View Full Version : Looking for a template designer

03-27-2007, 07:46 PM
I've got a portal, I'm using VBulletin 3.5.4.
I've the original VB template but now I want to create one similar to my site graphic.

So I'm looking for someone able to do this work.
If you are interested please contact me using PM.

Thanks ;)

03-28-2007, 09:57 AM
Provide a link of your site, please. :)

03-28-2007, 03:35 PM
Provide a link of your site, please. :)


Let me know please.

03-28-2007, 04:16 PM
I can try to do something, if you want. :)
Let me know what you want, exactly.
Same colours, and.. ?

(Inoltre possiamo anche capirci bene, a quanto pare ;))

04-02-2007, 09:13 PM
I can try to do something, if you want. :)
Let me know what you want, exactly.
Same colours, and.. ?

(Inoltre possiamo anche capirci bene, a quanto pare ;))

EN: I tryed to contact you adding to msn. I will send my address in a PM

IT: Ciao ho provato a contattarti aggiungendoti ad msn. Ora ti mando un privato con il mio indirizzo. Contattami cos? ne discutiamo.
A presto