View Full Version : can we clean the mods about Adsense ?!
04-30-2007, 12:40 AM
In the last months, there was a TON of mods released regarding Adsense, GoogleAds etc... they are ALL THE SAME, but located in different places in the templates...
can we clean the mods and have these modifications located in a specific forum, so we do not have to read 10 releases of the same thing each week ?! these are like spam in the forums where we're suppose to find new features...
.. just today, 2 if not 3 new releases regarding AdSense...
04-30-2007, 06:31 AM
I agree... I saw someone release something today telling you where to put the adsense code.. And someone actually got a coder status for that!!
I think its getting rediculous
04-30-2007, 11:04 AM
where you see the "improve registration rate"... this is very amateur... you will never get more registrations from people annoyed by a Adsense banner... they register for the content of your site anyway...
can we have a protocol for titles too... last week, someone released the best hacks of all times...
04-30-2007, 01:22 PM
where you see the "improve registration rate"... this is very amateur... you will never get more registrations from people annoyed by a Adsense banner... they register for the content of your site anyway...
Hooray, you're taking shots at me now.
You = Need to calm down and stop getting your panties in a twist over such small things. Since you've came back to the site all I read from you day in and day out are negative posts. You can call me an amateur all you want. I ran a 2 million+ post vB site for five years, and my new site is approaching the half million mark. I pull in a decent amount a month off of Adsense alone, and figured I'd share a simple mod. If you don't like it, don't click install and ignore the thread.
And you know what? You're also 100% wrong. My registrations went up just over 10% since I put that mod on my site. That's why I shared it. So please, spare me your ignorant points of view because you don't know what you're talking about. Your website is selling something, my website is a completely different animal. I get 800+ lurkers a day who don't register, and well over 1,000 referrers. My clicks went up, as well as my registrations. I don't give a damn about being a designer, a coder, or if it says "Loser" under my member name. I contribute here to help my fellow forum admins.
I'm here to help people out, but you, I don't know why you're here. I have, however, had about enough of you and your constant attitude towards everyone. You aren't a moderator here, please stop acting as though you are. You are also not an expert on everything forum related, so don't even presume to call me an amateur. Spare us all your advice and input and troll your way back to negativity-land if you have nothing useful to offer but your venom and nonsense. This community is a lot better off without people like you.
04-30-2007, 01:45 PM
Chris-777, my comment was not pointing out to you actually... but if you like to brag, no problem... i'm not into this... you have a set of features here that would make you really appreciate vBulletin:
1- Report Post ... report my posts when you are offended
2- Buddy List ... put me in your ban list
personally, i would make a section in the Articles, where to put the HowTo apply Adsense tags all around your board... one post for each situation/template to edit...
the means of AdSense are ok, i don't tell AdSense have no results on websites... what i say is that having a release for each template where you can put that code is useless...
04-30-2007, 02:40 PM
I'm not "bragging" about anything nexialys. Let me quote myself so that it's clearer to you what my point is:
You're also 100% wrong.
I hope that clears it up.
04-30-2007, 02:42 PM
i actually agree with nexialys here. There's no point in postin the same hack more than twice if it doesnt offer new features than the last.
Thats just my two cents though
04-30-2007, 02:47 PM
I am also in agreement with nexialys.. It would not improve your registration rates. Maybe your sites registration rate went up despite adsense. I know I get alot more registrations because my site is ad free.
04-30-2007, 02:49 PM
I am also in agreement with nexialys.. It would not improve your registration rates. Maybe your sites registration rate went up despite adsense. I know I get alot more registrations because my site is ad free.
* Guest210212002 sighs
I'm not going to argue about whether my mod will improve reg rates. I really don't care if you use it or not. It absolutely DID improve them on my site, but that's neither here nor there. Go to my site, scroll down and look at vBTrends if you're so inclined. I put it on my site, and they went up, so I threw it out there for anyone who might care to use it.
The point is, there are a LOT of mods out there, and a lot of new people who are looking for basic things to do to their site. They may be simple to you, but to new members and people new to being a forum admin, they're worthwhile. Removing them because a handful of elitist oldschoolers don't like them is a bad idea.
When you state your opinions as fact, you're going to get called on it. Fact: My registrations and clicks went up after adding the headers. Opinion: You don't think so.
04-30-2007, 03:02 PM
^^ its not that its the basic coding, but its the idea of having 10 of the same mods. if you search through that forum you will see quite a lot of them are about adsence.
