View Full Version : PHP Upload Limit

04-28-2007, 01:50 PM

I am currently in the process of setting up a forum using the latest Vbulletin Version 3.6.5

Part of our forum is a download center where members can share files (legal files that is lol) as our site is about custom level creations in a number of games.

I am using a shared hosting provider and have lots of bandwidth (65gb per month at present) with around 100 regular visitors (not many i know :( ).

I wanted to enable file attachments up to the size of 50mb. I have done this for both ZIP and RAR. When uploading attachments in a post, if it is done from a location on the PC it is being uploaded to, it fails at anything above 5mb. But if its done using the URL upload method, it can do easily up to the 50mb limit.

I think it has something to do with the setup from our hosting provider. When logging into the Admincp I notice this:

PHP Maximum Upload Size 5.00 MB

What I was wondering, is there any way to increase this? If so, is it anything I can do as a customer on a shared hosting provider (Hostpointe.com for the record) or is it something I have to ask them to do if they are willing? If so, what do I need to ask them :)

At the moment we have an FTP setup for trusted members, but we would like to allow users to upload to the forum instead.

Many thanks in advance for your help!! :D

04-28-2007, 04:51 PM
You can ask them to increase the size, though i doubt they increase it to the full 50MB limit due to that being a awful lot.

And i beleive there maybe something you can put in your .htaccess to over ride the default php permissions if the host has that setup.

04-29-2007, 12:16 PM
create a new php.ini file with this info

memory_limit = 16M
post_max_size = 200M
upload_max_filesize = 200M

put it in your main dir and your forum dir just in case

This is what i have ;)