View Full Version : Add-On Releases - Link Anonymizer and Censor
Marco van Herwaarden
03-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Link Anonymizer and Censor 1.20
Author: MarcoH64
vBulletin Version: 3.6.x
This Product will add a self configurable anonymising link to all external urls in posts. Optionally it will also give you a Whitelist or Blacklist option for URL's. With this option you can censor URL's replacing those on the Blacklist (or not on the Whitelist) with a predefined text and/or link.
Install the XML-file as Product.
Upload the contents of the 'upload' folder to your forumhome directory.
vBulletin Options->Link Anonymizer and Censor:
Local Addresses
Local addresses are not anonymized. If you leave this option blank, the value for vBulletin Options Cookie Domain will be used. Do not use a http:// prefix. If you start the name with a dot ( all server addresses ending with this will be considered local. If you want to add mulitple domain/servernames, seperate them by a single space.
Anonymizer (default:
Link to a anonymizer function. Use preceding / if needed. Other Usable Anonymizers: (Thanks Wachtmeister)
Allways anonymize Unparseble URLs
Other options are explained in the vBulletin OptionsAlternative local redirect script that can be used with this modification can be found at
Please click install if you are using this hack.
Change log:
vBulletin 3.5 versions
6-9-2005 v1.01
- 1 setting was missing from product file due to wrong Product. Fixed
7-9-2005 v1.02
- Under some conditions a newly posted post with only a link would not get anonymized. Fixed.
7-9-2005 v1.02a
- Fixed bug when handling generic local domain (starting with a dot '.'') Sorry for the many updates.
8-10-2005 v1.03
- Totally new way of doing this, on view instead of on write.
- Solved doubling the anonym link on edit
10-10-2005 v1.04
- Link not didn't get anonym prefix if URL= didn't contain http://. (http://./) Solved.
- Added truncate table post_parsed to install routine.
1-11-2005 v1.05
- Standard Editor fixed
- Simple URL's in standard editor fixed.
- Default anonymizer changed
2-11-2005 v1.05.1
- Fixed bug where only the last url to the same domain in a single post was anonymised.
9-11-2005 v1.05.2
- Added option to ignore certain protocols in the vBulletin Options (ie. ignore https, ftp, ....).
- Attempt to fix reported bug where an inline fragment (#fragment) would also be anonymized.
10.11.2005 v1.05.3
- Another attempt to ignore fragments
25.11.2005 v1.10
- Fixed a bug where some urls could lead to a parse error. Example of an url leading to this error:
- Added new parameter to vB Options: Always anonimyze unparseble URLs
- This is considered a very stable release. No bug reports pending
- All previous versions are from now on unsupported
vBulletin 3.6 versions:
30.03.2007 v1.20:
- Upgraded for vB 3.6
- Links can now optionally be anonymized in: Posts, Private Messages and/or Signatures
- Added White- and/or Blacklist Censor
If you are running an older version and want to upgrade, simply do an overwrite install.
03-30-2007, 05:14 PM
so delete the old xml/product and install this as fresh ?
03-30-2007, 05:14 PM
nevermind. I just now read your post fully. Good Mod!
Marco van Herwaarden
03-30-2007, 05:17 PM
Good Mod!You already tested it? that is fast!
PS In that case please click Install ;)
03-30-2007, 05:23 PM
I did
I will install it now :)
PS i will try to use instead
03-31-2007, 02:30 AM
this is confusing.
thanks men but i need to anonymize images for post too , imageshack banned my site
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 06:42 AM
this is confusing.
Please tell what is confusing and i will try to explain.
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 06:43 AM
thanks men but i need to anonymize images for post too , imageshack banned my site
Please provide a link to a page with post containing such images and i will see what i can do. But i doubt it is possible.
03-31-2007, 06:44 AM
I will give this a go, i think this is useful, but still a little confused. thanks.
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 08:27 AM
If there are so many confused about this, then please say what you are confused about so i can update my description.
03-31-2007, 08:35 AM
Great Hack. But the update feature in Admincp (Manage Products)gives the following error.
dutch: Hoi Marco De update feature onder products werkt niet( Manage products). Ligt dan aan mij?
Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.
03-31-2007, 09:12 AM
i cant seem to make Local addresses are not anonymized.
my site is .org will this be an issue? is the entry but it will not localize it.
