View Full Version : VGPros.com..New gaming site! What would you like to see?

VG Pros
04-30-2007, 09:16 PM
VGPros.com (http://vgpros.com)

Alright I think I'm done with the initial setup. Let me know what you think and what needs to be added.

04-30-2007, 10:47 PM
Something that catches the eye. Its pretty plain. I suggest a better logo/banner. I do like the Free PS3 thing though, looks like it would attract people. A skin without the side panels also.

I would also try an arcade, imagehoster, quick registration hack, and a chatroom.

Good luck with your site :)

VG Pros
04-30-2007, 11:27 PM
Something that catches the eye. Its pretty plain. I suggest a better logo/banner. I do like the Free PS3 thing though, looks like it would attract people. A skin without the side panels also.

I would also try an arcade, imagehoster, quick registration hack, and a chatroom.

Good luck with your site :)

Is there a quick registration hack for 3.6.x?

05-03-2007, 04:25 AM
You need to buy some links from larger gaming sites to get some traffic. Or find traffic some other way.