View Full Version : Few mods if they don't exist..

04-23-2007, 10:46 PM
We moved our forum over from SMF a few weeks back & so far there have been a few glaring features missing, which, quite frankly, we're missing a lot..... :(

They are..

1. Warned if whilst typing your reply someone else posted something

This feature warns you if someone else posted something AFTER you hit the reply button, but BEFORE you hit the post button. Very very useful feature.

2. Tiny Text

This "feature" is basically just for fun..... smallest you can currently go on VB is still very very readable by most people; I'm talking being able to have the text so all you can see is like a black line unless you copy & paste it somewhere. Both phpBB & SMF you were able to do this & it makes for a lot of light-hearted innuendo! :P

3. Mark Unread

If you click on a thread & for example it was a huge amount of text & you didn't have time to read it at that moment.... you can click a button labelled "Mark Unread" at the top of the thread which would re-mark that thread as unread & hence you wouldn't forget to read it later.

4. "Unread" posts Vs "New" posts

When viewing the forum index VB will show the "unread" post icon if you still have "unread" posts in that forum; I would like it so (give the option to every user in their profile) you can keep it that way or make it so it marks the forum if their are "new" posts in there.

I just don't like it how once you read a forum, but choose not to read certain threads it still shows as "new posts" on the forum index. I used to prefer it this way, but got used to the other way when using SMF. It's kinda "unseen posts" vs "new posts"....... I'd prefer the icons only showing for new posts.

Obviously the unread threads would still stay marked; I just don't like having the main forum marked as unread...... as I may still wanna go read those threads at a later date, so I still want them marked.... but they are of lesser importance to me & hence I don't particulary want the whole forum marked... I prefer that to be marked when their are new posts & possibly not just the same old posts I chose not to read the last time around..... this way I can never tell if their really is any new posts in there or not.....

4. VB Censoring

I really really don't like the way VB censors words; in phpBB & SMF you could pick exactly what you wanted "x" replaced with..... in VB each letter in "x" gets replaced by "*" or another charater of your choosing; I prefer to be able to choose exactly what I want "x" replaced with.

5. IP Checking

I really don't know why VB makes you go all the way into admin to see what users are posting from an IP or what other IP's this user has posted from.... phpBB & SMF has a far, far better way of doing this, all you have to do is click the little IP icon on the users post & presto!.

Thanks for your consideration! :)

04-23-2007, 11:52 PM
1: released 2 weeks ago
2: very simple to do... ask for a template edit...
3: click the thread icon on the forumdisplay
4: good idea, hardly possible in the actual system
5: hum, i think you do not have full featured your forum.. when you click on the IP button on the post, it opens a popup with the full detail on the IP

actually, the features you compare from IPB and phpBB are existing on vB from longer time... they were actually copied from the roadmap of vB!

04-24-2007, 02:09 PM
1: released 2 weeks ago

Could you point me to it plz?

click the thread icon on the forumdisplay

Not quite sure what you mean?

hum, i think you do not have full featured your forum.. when you click on the IP button on the post, it opens a popup with the full detail on the IP

Full featured?


04-24-2007, 03:06 PM
4. VB Censoring

I really really don't like the way VB censors words; in phpBB & SMF you could pick exactly what you wanted "x" replaced with..... in VB each letter in "x" gets replaced by "*" or another charater of your choosing; I prefer to be able to choose exactly what I want "x" replaced with.Have you considered the phrase manager to do a phrase replacement?

04-24-2007, 03:38 PM
Have you considered the phrase manager to do a phrase replacement?

Thanks! How does that work tho? Does it only replace the WHOLE word? Meaning. it won't replace the word if it finds it incased in another word?

04-24-2007, 03:45 PM
TBH, I'm unsure as I've only used this a for a limited amount.

04-24-2007, 10:52 PM
Replacements will replace the entire word.

So if you had a replacement named "sucker" to be replaced with "lolipop" it would work like this;

"Sucker" would become; "Lolipop".
"Mother Sucker" would become; "Mother Lolipop".

Note that replacements are in effect everywhere including admin input.

04-25-2007, 11:04 PM
Ok thanks! :)

Can someone please point me to the "Warned if whilst typing your reply someone else posted something" mod? I cannot find it.... :(

Also.. still need help with the other two issues if anyone can help. The IP problem & marking threads as unread.


04-27-2007, 06:36 PM
Can somebody please help me with this.....

04-27-2007, 07:11 PM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/search.php" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/search.php</a>

04-27-2007, 07:48 PM
Yeah... thanks GT! :rolleyes:

I have already searched extensivley for all these issues before making this thread; in addition I have already stated that I cannot find that mod that nexialys is referring to a few times; so I don't know what good looking for it again will do.. :confused:

04-29-2007, 09:20 AM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=144015" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=144015</a>

04-29-2007, 10:22 AM
Have you considered the phrase manager to do a phrase replacement?
That will change all words though, not just in posts!

04-29-2007, 07:59 PM

Thank You!