Now i notice that it has issues with 2 entries that need/need not to be redirected.
boypancit seems to have multiple personalities using
genggeng ( and boypancit ( sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!
it works on the second entry but wont anonymize the first
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 09:18 AM
Hmmm i will check if i entered the correct URL.
That is the "problem" with the system. You have finished the modification and are read y to release it. Now you must first make a thread so you will get the threadid (without uploading the modification), quickly go back to your development board, add the URL's to the product, export the product, quickly zip al up and update the thread with the zip-file. Easy to make an error in that.
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 09:25 AM
It is a typo in the threadid, should have been
instead of
You can update it in your Product Manager if you want, will update the zip-file in a minute.
Edit: Zip-file updated. This is not an update to the code, so there is no reason to update your board. If needed you can also manualy change the Version Check URL.
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 09:35 AM
i cant seem to make Local addresses are not anonymized.
my site is .org will this be an issue? is the entry but it will not localize it.
Now i notice that it has issues with 2 entries that need/need not to be redirected.
boypancit seems to have multiple personalities using
genggeng ( and boypancit ( sharing the same computer. No soup for you! and you! and you!
it works on the second entry but wont anonymize the first
If your Forum URL is set correctly in your vBulletin Options, then you will not need to set a local address in most cases.
In your example you say that your local address is "" but the links are for "". Also try setting the local address without a leading ".".
PS The routines that define the local address have not been changed since the 3.5 version, so it would be strange if you discovered a new bug in it.
If you can not make it work, then please PM me direct links to the post that have problems, together with ACP access for your board.
03-31-2007, 11:51 AM
Updated and works 100% :up:
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 12:33 PM
Would really like some feedback from someone using the new Censor options, as i have only tested them on my localhost testboard.
03-31-2007, 12:51 PM
as for Local Address, could it be possible in the near future to have it filter more than one ?!
reason: i have two domains pointing on the forum... english and french domains for the same site... i'd like these two domains to be filtered, not only the one in the settings... would it be possible, or i have to tweak it myself ?!
(because i know that a lot of people are pointing more than one domain on their forums...)
Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2007, 12:56 PM
From the description of the Local Addres setting in the ACP:
Local addresses are not anonymized.
If you leave this option blank, the value for vBulletin Options Cookie Domain will be used.
Do not use a http:// prefix.
If you start the name with a dot ( all server addresses ending with this will be considered local. If you want to add mulitple domain/servernames, seperate them by a single space.;)
03-31-2007, 01:28 PM
see, i told you before that i'm blind... lol
ok, got it.. thanks!
03-31-2007, 11:00 PM
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an EXCELLENT HACK!!! Thanks A MILLION!
04-03-2007, 07:38 AM
Great hack, I'm off to install this, thanks Marco! I'll give it a go and update here of feedback when done. :up:
All the best!
04-03-2007, 07:48 AM
How the world can you get confused by something like this anyhow? :D
Marco, one option I would like to see is a timed redirect, have them wait for a few seconds to be redirected to another domain. Almost like having a countdown / timer there going when they are being redirected. Perhaps put some elevator music in the background while they are on-hold until they are redirected ;).
So a timed redirect with a counter on how much longer until they are taken to an offsite URL...
Follow me?
Marco van Herwaarden
04-03-2007, 08:24 AM
I will not be adding some timed redirect. All this modification is doing is adding a prefix (the anonymize URL) to links posted.
If you want a timed redirect, i suggest you create a local script that can handle this and set that scipt as anonymising URL.
04-03-2007, 08:30 AM
I will not be adding some timed redirect. All this modification is doing is adding a prefix (the anonymize URL) to links posted.
If you want a timed redirect, i suggest you create a local script that can handle this and set that scipt as anonymising URL.
Okay thanks man. All I needed to know, great hack anyhow! :up:
04-03-2007, 09:11 AM
I dont get the concept of link anonymizer and censor. What are the advantages? Thanks.
need anonymize the images for post too :(
04-04-2007, 06:40 AM
How the world can you get confused by something like this anyhow? :D
Marco, one option I would like to see is a timed redirect, have them wait for a few seconds to be redirected to another domain. Almost like having a countdown / timer there going when they are being redirected. Perhaps put some elevator music in the background while they are on-hold until they are redirected ;).
So a timed redirect with a counter on how much longer until they are taken to an offsite URL...
Follow me?
Try my hack if you want a timed redirect, all it doesn't have is the censor options.
04-04-2007, 06:55 AM
Try my hack if you want a timed redirect, all it doesn't have is the censor options.
