View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Who's Online faker:
04-20-2007, 10:00 PM
Who's Online faker:
Who's Online faker shows viewers of the Who's online list user-pre-defined locations for pre-defined users. You can give your fantasy full scope for this locations.
No real location will be shown for the pre-defined user(s).
The Who's online list will no longer display e.g. that you're writing a PM, instead of that it will be displayed that you're phoning with Mr. G. W. Bush.
Whatever your real location is, no user can see your real location onto Who's online list.
Be creative.
This mod will surely be a pleasure for you.
* Before you import the product, open file who_is_online_fake.txt in Notepad or any other text editor.
* Expand the containing text with your own ideas. Use a new line for every new text.
* When you have finished, upload who_is_online_fake.txt onto your webspace (root of your forum).
* The text file can be edited at every time. Even HTML code can be used.
Open file product_who_is_online_faker.xml and search for entry:
case 'PcFreak':
Change this to:
case 'your_username':
Save the file and import as product.
That's all.
Have fun with this small but usefull mod.
Be happy with reactions of your users ;)
Best regards
PS: New Version online.
04-21-2007, 03:50 PM
lol looks likea cool mod
:D thanks
1st install
04-21-2007, 04:00 PM
LoL nice mod ... installed :D
04-21-2007, 05:00 PM
Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 11 (10 members and 1 guests)
jagari, alqloob alsahya, Sychev_S, vBB-vietnam, Lili-Cat, Pathor, subzero06, puertoblack2003, Jupp, zappsan
Anyway, well done, nice mod.
04-21-2007, 05:02 PM
F**k, I mean FAKE!!! Nice!!! :D
* BANDiT600 installed...
04-21-2007, 05:06 PM
this is confusing..
04-21-2007, 05:22 PM
Why it nice mod?? Fisrt it's a joke, second - users can't see where you are right now!
04-21-2007, 06:15 PM
Nice idea, PcFreak. ;)
04-21-2007, 06:23 PM
I like to see this improved.
Maybe in the the next release you can use the array method.
$locations = array("What's your name?" => 1426, "count to 1000" => 3576);
The array key is the thread's title and the other is the thread ID.
With this you can create a link <a href="">What's your name?</a>
04-21-2007, 06:28 PM
Hehe... just one user or multiple?
04-21-2007, 07:35 PM
You can use this for all the users you like.
Just create a new online_bit_complete plugin for every user. Plugins must have unique names.
The code is still the same:
// check to make sure VB_AREA is defined
if (defined('VB_AREA'))
$onlinefake = file ('who_is_online_fake.txt');
case 'USER_A':
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
$userinfo['action'] = $onlinefake[0];
$userinfo['where'] = '';
$onlinefake is the variable to the mentioned txt-file. You can also use different txt-files.
04-22-2007, 01:01 AM
haha! nice
04-22-2007, 02:59 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHA this is awesome. Would not use it myself due to I wouldnt know where people really But I love the idea. Great work
HAHAHAHA I'm a loser it only apply's to ONE person.... Sorry
IS it possible to do this to affect all people, or a list of usernames for example? Like all staff or whatever?
04-22-2007, 08:41 AM
IS it possible to do this to affect all people, or a list of usernames for example? Like all staff or whatever?
Please refer to post #11.
04-22-2007, 10:58 AM
Hahahah.. LOVE it! I've actually wanted this for a LONG time!! Thanks.. :D
Will there be an option for users to set this themselves (like mods and up) maybe as an option in their user CP stuff??
Thanks!! *clicks install*
04-22-2007, 11:27 AM
Hahahah.. LOVE it! I've actually wanted this for a LONG time!! Thanks.. :D
Will there be an option for users to set this themselves (like mods and up) maybe as an option in their user CP stuff??
Thanks!! *clicks install*
I don't think so, but time will tell :)
04-22-2007, 11:43 AM
I agree w/'d be sweet if we could control it more...
04-22-2007, 12:10 PM
love it thanx works well on 3.5 *installed*
04-27-2007, 08:34 AM
You can use this for all the users you like.
Just create a new online_bit_complete plugin for every user. Plugins must have unique names.
The code is still the same:
// check to make sure VB_AREA is defined
if (defined('VB_AREA'))
$onlinefake = file ('who_is_online_fake.txt');
case 'USER_A':
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
$userinfo['action'] = $onlinefake[0];
$userinfo['where'] = '';
$onlinefake is the variable to the mentioned txt-file. You can also use different txt-files.
