View Full Version : Board Optimization - vMail Converter - Send out your emails in different encoding

04-04-2007, 10:00 PM
By Syrian Medical Society (http://www.syrianmeds.net/) & Milad (http://www.milado.net/)

In order to solve the problem with unicode (UTF-8) in some Email Service Providers (such as Hotmail, Yahoo and many others), I created this product.
It converts the sent out messages only, from your real encoding into an encoding of choice, both encodings, the source & destination must be supported by iconv (http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/#introduction).
You may know, I had converted to UTF-8 and faced this problem, now it's solved.

This product is provided As Is without warranties.


vBulletin 3.6.4+
iconv PHP extension is installed on your system, or your PHP version is 5 and above.

Supported Encodings:
See http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/#introduction

Installation or Upgrading:

Import the product file product-vmail_converter.xml (Choose Yes when Upgrade).
Go to vBulletin Options -> Email Options -> vMail Converter - Destination Encoding.
Set your Destination Encoding and save (For me, It's windows-1256).
In /includes/class_mail.php Replace every

In /includes/class_mail.php Find
function start($toemail, $subject, $message, $from = '', $uheaders = '', $username = '')

Add after:

// vMail Converter START
$subject = $this->vmail_convert($subject);
$message = $this->vmail_convert($message);
// vMail Converter END

In /includes/class_mail.php Find again
function start($toemail, $subject, $message, $from = '', $uheaders = '', $username = '')

Add before:
// vMail Converter START
function vmail_convert($item)
global $stylevar;

if (function_exists('iconv') AND $item != '')
return @iconv($stylevar['charset'], $this->registry->options['vmail_converter_destination'], $item);
return $item;

function get_charset()
global $stylevar;

if (function_exists('iconv'))
return $this->registry->options['vmail_converter_destination'];
return $stylevar['charset'];
// vMail Converter END

In /includes/class_mail.php Find twice
$mailfromname = $this->encode_email_header(unhtmlspecialchars($mailfromna me, $unicode_decode), $encoding);

Add before
// vMail Converter START
$mailfromname = $this->vmail_convert($mailfromname);
// vMail Converter END

In /includes/class_mail.php Find
$fromemail = $from;
Add before
// vMail Converter START
$from = $this->vmail_convert($from);
// vMail Converter END
Save and upload the file again.
You're done.

Known issues:



1.0.0 (initial release). (5. April 2007)
1.1.0 (10. April 2007)
1.1.1 (11. April 2007) fix a bug
1.2.0 (17. May 2007) Very good version, every bug fixed.

Support is given for who clicks "install" only.
Mark it as "Installed" to receive updates and support.

04-05-2007, 04:06 AM
Its the missing Jewel.
Yes, nothing impossible.

thanks very much Milad.

Now testing & I'll return with the feed back

04-05-2007, 04:39 AM
works fine for me.
can you determine the fle edits to convert subject & mailfromname (if empty)?

04-05-2007, 04:54 AM
Yes, I can, just wait for me tomorrow.

04-05-2007, 04:57 AM
I appreciate your work.


04-05-2007, 05:26 AM
Its the missing Jewel.
Yes, nothing impossible.

thanks very much Milad.

بصراحة ما عندي شيء ازيده على هذا. ;)

One thing, should I changes the encoding in main VB-Lang file also, or it doesn't matter.

04-05-2007, 08:20 AM
you are a Hero

thats what i`m looking for

Milad ;)

04-05-2007, 10:04 AM
Nice word Milad .. ^_^

i'll test hack .. I'll return with the feedback

Thanx Milad ..\\\

04-05-2007, 11:44 AM
روعه يا أخى والله
جزاك الله خيرا
Its the missing Jewel.
Yes, nothing impossible.

thanks very much Milad.

04-05-2007, 01:45 PM
This Milad

You are a good Developer


04-05-2007, 06:31 PM
Good work ...

thanks ..

04-06-2007, 11:19 PM
Thank you guys.

I won't publish file edits right now, because I'm trying to do it via plug-ins, so be patient please.


04-07-2007, 06:46 AM
Thank you guys.

I won't publish file edits right now, because I'm trying to do it via plug-ins, so be patient please.

Is it possible to be done via plugins?
I have looked hooks around & didn't reach any starting point.

04-08-2007, 01:33 PM
Is it possible to be done via plugins?
I have looked hooks around & didn't reach any starting point.
Yes, it could be done via plug-ins, I have a good view, I'll publish it when I'm done.