Will do!
Marco van Herwaarden
04-04-2007, 09:14 AM
need anonymize the images for post too :(
Please give me the URL to such a post, together with a demo login if needed.
04-04-2007, 09:19 PM
great mod, thx a lot!
I've installed this mod on my forum and now I'd like to know how I can rebuild all (cached) links in those older posts that don't use this mod yet?
Thx for any help!
04-05-2007, 05:48 AM
so actually if ne one puts a link. you can redirect it to your own site with this hack.great thnx
Marco van Herwaarden
04-05-2007, 06:11 AM
There is no need to rebuild anything. Links are only changed on the final output on the fly.
04-05-2007, 10:58 AM
Does this also work on URLs placed in PMs?
Marco van Herwaarden
04-05-2007, 08:28 PM
04-06-2007, 06:11 AM
If I set "Anonymize links in posts", "Anonymize links in signatures", and "Anonymize links in Private Messages" to No will the blacklist still redirect links to certain website back to what I designate?
I ask because I am not really concerned about anonymizing links. I just want certain links in posts and PMs redirected back to my website.
04-06-2007, 06:24 AM
Hmmm. I have the "Anonymize links in posts" and "Anonymize links in Private Messages" set to yes with and links in posts are being anonymized but links in PMs are not.
Also I wanted the link redirected back to my website so I put it in the blacklist with <a href="">CLICK HERE</a> in the White/Blacklist replacement URL but it is not being redirected
04-09-2007, 05:28 PM like a charm
Marco van Herwaarden
04-12-2007, 01:19 PM
Hmmm. I have the "Anonymize links in posts" and "Anonymize links in Private Messages" set to yes with and links in posts are being anonymized but links in PMs are not.
Also I wanted the link redirected back to my website so I put it in the blacklist with <a href="">CLICK HERE</a> in the White/Blacklist replacement URL but it is not being redirected
You can empty the anonymising link, this will turn off the anonymising part of the code. Keep the selection for post/pm&signatures set to yes.
The "White/Blacklist replacement URL" is the replacement for URLs that are blocked because of black/white list. You would typically use the link to your forum rules for example.
You can only add domains to the black/whitelist, not full URLs
04-14-2007, 10:14 PM
Links in the preview and the profile are not anonymized :o
Marco van Herwaarden
04-16-2007, 09:59 AM
Correct links in preview are not handled (and i don't really see a reason to do so).
Where exactly in the profile are links not handled? If you are talking about a profile field, then yes that is correct.
04-24-2007, 07:41 AM
i have installed this mod seems to be running but when i click on any link in the site it does not link to the site in question meaning all i get is a link to the Anonymizer site does this mean all members will have to copy and paste links in a new window or have i set this up wrong
04-24-2007, 04:30 PM
Cool. Just what I needed.
I was looking to ban links to a certain site.
Marco van Herwaarden
04-29-2007, 03:29 PM
i have installed this mod seems to be running but when i click on any link in the site it does not link to the site in question meaning all i get is a link to the Anonymizer site does this mean all members will have to copy and paste links in a new window or have i set this up wrong
How did you set it up?
If setup correctly then all (non censored links) should keep the original URL, but prefixed with the anonymising link.
05-02-2007, 11:53 AM
could this be modified so that even the shout box will follow this anonymizing product?
vBShout, 2.1, AJAX Shoutbox for vBulletin
tnx for sharing this add-on, btw. :)
05-03-2007, 03:36 AM
What we'd like to do possibly is allow [IMG] or IMG SRC= and force all those links (and I guess any other links) to come from our site. This way we could allow members to display pictures from the gallery (ONLY) in their posts.
WILL it serve this function?
It would be helpful if it did have the ability to process input to profile fields... we'd like to blacklist some sites people put in those fields.
WOULD you consider hooking it there also?
05-05-2007, 07:04 AM
Installed, no problems discovered so far.
05-05-2007, 09:00 PM
Any way you can edit this to like's mod...
They have it so the links are encrypted..
^ Thread ID + Link Number
05-20-2007, 07:39 PM
I have a little problem. If i post in one row two or more links, only the first link will be anonymized. Maybe a bug?
05-30-2007, 05:15 PM
I've been using this for a while and i have a suggestion.
I noticed the option to disable the anonymizer in certain threads. Would it be possible to select which forums this effects. I have some forums I don't want anonymized and some I do.
Just a thought, thanks
06-08-2007, 10:35 AM
hey, thanks for this great hack.