Hi just a quick question do you just add this bit of code to the original file..??
I am going to install this for sure been waiting for some thing like this for ever..:D
04-27-2007, 03:36 PM
Please refer to post #11:
Example for a second user:
ACP = Plugin Manager => Add plugin
* Product: Who is online Faker
* (Hook) = online_bit_complete
* Titel = e.g. Onlinefake user X
* Execution oder = 5
* PHP-Code for plugins =
// who_is_online_fake_xyz.txt is the .txt file
// that is used for this user
// USER_XYZ is the name of this user
if (defined('VB_AREA')) {
$onlinefake = file ('who_is_online_fake_xyz.txt');
switch($userinfo['username']) {
case 'USER_XYZ':
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
$userinfo['action'] = $onlinefake[0];
$userinfo['where'] = '';
That can be done for as many users you want.
I love this little ditty! Great mod dude!
I'm having a ball with this thing.
Here's just a few of the nice little sayings I'm using at
Most of the words actually mean something too :)
Working on web site discomfubilator settings.
Fumbling within the database.
Working on web site transmortation whistletips.
Programming <YOURWEBSITE> grandeosisms.
Transmorgraphying radiodescenceisms within the web site.
Reprogramming <YOURWEBSITE> fuel injection systems.
Searching for all references to Bush cause he needs to pee.
Wondering why Clinton is not spelled with a K.
Wondering why Republicans and Democrats don't admit they're one and the same.
Transmorgraphying diallamous syntaxtickers within the Admin interface.
Discomboobulating SQL database against foreign transmissions from aliens.
Wondering why we still aren't flying our cars.
Working on a new system to circumvent historical anachronisms through plain english.
In the Admin interface wondering what the heck to do now.
Thinking in grandiloquent terms till going into an abderian fit.
Extending his dactylion digit to the world.
In the Admin Control Panel admiring <YOURWEBSITE>'s daedalian design.
Deciding whether to take his meds for decidophobia.
Contemplating using defenestrating techniques on his computer.
Wondering why demitoilet has nothing to do with using the commode.
Wondering if a Republican can get dextrophobia.
Rearranging the diplasiasmus to prevent rectalgia.
Contemplating resistentialism.
Contemplating which is worse - aichmorhabdophobia or alopeciaphobia.
Creating amphigorical anachronisms to ensure he stays an anonymuncle.
Contemplating why computer screens are anopisthographic.
His keyboard has started astereognosis in his psyche causing borborygmus through xertzing.
Realizing that "rhadamanthine judicial system" would be an oxymoron.
Of course you'll need to change the <YOURWEBSITE> parts with the name of your web site.
If you want more let me know. I'll come up with something.
04-30-2007, 08:58 PM
This is fun, I have created some interesting ones and already got some people going, WTF.
04-30-2007, 09:52 PM
You're welcome :D :D :D
Then I make the modification in xml, upload with the ACP xml.
Later I want to see in, and it does not work, white screen
Some solution?
05-01-2007, 04:38 PM
What vB version are you running? I can't reach your URL at the moment (server could not be found)
Please try to download and install the mod without any changes and check if there are any problems.
If there are no problems: You made a mistake whilst changing the xml, if there are still problems: Please report.
Thanks, already installed and functioning perfectly.
05-06-2007, 11:40 PM
Thank you, it works like a charm.. having lots of fun!
05-07-2007, 12:56 AM
// who_is_online_fake_xyz.txt is the .txt file
// that is used for this user
// USER_XYZ is the name of this user
if (defined('VB_AREA')) {
$onlinefake = file ('who_is_online_fake_xyz.txt');
switch($userinfo['username']) {
case 'USER_XYZ':
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
$userinfo['action'] = $onlinefake[0];
$userinfo['where'] = '';
That can be done for as many users you want.
Hi there, do I only change the name that is in red?
4x4 Mecca
05-07-2007, 01:44 AM
05-18-2007, 12:19 AM
I love this little ditty! Great mod dude!
I'm having a ball with this thing.
Here's just a few of the nice little sayings I'm using at
Most of the words actually mean something too :)
Working on web site discomfubilator settings.
Fumbling within the database.
Working on web site transmortation whistletips.