04-08-2007, 04:54 PM
Thanks , but its not help in my problem :(

jozief mx
04-09-2007, 02:22 PM
and me
i recevied the mail empety and mush timr i receved the languge not good

وكمان معي احيانا بيوصلني البريد فاضي واحيانا مرمز مثل هيك
أƒأ¤أٹ أٹأ“أٹأ،أ£ أ¥أگأ‡ أ‡أ،أˆأ‘أ+أڈ أ‡أ،أ…أ،أںأٹأ‘أ¦أ¤أ+ أ،أƒأ¤ أڑأ¤أ¦أ‡أ¤ أˆأ‘أ+أڈأں أ‡أ،أ…أ،أںأٹأ‘أ¦أ¤أ+ أƒأڈأژأ، أںأ…أژأٹأˆأ‡أ‘ أ،أ،أˆأ‘أ+أڈ أ‡أ،أ…أ،أںأٹأ‘أ¦أ¤أ+ أ+أ+ أ‡أ،أ£أٹأچأ‡أˆأ¦أ¤ أ+أ+ أ‡أ،أ،أ¥.

أ‡أ،أژأکأ¦أ‰ أ‡أ،أƒأ¦أ،أ¬ أ£أ¤ أˆأ‘أ¤أ‡أ£أŒ أ…أژأٹأˆأ‡أ‘ أ‡أ،أˆأ‘أ+أڈ أ¥أگأ‡ أ‡أںأٹأ£أ،أٹ. أ¦أ£أڑ أ¥أگأ‡, أ…أژأٹأˆأ‡أ‘ أ‡أ،أٹأ¥أ+أ†أ‰ أ،أ‡ أ+أ’أ‡أ، أ–أ‘أ¦أ‘أ+أ‡أ°:

أ¤أ¥أ‡أ+أ‰ أ‡أ،أ+أ+أ‘أ‰.
أ¤أ¥أ‡أ+أ‰ أ“أکأ‘ أ£أ+أ‘أڈ.

أ¤أ¥أ‡أ+أ‰ أ+أ+أ‘أ‰ أƒأژأ‘أ¬.
أ¤أ¥أ‡أ+أ‰ أ“أکأ‘ أ£أ+أ‘أڈ.
أ¤أ¥أ‡أ+أ‰ أ“أکأ‘ أ£أ+أ‘أڈ.

04-10-2007, 10:19 AM
I have just released new version.

04-10-2007, 05:33 PM
Still not fix my arabic problem !!!

04-11-2007, 09:17 AM
im update 2 the new relase and the prplem not goinge:mad:

04-11-2007, 11:05 AM
Come in guys. your problems won't be solved if you set down there and say I have a problem.

Please describe your problem and circumstances.


04-11-2007, 11:06 AM
and me
i recevied the mail empety and mush timr i receved the languge not good

وكمان معي احيانا بيوصلني البريد فاضي واحيانا مرمز مثل هيك
أ?أ?أٹ أٹأ?أٹأ،أ? أ?أگأ? أ?أ،أ?أ?أ+أڈ أ?أ،أ?أ،أںأٹأ?أ?أ?أ+ أ،أ?أ? أڑأ?أ?أ?أ? أ?أ?أ+أڈأں أ?أ،أ?أ،أںأٹأ?أ?أ?أ+ أ?أڈأژأ، أںأ?أژأٹأ?أ?أ? أ،أ،أ?أ?أ+أڈ أ?أ،أ?أ،أںأٹأ?أ?أ?أ+ أ+أ+ أ?أ،أ?أٹأچأ?أ?أ?أ? أ+أ+ أ?أ،أ،أ?.

أ?أ،أژأکأ?أ? أ?أ،أ?أ?أ،أ? أ?أ? أ?أ?أ?أ?أ?أ? أ?أژأٹأ?أ?أ? أ?أ،أ?أ?أ+أڈ أ?أگأ? أ?أںأٹأ?أ،أٹ. أ?أ?أڑ أ?أگأ?, أ?أژأٹأ?أ?أ? أ?أ،أٹأ?أ+أ?أ? أ،أ? أ+أ?أ?أ، أ?أ?أ?أ?أ+أ?أ?:

أ?أ?أ?أ+أ? أ?أ،أ+أ+أ?أ?.
أ?أ?أ?أ+أ? أ?أکأ? أ?أ+أ?أڈ.

أ?أ?أ?أ+أ? أ+أ+أ?أ? أ?أژأ?أ?.
أ?أ?أ?أ+أ? أ?أکأ? أ?أ+أ?أڈ.
أ?أ?أ?أ+أ? أ?أکأ? أ?أ+أ?أڈ.
Make sure that you have the correct setting for the hack.

