View Full Version : [REQ]I need a hack that deletes members with 0 posts automaticly

04-17-2001, 04:48 AM
anyone can make a hack for this?
i don't like people who don't discuss...
thanks in advance,

04-17-2001, 07:50 AM
maybe that it is automaticly done every single day or once every week?

Wayne Luke
04-17-2001, 01:59 PM
Set the following up as a cron job. The time check is to skip any new users who joined in the last 24 hours.

//Delete non-participating members

require ("./global.php");

$DB_site->query ("DELETE FROM user WHERE posts=0 AND joindate > '".(time() - 86400)."' AND usergroup=2");


04-18-2001, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by wluke
Set the following up as a cron job.

What's a cron job?

Wayne Luke
04-18-2001, 06:30 AM
Cron is a task scheduler on Unix/Linux machines.

A job is a task it runs at a predefined time.

Talk to your host about them.