View Full Version : GamingElement [Gaming Community]

Mr. HillBilly
05-05-2007, 07:36 PM
[GamingElement (http://forums.gamingelement.net/)]

This is a new project I started a few days ago (April 30th to be exact), because creating a gaming site has always been my dream. And so far this dream is doing pretty well if I do say so myself. :)

The design has a lot of customizations to it. Most of the usual pages have been redesigned (forum home, forum display, postbit, profile, smilies, etc). I know the design isnt what many would call "web 2.0" but I have never really been a fan of web 2.0 designs as I think a majority of them are too plain and simplistic. The design was made by d2alio/Dameon White of Inside the Pixel. I recently was able to track who the current owner was and was able to buy it from him for a very good price.

Future plans include a website which will be completley custom and integrated with vBulletin and a lite version of the current design.

So Im interested in hearing all of your comments about the forum and the design :)

05-05-2007, 07:42 PM
Love the skin, if I could, I'd marry it ;), the postbit is beautiful, its very nice and organized...not a fan of shoutboxes, but the skin distracts me. I may sign up just to see my name in the postbit. Good luck with it.

Mr. HillBilly
05-06-2007, 01:36 PM
Glad you like it!
The forums are back up now. There was an upgrade that occured yesterday.

05-07-2007, 06:48 AM
WAY too image based...

The images just distract you from being able to read posts or topics...

The postbit is nice though... but some of the forum home images have to go....