. So perhaps brighten it up a bit, make it look attractive to the eye. And give the user an idea of what this place is about. If it is just random talk, let users know.

Hope that helps a bit

Alright, thanks :)

I've changed it a bit but i'll wait for some more feedback.

06-06-2007, 03:58 AM
Hey man,
Its looking better! I noticed you've mentioned twice now that its a general forum (header and welcome box). You have added the blue in, but i reckon (my personal opinion, take it or leave it) if you were to make it orange or lime green, it would add a nice effect!

But nice work all the same, well done.

06-06-2007, 11:12 AM
Hey man,
Its looking better! I noticed you've mentioned twice now that its a general forum (header and welcome box). You have added the blue in, but i reckon (my personal opinion, take it or leave it) if you were to make it orange or lime green, it would add a nice effect!

But nice work all the same, well done.

Thanks! :)

I had a try with some colours, the only ones that seemed to go were black and blue and everyone voted that they like the blue the best.

06-10-2007, 11:29 PM
Its dull and the main "hey mofo" logo needs work. The grey fix bg needs boshing. If you want ppl to spend time on your site it needs to be easier on the eye.


06-11-2007, 01:57 PM
Once I was harassed with the image of a sun saying "Hey MF'er, start posting B*%!#" I closed the newly opened browser window as it had no appeal to me. :down:

I'd try a new angle of attack to get people involved.