View Full Version : Flash menu, frames and vB

04-09-2007, 12:30 AM
I have a Flash menu in a left frame, and vB loading in a right frame. The first time you click a link on the flash menu, it loads fine. The 2nd time you click the link it loads a stale/cached page from when you first viewed it.....it doesn't show fresh content. I've tested with IE6 and got the problem, FF seemed to work fine though. It also seems to just be with vB, the other links on my menu that load non-vB content from another website loads a fresh page every time you click the link.

Thanks for any advice as to what this might be.

My site is still under construction, but here is the link if you want to test it:


On the flash menu, under Getting Started, click MainPage. This is a link to my portal page, you will notice that the random photos do not refresh.

04-09-2007, 04:58 AM
Its a browser bug. Try using dynamic urls for flash movie with random number (use current time in unix format as number), like movie.swf?rand=1234567

04-09-2007, 04:45 PM
Thanks, I didn't realize it was a browser bug. I'm not sure how to implement your suggestion, but I at least know how to fix the problem from the user's end:

IE6 go to
Tools > Internet Options > General > Settings
"Check for newer versions of stored pages"
set to
"Every visit to the page"

But I really need to figure how to try your solution. Thanks again for your help!

04-09-2007, 05:47 PM
By having a random string on the end the browser treats it as a different file and doesn't use the cached/stale version. That should solve your problem.

04-10-2007, 05:31 PM
Yeah thanks, I understand the concept of it.......I just dont know how to implement it myself.

On my flash menu, I dont know how to add a random string at the end of the links. I tried googling around for a while, and searching Flashkit, but no luck.

04-10-2007, 06:40 PM
Use javascript to write flash object and in it add some random parameter to url.