03-18-2007, 07:36 PM
I cannot seem to find a mod that will let me change the way posts are made.
My delima is that google is indexing my pages, but the words shown on the indexed pages are:
User ID's
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 633
Points: 4,905.66
Bank: 0.00
Total Points: 4,905.66
Basically the join date, number of posts, and points in VBux
What template would I need to change, to move this test below the first post under the signatures...or remove it completely so that google will pick up the first words in each first post of the thread, like it does with my archives?
My archives just show User ID, and date...nothing more. I would like my forums to do the same as the indexed archive threads indexed in google, displays the first few lines of the threads first post so that google searchers can at least see what the topic is about instead of just seeing the same information with ever page they may find in google, with the only difference being in numbers and Id's based on which user posted the first thread.
If I knew which template needed editing, I could manually move the information myself, but I am not sure which template holds the code for what displays the information about each user, over their posts.
I hope that this makes sense.
I am trying to make my forum a bit more optimized for google, and I do plan to install Zoinks, does Zoinks already do this?
My delima is that google is indexing my pages, but the words shown on the indexed pages are:
User ID's
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 633
Points: 4,905.66
Bank: 0.00
Total Points: 4,905.66
Basically the join date, number of posts, and points in VBux
What template would I need to change, to move this test below the first post under the signatures...or remove it completely so that google will pick up the first words in each first post of the thread, like it does with my archives?
My archives just show User ID, and date...nothing more. I would like my forums to do the same as the indexed archive threads indexed in google, displays the first few lines of the threads first post so that google searchers can at least see what the topic is about instead of just seeing the same information with ever page they may find in google, with the only difference being in numbers and Id's based on which user posted the first thread.
If I knew which template needed editing, I could manually move the information myself, but I am not sure which template holds the code for what displays the information about each user, over their posts.
I hope that this makes sense.
I am trying to make my forum a bit more optimized for google, and I do plan to install Zoinks, does Zoinks already do this?