04-30-2007, 03:05 PM
Shazz says it best. :)
04-30-2007, 03:06 PM
wait whats that got to do with anything?
04-30-2007, 03:08 PM
Duplicates. They happen. It's better for people to share their mods than to keep them to themselves for fear of posting a duplicate.
04-30-2007, 03:11 PM
yes but people should search to see if the hack already exists. their has to be over 20 adsence ones, basically telling you to do the same thing
04-30-2007, 05:03 PM
This thread has singled out to you Chris.. The idea of the post was to generalise all the adsense posts which are basically doing the same.
Also the fact a user can put
Find XXX
Insert adsense code below
to get Designer / Coder status is quite stupid.
Paul M
04-30-2007, 05:54 PM
As long as modifications do not break our rules then members are free to post them. We are not here to pick and choose.
04-30-2007, 06:02 PM
Go to my site, scroll down and look at vBTrends if you're so inclined. I put it on my site, and they went up, so I threw it out there for anyone who might care to use it.
Maybe vbTrends is responsible. I should called it vbTrends - Improve Registration Rates.
I'm teasing you, don't get mad at me :)
On a serious note:
It's a dangerous road to go down when we start having staff evaluate mods. I'm not saying there isn't something that can be, or needs to be done, but, we have to approach this carefully.
It's not just a matter of being subject to staff opinions on new mods - it's also a practical matter of time. We'll end up with a 'new mod' queue and you'll wait weeks or months for your mod to get approved. I've dealt with this at SMF and do NOT want to see it here.
yes but people should search to see if the hack already exists. their has to be over 20 adsence ones, basically telling you to do the same thing
This is, as I've stated before, a fault in the search.
Yes, some people will not search before they post a new mod. Yes, some people will post a mod even if it is a duplicate. But many people simply fail to find other mods with the limits of search. Search was built for threads, not a mod database. We have no tagging per say, no naming conventions, and even the 'thread prefixes' that we do have are confusing enough that I basically don't bother with them.
At a minimum, I recommend implementing a warning on similar threads at the time the user attempts to post the new mod thread. This isn't hard - it's basically a variation on my vbPostCheck hack. "The following similar mods where found - you might want to review them before completing your submission." or some such.
If fact, on a similar tangent - I recommend the same thing for questions in the support forums. "The following similar threads where found - you might want to review them before submitting your support question."
04-30-2007, 06:44 PM
As long as modifications do not break our rules then members are free to post them. We are not here to pick and choose.
my point is not to filter the releases, not at all... maybe more to redirect all these addons related to AdSense to a Article built to explain how to deal with this... there is none actually... maybe someone can start an article ??? or put them in a special Prefix... ;) (so i can put them in my ban list.. lol)
and actually, as the articles are in a different part of the forum, they are not searchable in the Mods sections... as they are tutorials on how to deal with features, maybe we can have something made to search these too ?!
04-30-2007, 08:17 PM
This thread has singled out to you Chris.. The idea of the post was to generalise all the adsense posts which are basically doing the same.
I'm fine with that. I'd rather have a few extra mods laying around and a couple of people with extra titles than to have people with good ideas feel that they can't submit them for fear of threads like this. You can't really ask the mods to validate every new install, they'd be swamped with PM's every time they removed someone's work.
I have no problem finding the mods I need, and if I come across a duplicate it doesn't bother me. It's going to happen, and if people are going to get upset when it does, they need to lighten up.
Also the fact a user can put
to get Designer / Coder status is quite stupid.
Agree, but I don't care about what my member title is. I'm well aware that some people do, and good for them - it's just not my thing.
Maybe vbTrends is responsible. I should called it vbTrends - Improve Registration Rates.
I'm teasing you, don't get mad at me :)
* Guest210212002 farts in your general direction.
Last I'll say: If I do something to my site, for my site, and I find it useful, I'm going to post it up and share it with my fellow vBulletin admins. If people take offense to that, it's their problem and they're welcome to PM me and tell me what a jerk I am. :D
Nobody here is obligated to share their work at all. If people like nex are going to start angry threads calling them names when they do, it's completely against the spirit of Regardless if it's 15 hours or 15 minutes of time taken to add someone's mod to the database, I appreciate them taking the time where they didn't have to in order to share something with the rest of us.
04-30-2007, 10:41 PM
So what they get a designer status... I'm with Chris here. Unless you have a staff member checking all mods to see if they are duplicates this isn't gonna happen. The user wanting an AdSense mod should be the one evaluating the available ones, it's better for him to have a variety to choose actually.
edit: haven't read the second page, I'll do that later.
Cap'n Steve
05-03-2007, 07:15 AM
Chris-777, unless they changed it recently, you're not supposed to mention how much money you make off adsense. Just letting you know, that's always annoyed me too.
09-24-2007, 11:33 AM
I agree on this. It is tons of the AdSense mods, and they are all the same.
King Kovifor
09-24-2007, 10:43 PM
Can you guys please keep this thread clean? No need to attack or argue about personal modifications. Please stay on topic, which is to move all the Adsense Modifications to their own forum / prefix. Thanks.
If a million modifications do the exact same thing that's just fine by me and it should be by anyone else.
Think about it this way; Why should anyone write new bulletin board software? We have vBulletin, IPB, UBB (ubb.classic, ubb.x, ubb.threads...), XMB, UseBB, MyBB, SMF, and the list keeps going and going... Matter of fact why was vBulletin released in the first place? Surely that flat file solution you were using in 1998 was good enough! ;)
Or what about linux? How many distros are out there now? Surely one is enough for anybody...on both the server and desktop. While we're at it we might as well do away with all the forked open source projects out there to.
Why anyone would complain about multiple modifications doing the same thing is beyond me... You're basically saying; "Thanks for sharing but no thanks, in fact don't release anything here anymore unless you came up with the idea yourself and it has never been written before"
I got a feeling that if you all followed that motto you'd have nothing to work on! ;)
Lizard King
09-25-2007, 12:41 PM
Can you guys please keep this thread clean? No need to attack or argue about personal modifications. Please stay on topic, which is to move all the Adsense Modifications to their own forum / prefix. Thanks.
What a necessary warning. You may not realized but the thread has been bumped recently and the discussion which you have warned has been left on may 1. Perfect action from you.
09-25-2007, 03:42 PM
hey Lizard, he said to keep the thread clean, you just do the opposite... ROFL!
King Kovifor
09-25-2007, 10:53 PM
What a necessary warning. You may not realized but the thread has been bumped recently and the discussion which you have warned has been left on may 1. Perfect action from you.
I read a thread, I usually don't pay attention to dates, and there were several new ones from recently, and I read the thread. It was a necessary request based on what I was reading.
09-26-2007, 05:22 AM
What a necessary warning. You may not realized but the thread has been bumped recently and the discussion which you have warned has been left on may 1. Perfect action from you.
Some people don't read the date. They focus on what they're reading and who replied to it. It happens to me and other members.
Lizard King
09-26-2007, 09:25 AM
I read a thread, I usually don't pay attention to dates, and there were several new ones from recently, and I read the thread. It was a necessary request based on what I was reading.
As you hold a special tag under your username and find the right to warn people about how to behave you shall act more carefull as you look like a representative of . You shall check every detail and before posting your reply you shall read twice. Since otherwise some people like me or nexialys will be happy to show you that you are doing wrong :)
09-26-2007, 10:50 AM
Since otherwise some people like me or nexialys will be happy to show you that you are doing wrong :)
again, a friend is tagging me with false presumptions... TSSSS
09-29-2007, 12:21 PM
Hooray, you're taking shots at me now.
You = Need to calm down and stop getting your panties in a twist over such small things. Since you've came back to the site all I read from you day in and day out are negative posts. You can call me an amateur all you want. I ran a 2 million+ post vB site for five years, and my new site is approaching the half million mark. I pull in a decent amount a month off of Adsense alone, and figured I'd share a simple mod. If you don't like it, don't click install and ignore the thread.
And you know what? You're also 100% wrong. My registrations went up just over 10% since I put that mod on my site. That's why I shared it. So please, spare me your ignorant points of view because you don't know what you're talking about. Your website is selling something, my website is a completely different animal. I get 800+ lurkers a day who don't register, and well over 1,000 referrers. My clicks went up, as well as my registrations. I don't give a damn about being a designer, a coder, or if it says "Loser" under my member name. I contribute here to help my fellow forum admins.
I'm here to help people out, but you, I don't know why you're here. I have, however, had about enough of you and your constant attitude towards everyone. You aren't a moderator here, please stop acting as though you are. You are also not an expert on everything forum related, so don't even presume to call me an amateur. Spare us all your advice and input and troll your way back to negativity-land if you have nothing useful to offer but your venom and nonsense. This community is a lot better off without people like you.
Well said
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