Programming <YOURWEBSITE> grandeosisms.
Transmorgraphying radiodescenceisms within the web site.
Reprogramming <YOURWEBSITE> fuel injection systems.
Searching for all references to Bush cause he needs to pee.
Wondering why Clinton is not spelled with a K.
Wondering why Republicans and Democrats don't admit they're one and the same.
Transmorgraphying diallamous syntaxtickers within the Admin interface.
Discomboobulating SQL database against foreign transmissions from aliens.
Wondering why we still aren't flying our cars.
Working on a new system to circumvent historical anachronisms through plain english.
In the Admin interface wondering what the heck to do now.
Thinking in grandiloquent terms till going into an abderian fit.
Extending his dactylion digit to the world.
In the Admin Control Panel admiring <YOURWEBSITE>'s daedalian design.
Deciding whether to take his meds for decidophobia.
Contemplating using defenestrating techniques on his computer.
Wondering why demitoilet has nothing to do with using the commode.
Wondering if a Republican can get dextrophobia.
Rearranging the diplasiasmus to prevent rectalgia.
Contemplating resistentialism.
Contemplating which is worse - aichmorhabdophobia or alopeciaphobia.
Creating amphigorical anachronisms to ensure he stays an anonymuncle.
Contemplating why computer screens are anopisthographic.
His keyboard has started astereognosis in his psyche causing borborygmus through xertzing.
Realizing that "rhadamanthine judicial system" would be an oxymoron.
Of course you'll need to change the <YOURWEBSITE> parts with the name of your web site.
If you want more let me know. I'll come up with something.Those are hysterical!! :up:
05-18-2007, 02:03 AM
Excellent little mod! I had my name not show in the Who's online. This is better. Thank you, sir. ;)
I'm using it on 3.5.4 with no problems. ;)
05-27-2007, 09:49 PM
Cool mod - confused all my members hilariously when I first installed it with "borking database" and other imaginary functions ;)
Any way to have certain activities exempt from this? My ham-fisted attempts haven't worked. I'm trying an excluding loop along the lines of:
case 'pcFreak':
while ($filename != 'thispage.php')
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
... etc...
but I'm not really experienced enough in vbulletin or php to get this working properly. This code just runs the plugin normally and ignores me being on thispage.php, so obviously I'm missing something, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Can anyone give me any pointers?
05-28-2007, 01:34 AM
Really funny ! Thanks.
05-28-2007, 03:46 AM
Cool mod - confused all my members hilariously when I first installed it with "borking database" and other imaginary functions ;)
What other good ones did you come up with? ;)
05-28-2007, 05:40 AM
What other good ones did you come up with? ;)
Riding the ponies outside WalMart. Be back when I run out of quarters.
05-28-2007, 02:15 PM
What other good ones did you come up with? ;)
"Having A Meltdown"
If only those members knew how often that's really true :rolleyes:
06-10-2007, 09:29 AM
Thanks. Great. Installed. I am looking for something like this only it makes member count fake in the last 24 hours. Anyone seen it?
07-04-2007, 01:57 PM
Doing the Google dance
Looking for Waldo
Partying with the mods
Wondering if that new user really is Brad Pitt
Out buying more duct tape
Battling the forces of evil
Mastering the techniques of SU-FI
Playing tug of war with my keyboard and the dog.
Very nice.
Thanks to PCFreak.
11-10-2007, 04:11 PM
I think I am going to give it a try :)
03-29-2008, 11:05 AM
Installed, thanks.
03-29-2008, 12:43 PM
cant this cause confusion amount your own users .. logs in forum " wtf! it says im online and im not logged on" type of thing, nice none the less.
03-29-2008, 02:16 PM
too cool, thanks so much
04-03-2008, 01:45 PM
Nice Hack Lol, Click Installed and nominate
07-10-2008, 10:38 AM
Loving it :D
Here's just a few of mine, tried to keep them similar to vBulletin standard stuff.
Viewing Poll Dancers
Viewing Thread like G-Strings
Viewing Users Inner Secrets
Viewing Stuff
Viewing Your Profile, be afraid, very afraid
Creating Private Army of Strippers
Creating a plan for global domination
Creating Unusual Stuff
Private Dancing, a Dancer for money...
07-11-2008, 06:23 AM
lol looks likea cool mod
:D thanks
1st install
Can this mod be used to show people as being logged in when in fact they are not?
