View Full Version : Trying to find the place in a template - can you help?

03-24-2007, 01:00 PM

I am using a custom skin, not the default style, but the templates and positioning of things is the same.

I am trying to find the gap between the post title and the post contents - I attach a screenshot of a where I mean. This forum style has a HR there, but on my skin I need to put a break in to improve the spacing.

As hard as I try - I cannot track down which template this is in and where in it. I can only ever get just outside the 'content box' as it were.

It would be a huge help if someone knew this!

Thanks so much


03-26-2007, 11:41 AM
that's a horizontal line (<hr />)

you can find it in the posbit / postbit_legacy templates

03-26-2007, 06:31 PM
Yeah, I know it is a horizontal rule, but the skin I am using (the default and only skin in my forum) doesnt have an HR there, just a gap (too small a gap, which is why I need to add a break in there) otherwise I would have searched for it

OK Edit - I have now found the place in the code, it is (oddly enough) just above the message section that it needs to go.

Thanks a lot :)