I'm using it in combination with the AJAX Hide Hack Resurrection (is that the name?!)
Well, after the thanks-button is pressed, the link gets visible. But the visible link is then NOT anonymized. Has anyone an idea how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
06-10-2007, 10:25 AM
installed (already marked)
how do is get only the urls anonyminized, that i want to?
i only want to use this hack for 1-click hosters. all other urls should be treated as normal
oh..1 problem. i'm using vB in combination with vbcms. this addon has a function called "preview" in "Last Forum Threads" on startpage
when there is a link posted and i view it in the Preview it is not anonym'ed
06-21-2007, 03:43 PM
what would be the reason that only the first image-linked in a row of however many is anonymized and the rest aren't until the next row? very weird. will re-install once there's a fix.
07-15-2007, 06:08 AM
One small bug I've noticed:
This text:
blah blah www.blacklist.url blah blah www.notblacklisted.url
Gets replaced with:
blah blah Link not allowed, click here to view our rules (
As you can see, both the black listed link, and the non-blacklisted link get replaced and the text between those 2 links is lost as well.
I think this is a great mod, but for me this bug prevents me from using the mod.
07-25-2007, 01:08 AM
07-28-2007, 01:41 AM
Working in 3.6.8 vB version. Thanks :)
** Installed **
07-29-2007, 03:34 PM
Marco van Herwaarden, it will be wonderfull if there will be an option to disable or enable this MOD only for particular forums (sub-forums).
Marco van Herwaarden
07-30-2007, 11:16 AM
I do agree that would be a nice addition. However i hardly have any time to work on my modifications lately so i doubt i can add such a feature soon. Will keep it in mind for a possible next version.
07-30-2007, 03:39 PM
what would be the reason that only the first image-linked in a row of however many is anonymized and the rest aren't until the next row? very weird. will re-install once there's a fix.
One small bug I've noticed:
As you can see, both the black listed link, and the non-blacklisted link get replaced and the text between those 2 links is lost as well.
I think this is a great mod, but for me this bug prevents me from using the mod.
just wanted to bump a couple concerns.
Marco van Herwaarden
07-31-2007, 11:32 AM
If i have the time (unliekly on a short notice) i will check on that.
08-02-2007, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the great Mod.
After installing I ve creaded my own Redirector, I dont like about several reasons.
please installe the noref.php in you forum root.
After installing Marcos Mod you can delete the and insert
http://yourdomain/yourForum/noref.php?url= as redirector.
I hope you like this.
08-07-2007, 04:54 PM
Thanks a zillion dude. for this amazing mod
08-07-2007, 04:59 PM
Is this a bug...
test with this code in your script..
Spam of this type is not removed... try this with your script please (
Spam of this type is not removed... try this with your script please (
the settings that i made is with whitelist url that my forum allow.. but spammer bypass it with this type of code :(
could you please look into it
08-07-2007, 05:35 PM
Thanks for the great Mod.
After installing I ve creaded my own Redirector, I dont like about several reasons.
please installe the noref.php in you forum root.
After installing Marcos Mod you can delete the and insert
http://yourdomain/yourForum/noref.php?url= as redirector.
I hope you like this.
Hmm.. this seems cool..
can you make it a redirector like the link is checked against a list of urls that will be forwarded to original url. if some url that is not in whitelist is linked then it will be redirected to a default page containing terms and condition like..
11-02-2007, 06:44 AM
Great Softwae.. easy to installed... Thanks
11-02-2007, 10:34 PM
awesome hack thanks
03-12-2008, 01:49 PM
Just tested it in vBulletin 3.7 and it works in threads and signatures, but not in profiles - like about me or vistor messages.
still a great mod though.
03-28-2008, 04:29 PM
okay I am slightly confused as well, but I'll explain what I want and see if this is a fit for what I need?
as for ym understand it will take all links i.e. and turn it into an anon link? and I can add a blacklist of sites that it wont make anonymous? and with the link being anon will it still work like normal?
Thanks for taking a look at my question!
04-02-2008, 08:51 PM
I don't know why I've missed this hack for so long. ** installs **
04-02-2008, 11:38 PM
update pleace for 3.7.0
thanks installs
04-11-2008, 05:44 PM
why this hack redirects mailto:... too ?
06-03-2008, 08:55 AM
can you make a mode for 3.7.1?
06-03-2008, 09:42 PM
This is a great mod and works very well. Thank you.
