03-27-2007, 10:00 PM
TRanslate By : RA7AL
CopyRight : ALSHEHI
this Product is Arabic hack and i translate it
What is this?
this Product is show the last 10 threads on ur forum
Site >>> www.thesternshownetwork.com/forums (http://www.thesternshownetwork.com/forums)
PIC >>> http://www.thesternshownetwork.com/misc/forumhome.jpg
Install :-
1- Import Product "product-last10 by alshehi.xml"
2- at the end of
<!-- by alshehi -->
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber1" width="100%">
<td width="100%"><marquee onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() direction="left" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="60" div class="smallfont">Last 10 THreads :   $last10_threads</marquee></td>
<!-- by alshehi -->
that's it
Test : 3.5.4
and should work with
3.5.0 , 3.5.1 , 3.5.2 , 3.5.3 , 3.5.5
Looks great. Just one question. Is there any way to keep certain forums from showing up. We have moderator forums that others cannot see but its showing the post titles from that forum. Of course if that user is not allowed in the mod forum it will show them a no access message but I would like it not to show up at all.
Yes, there Option for this
open product-last10 by alshehi.xml with Notepad and
Find This
$excludedforums = "42,15,26,39"; // Excluded Forums use ", and Replace the number with the forums number which u want to Excluded
from be apper on the last 10 threads :up:
I Hope U Get it
If there any question Jsut ask :D
I hope u enjoy :D
If U Like It Click :: Install ::
TRanslate By : RA7AL
CopyRight : ALSHEHI
this Product is Arabic hack and i translate it
What is this?
this Product is show the last 10 threads on ur forum
Site >>> www.thesternshownetwork.com/forums (http://www.thesternshownetwork.com/forums)
PIC >>> http://www.thesternshownetwork.com/misc/forumhome.jpg
Install :-
1- Import Product "product-last10 by alshehi.xml"
2- at the end of
<!-- by alshehi -->
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="3" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" id="AutoNumber1" width="100%">
<td width="100%"><marquee onmouseover=this.stop() onmouseout=this.start() direction="left" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="60" div class="smallfont">Last 10 THreads :   $last10_threads</marquee></td>
<!-- by alshehi -->
that's it
Test : 3.5.4
and should work with
3.5.0 , 3.5.1 , 3.5.2 , 3.5.3 , 3.5.5
Looks great. Just one question. Is there any way to keep certain forums from showing up. We have moderator forums that others cannot see but its showing the post titles from that forum. Of course if that user is not allowed in the mod forum it will show them a no access message but I would like it not to show up at all.
Yes, there Option for this
open product-last10 by alshehi.xml with Notepad and
Find This
$excludedforums = "42,15,26,39"; // Excluded Forums use ", and Replace the number with the forums number which u want to Excluded
from be apper on the last 10 threads :up:
I Hope U Get it
If there any question Jsut ask :D
I hope u enjoy :D
If U Like It Click :: Install ::