04-11-2007, 12:11 PM
1.1.1 (11. April 2007) fix a bug

jozief mx
04-12-2007, 09:10 AM
i will now test the new relase and tell you

jozief mx
04-12-2007, 12:36 PM
not work

04-16-2007, 01:32 AM
Is iconv installed on your system?
Do you configure the hack properly?

jozief mx
04-18-2007, 04:27 AM
Is iconv installed on your system?
Do you configure the hack properly

04-19-2007, 02:26 AM

vBulletin Options -> Email Options -> vMail Converter - Destination Encoding.

jozief mx
04-19-2007, 04:25 AM
yes and i but

04-19-2007, 06:29 AM
super nice for this , keep it on

04-19-2007, 03:39 PM
Is your forum encoding utf-8?

jozief mx
04-19-2007, 04:22 PM
how i can now that

04-20-2007, 03:22 PM

I have the same problem that jozief mx have . this happened because bluehost

did some thing to php encoding

I think the mod will not solve the problem

jozief mx
04-22-2007, 04:24 PM
BlueHost he have a puplice proplem with this

i have my frined he is custmer in blue host and he have Ipb forums and he fexed the some word in php.ini and the proplem its fixed but i edit the some word in php.ini and the proplem not sloved meby the Ipb he working good with php languge

04-29-2007, 05:47 AM
thnx for the hack bro but still the same :(

05-11-2007, 04:57 PM
i have also blue host account so it will never be solved??

05-12-2007, 10:17 AM
Thank you very much for making this hack.

I am using Japanese in utf-8, and by using this (Destination Encoding is also utf-8),
only the sender's name can not be fixed.

Would you please advice for fixing this?

05-12-2007, 12:36 PM
Will this assist with the large amount of mail that goes astray or is blocked for user comfirmation email to ISP's such as *@yahoo.in

If so I'll download and install it today :)

05-13-2007, 09:18 AM
new version will be released to fix everything except the blue host problem which I don't now what it is.

05-13-2007, 09:25 AM
OK, please let us know when the new version is ready for download. thanks a lot

05-17-2007, 03:19 PM
Hello everyone

I has just released the final version 1.2.0 of vMail converter, I had tested it for a pretty while, and I think it's off bugs.

Best regards

07-08-2007, 08:18 AM
I've just installed this hack. I have vb 3.6.7pl1, utf8 charset. I followed all the instractions, but it's not working! I receive only the heaer and beginning of the message. When it would be converted foreign text I have blank..
I can send you the file class_mail.php, sure the problem somewhere here.

07-08-2007, 02:59 PM
Just make sure you apply those changes to a fresh class_mail.php file.

Also make sure you upgrade the product using the final xml version.


08-25-2007, 12:17 PM
very nice Milad
but i think this problem not found now with new versions

08-29-2007, 08:54 AM
GoDaddy hosting company isn't supporting iconv.
is there no way to use this mod if the hosting company not supporting iconv?? i'm so upset when my members complaining that the email is broken.

08-29-2007, 10:33 AM
No there is no way!

08-29-2007, 12:08 PM
No there is no way!

crap, i SO regret to use GODADDY!!!!!
not only this iconv but the crappy customer service!

08-31-2007, 10:46 AM
well, now i'm testing in different hosting company....
the contents and the e-mail sender name are not broken and readable but the e-mail subject is broken.

=?utf-8?q?=27_=BF=C2=B6=F3=C0=CE=B0=D4=C0=D3=2C_=C0=DA=B 5=BF=BB=E7=B3=C9=2C_=B0=D4=C0= D3=C0=AF=C6=BF=B8=AE=C6=BC=2C_=B8=C5=C5=A9=B7=CE=2 C_=B9=AB=B7=E1=B0=F8=C0=AF_=27 =C0=C7_=B5=EE=B7=CF=C8=B8=BF=F8=C0=CC_=B5=C7=B1=E2 =C0=A7=C7=D1_=B8=B6=C1=F6=B8=B 7_=B0=FA=C1=A4=C0=D4=B4=CF=B4=D9!?=‏

like this... any suggestion please?

09-01-2007, 03:47 AM
=?utf-8?q?=27_=BF=C2=B6=F3=C0=CE=B0=D4=C0=D3=2C_=C0=DA=B 5=BF=BB=E7=B3=C9=2C_=B0=D4=C0= D3=C0=AF=C6=BF=B8=AE=C6=BC=2C_=B8=C5=C5=A9=B7=CE=2 C_=B9=AB=B7=E1=B0=F8=C0=AF_=27 =C0=C7_=B5=EE=B7=CF=C8=B8=BF=F8=C0=CC_=B5=C7=B1=E2 =C0=A7=C7=D1_=B8=B6=C1=F6=B8=B 7_=B0=FA=C1=A4=C0=D4=B4=CF=B4=D9!?=

This is encoded subject. you can't read it in a plain text. but email programs and sites should decode the title and present the correct string.

05-01-2008, 11:51 PM
milad , you're a life saver man

05-02-2008, 12:25 AM
milad , you're a life saver man
I've always been like that!

09-17-2010, 10:15 AM
$fromemail = $from;

this is not in v 3.8.5