..... well this is interesting, I've just discovered some sites that can block a cloaked site from the link working. They must be running some type of preventative? I'd like to know what that is.
would it help to know the site that is running this prevent cloak script? I'd really like to know how to get around this site doing that.
06-07-2008, 09:13 AM
Aloha Marco,
its a great mod, you can update for 3.7
Thanks in advance
Yes. can you update it for 3.7? Or has it already been tested by anyone?
06-20-2008, 12:24 AM
please update to 3.7
many thanks
07-02-2008, 06:18 AM
If in a forum HTML is allowed then the links are not redirected. and also not redirected if the link is something like
Google (
->>>Note the quotes (")
07-02-2008, 07:25 PM
If in a forum HTML is allowed then the links are not redirected. and also not redirected if the link is something like
Google (
->>>Note the quotes (")
Well thank you VERY much for that info. Apparently I accidentially had html tuned on in that certain forum where this issue occurred. Cheers. I use my own private.php page for cloaking.
07-11-2008, 08:40 PM
Thank you so much..
It is not working fine with 3.7.2 PL1.
It fails to recognise local domain.
I hope you can come up with an upgrade for such usefull mod.
07-13-2008, 06:48 AM
I found smiliar mod by DISMOUNTED here
07-24-2008, 12:41 AM
Is there any way to exclude some forums? Thanks.
08-11-2008, 03:48 AM
I found smiliar mod by DISMOUNTED here
yeah im using that one myself on 3.7 but thought i'd give this one a go because it lets you easily edit the anonym service link but unfortunately this doesn't work with 3.7.
I would love an update for this if you have time :D
12-08-2008, 04:06 AM
yeah im using that one myself on 3.7 but thought i'd give this one a go because it lets you easily edit the anonym service link but unfortunately this doesn't work with 3.7.
I would love an update for this if you have time :D
Well, I tried both and this is definitely a better mod. The mod you mention has trouble anonymizing some URLs.
12-08-2008, 03:04 PM
Bug Found and Fixed:
If you are having trouble with some URLs not passing GET parameters, you need to encode the string.
Open functions_mh_anolink.php and find the line that says:
$anonymurl = $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . $serverurl;
Change it to:
$anonymurl = $vbulletin->options['mh_anolink_anonymizer'] . rawurlencode($serverurl);
Make sure to rawurldecode() the URL in your redirect script.
12-08-2008, 07:10 PM
I was having problems with signatures links not being anonymized. The problem stemmed from a conflict with vBSEO.
The solution was to set this plugin to a lower execution order than vBSEO.
Hope this helps someone.
03-17-2009, 06:03 AM
this works with 3.8.1. anyway to make this work with cyb's chatbox ?
03-18-2009, 01:35 AM
i thought the white/blacklist is for telling the script which url's to use the anonym service and which url's not to touch. to bad i was wrong...
06-24-2009, 11:46 AM
Marco - any chance you will be fixing this bug. Makes this great script completely unusable once the spammers realize the flaw.
07-19-2009, 02:20 PM
With my version of vBulletin 3.8.3 , works all fine.
10-17-2009, 02:01 PM
works for me in vb 3.8.4! thanks
Whether that could be done so that the tag it was anonymous ? for example
[IMG ]
02-06-2010, 02:45 AM
Any confirmation for this working with vB4 ?????
03-10-2010, 09:53 AM
For as old as it is, im a bit surprised, but it seems to be working. I have it running on two private boards
11-13-2010, 10:58 AM
it's work fine on vb 4.0.8
thanks developer
02-26-2011, 03:39 PM
Hi! How do I exempt a Usergroups?
04-10-2011, 08:23 PM
Is there any way to set it so that it will not try to anonymize mailto: links
06-02-2011, 08:42 PM
I'm having trouble on 3.8.7 when you use the thread-tag -> 1337
Text for the link is right, it's the url that should be but the link itself isn't right
any idea on this?
11-16-2011, 03:39 PM
is work for me 4.1.8, thanks very much.
08-26-2012, 03:33 PM
Blacklisting is not working on Domain that start like this on 4.2.0 but only works for
Please how do i black list domain that start with http://
02-24-2014, 11:41 PM
How to insert facebook like buton in output page.
Bulent Tekcan
09-12-2014, 09:39 AM
I got a lot of warning from Google Crawler like this
Googlebot for smartphones found an increase in “not followed” pages on www......
Any ideo for solve this problem
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