View Full Version : Extra Image in Postbit for Users

Reeve of shinra
03-25-2007, 10:00 PM
Add a 'sidebar' image to your postbit.

What it does:
Adds a second user selected image to the postbit which is just like an avatar but appears at the bottom of the postbit. Great fun for larger communities with expressive users.

This doesnt have the same restrictions as an avatar, so giant images could be placed inside the area given, which means you'll have to do some moderation to keep people inline and if needed - restrict access to sidebars for some members.

Step 1:
User Profile Fields > Add New User Profile Field - Single Line Text Box

Title: Sidebar
Description: Enter the URL of your sidebar image here

Keep the default values the same.

Now record the value given to this profile field! (Example: Field15) You'll need it for the template edit.

Step 2:
Edit Template: postbit_legacy & postbit

<div>$post[icqicon] $post[aimicon] $post[msnicon] $post[yahooicon] $post[skypeicon]</div>

Below Add:
<!-- SIDEBAR -->
<if condition="$post[field14]"><div style="padding:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><img class="inlineimg" src="$post[field14]" border="0" padding="2" /></div></if>
</-- SIDEBAR -->



Reeve of shinra
03-25-2007, 10:58 PM
Updated this to work with IE.

03-25-2007, 11:02 PM

Is there a site this is running on so I can see it better???

Thanks... great idea...

Reeve of shinra
03-25-2007, 11:04 PM
<a href="http://www.landofwarcraft.com/board/showthread.php?t=796" target="_blank">http://www.landofwarcraft.com/board/...read.php?t=796</a>

There ya go.

03-25-2007, 11:26 PM
Link doesn't work.... ok, works now...

I am not really sure what this mod is?? Why are you calling it a sidebar???? It allows extra images in the side area of the postbit???


Reeve of shinra
03-25-2007, 11:30 PM
I called it a sidebar for lack of a better term, its a modification that allows your users to add another picture to the side area of the postbit.

Atakan KOC
03-26-2007, 06:25 AM

03-26-2007, 10:12 AM
Awesome! Installed...thank you!:D :up:

03-28-2007, 02:45 PM
great hack, thank you..

Can I ask what hack you are running to get the "activity" "longevity" bars, and also the reputation bars. them are very professional looking, and look great.


03-29-2007, 11:15 AM
Installed it on my forum to works great but just one thing Im not crazy about. It makes the post box a lot taller then usual. But hey you cant have it all. Thanks for the mod.

04-01-2007, 02:15 PM
how about the ability to upload the picture instead of linking to it

and possibly to make sure the user can only link to a 50x50 image?

04-03-2007, 03:50 AM
great hack, thank you..

Can I ask what hack you are running to get the "activity" "longevity" bars, and also the reputation bars. them are very professional looking, and look great.


That is call the activity mod. You can search it here on the site.

I installed it, but all I get is a red X. And I also think that making it so that there is a size limit on the image is a good idea.

04-03-2007, 06:07 PM
i added the size limit myself to 50 x50 by dding in height= width=. i would jsut liekt he ability to have my users upload an image in the same process they upload an avatar

04-03-2007, 08:32 PM
i added the size limit myself to 50 x50 by dding in height= width=. i would jsut liekt he ability to have my users upload an image in the same process they upload an avatar

Did you get yours to work (Duh stupid question I guess) but mine won't. Also do you mind if I borrow the 50 x 50 code to add to mine?

04-05-2007, 10:01 AM
thank you so much :D installed :D

The Bish
04-05-2007, 01:17 PM
ok I want to install this... however, I want my entire postbit to look like that. What all mods are used? Don't want to hijck the thread so if someone can PM or post here that would be greatness!!!

I will search for the activity mod but suspect that is not everything I will need.

04-05-2007, 01:31 PM
Well, there's this hack, Mood Manager, Activity Mod, and I'm not real sure what the other ones are...

04-17-2007, 07:28 PM
For those who want to limit the size of the image, just do it as I have done below. this will restrict it to 100x100 and no larger then you will not have to moderate the images in the posts.

I have tried this with tons of different sizes, and it has always re sized this image down to the correct 100x100px. If you wanted to have a border around this, just add numbers to the border, but take away from the size , So say you wanted to have a 2px border around this, and keep the whole thing to 100x100 then subtract 2 from each of the sizes, so 100x100 would be 98x98. and the whole section will be no more than 100x100 in size.

Just thought I woud help that person about resizing.

<!-- SIDEBAR -->
<if condition="$post[field13]"><div style="padding:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><img class="inlineimg" src="$post[field13]" border="0" width="100" height="100 padding="2" /></div></if>
</-- SIDEBAR -->

04-17-2007, 09:58 PM
For those who want to limit the size of the image, just do it as I have done below. this will restrict it to 100x100 and no larger then you will not have to moderate the images in the posts.

I have tried this with tons of different sizes, and it has always re sized this image down to the correct 100x100px. If you wanted to have a border around this, just add numbers to the border, but take away from the size , So say you wanted to have a 2px border around this, and keep the whole thing to 100x100 then subtract 2 from each of the sizes, so 100x100 would be 98x98. and the whole section will be no more than 100x100 in size.

Just thought I woud help that person about resizing.

<!-- SIDEBAR -->
<if condition="$post[field13]"><div style="padding:$stylevar[cellpadding]px"><img class="inlineimg" src="$post[field13]" border="0" width="100" height="100 padding="2" /></div></if>
</-- SIDEBAR -->

That worked perfectly!! Thanks :)