08-06-2008, 04:54 PM
I am showing as if I am actualy on the main page with an active link
<a href="YOUR LINK HERE"> Viewing Forum Home</a>
with few different links they think I am just a regular user for my secret account
funny thing is, I have created a new accout "Guest" and added it to the list for fake WOL
my god.. all guests got effected lol weeeeeeeeeee
I know I been told I am crazy
hey thanks for the hack
09-21-2008, 12:17 PM
Hi PcFreak,
Great idea, I'll definitely give this a try. Are you aware of any problems/issues with vB 3.7?
10-22-2008, 01:34 PM
I have been working on a surprise and I didn't want the other Admins or Staff to see the location. So I modified the plugin to add an extra like to rewrite the $userinfo['location'] variable as follows.
Now, if the staff hover over the "?" they see that I am in 'Control Center Alpha' so nobody sees my surprise :D
// check to make sure VB_AREA is defined
if (defined('VB_AREA'))
$onlinefake = file ('who_is_online_fake.txt');
case 'Quarterbore':
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
$userinfo['action'] = $onlinefake[0];
$userinfo['where'] = '';
$userinfo['location'] = 'Control Center Alpha';
12-06-2008, 04:41 PM
sounds nice, is this mod fully compatible to 3.7.4 versions?
where do i enter the content like this
Viewing Poll Dancers
Viewing Thread like G-Strings
Viewing Users Inner Secrets
Viewing Stuff
Viewing Your Profile, be afraid, very afraid
Creating Private Army of Strippers
Creating a plan for global domination
Creating Unusual Stuff
Private Dancing, a Dancer for money...
thanks for help....
cheers donald
06-20-2009, 03:07 PM
thx! works in 3.8.3.
New Joe
06-28-2009, 03:44 AM
where do i enter the content like this
Viewing Poll Dancers
Viewing Thread like G-Strings
Viewing Users Inner Secrets
Viewing Stuff
Viewing Your Profile, be afraid, very afraid
Creating Private Army of Strippers
Creating a plan for global domination
Creating Unusual Stuff
Private Dancing, a Dancer for money...
thanks for help....
cheers donald
I have the same question, can anyone help out with this?
07-02-2009, 04:01 AM
@ donald200 and New Joe
First Post^^
Before you import the product, open file who_is_online_fake.txt in Notepad or any other text editor.
Expand the containing text with your own ideas. Use a new line for every new text.
When you have finished, upload who_is_online_fake.txt onto your webspace (root of your forum).
The text file can be edited at every time. Even HTML code can be used.
Thats all:p
08-14-2009, 12:59 PM
Is not working by vb 3.8.1.. any idea?All the files are edited like you say.
New Joe
08-14-2009, 02:45 PM
@ donald200 and New Joe
First Post^^
Before you import the product, open file who_is_online_fake.txt in Notepad or any other text editor.
Expand the containing text with your own ideas. Use a new line for every new text.
When you have finished, upload who_is_online_fake.txt onto your webspace (root of your forum).
The text file can be edited at every time. Even HTML code can be used.
Thats all:p
Anyone who has problems please follow this above post.
Works great, thanks:up:
09-08-2010, 02:14 PM
Dear all,
mod is working perfectly on 3.8.4.
But does anybody know how to set a usergroup instead of one single user, for example all moderators?
Also I have a username with the character "ü" and it doesn´t work for him. Any clues?
Thank you very much!
Anyone have an Update to VB 4.x?
New Joe
12-02-2010, 04:27 AM
Anyone have an Update to VB 4.x?
Yes, works fine:up:
You can use this for all the users you like.
Just create a new online_bit_complete plugin for every user. Plugins must have unique names.
The code is still the same:
// check to make sure VB_AREA is defined
if (defined('VB_AREA'))
$onlinefake = file ('who_is_online_fake.txt');
case 'USER_A':
srand ((float)microtime()*1000000);
shuffle ($onlinefake);
$userinfo['action'] = $onlinefake[0];
$userinfo['where'] = '';
$onlinefake is the variable to the mentioned txt-file. You can also use different txt-files.
Or if you want the same users under the same product just add a few more "case 'your_username': " under the first one and you're set to go.
I love this product and my privacy is now concealed. <3
10-24-2013, 01:56 PM
Works with 3.8.7, thank you.
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