View Full Version : Help w/ Changing around menu bars & buttons

03-15-2007, 04:51 AM
my forum is www.civicseven.com

As you can tell The buttons up top on the navigation/header part have gotten a little messy.

I do not know how to change them around.

What i would like to do ideally, is make the VBImageHost Bar a drop down menu and place it on the green bar right next to USERCP FAQ MEMBERLIST etc.

then move the rest of the remaining gray buttons that are sagging down from the rest of the gray buttons in line with the rest.

I think the way it looks now is a little messy.

Any help on how to do this would be great!


03-18-2007, 01:43 PM
Get rid of those Image hosting buttons, add one button to the imagehosting file and install this:
