View Full Version : Please Help! Question Regarding vBulletin Integration

03-20-2007, 05:11 PM
Hello everyone,

I have an existing community web site coded in Cold-Fusion and remotely hosted on Cold Fusion servers. I want to integrate the registration from my community web site and vBulletin into one. I need a capability when a user registers with my web site, I want them to automatically be signed up to the vBulletin forum and keep members logged in throughout the site. I need register/login/logout functions to be fully functional along with any other processes that are implemented when a user signs up as a member. I will be using a sub domain name for the forum which will be located on a different server.

Any information would be appreciated as I do not have any coding experience. Can this even be done? What individuals or companies can do this?

Thanks in advance!


03-28-2007, 06:15 AM
Usually most people will use the forum user system not the CMS user system. You would need to check at the cold fusion sign to see if they intergrate with vbulletin.

If you check over at vbulletin.com impex supports many imports and a import is possible with some coding from any system.