View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Ultimate Side Columns
08-07-2007, 04:30 PM
Are you able to place this beneath the navbar rather than beside it??
08-09-2007, 01:25 AM
Awsome hack, simple and extremely useful! Installed.
08-11-2007, 05:45 PM
How can I add another block to the exisiting 5 in each columb?
08-12-2007, 01:08 PM
Installed and working, however we use the Aria+ Sand custom scheme, how would one go about adding the custom header and footer images to the column as at the moment these are completely missing?
You can see the style in action in site here (
08-14-2007, 01:57 PM
Never mind, got it. Goes in the templates.
Installed this on another site but for some reason includes do not parse? Has anything changed? :confused:
08-14-2007, 02:39 PM
I have this installed on a forum that also has photopost installed, how can I make it so it doesn't display at ?
Is there a way to get this to only show to certain usergroups or membergroups?
Or maybe to NOT show to certain usergroups or membergroups?
Thank you for any help :)
BTW... I'm running vB ver 3.6.8 and the script is working great. I just need to have it only appear for a certain group (usergroup number 9)
I've tried a conditional statement in the header ( < if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] = 9" > ) but that really messes up the formatting of the page for some reason.
08-15-2007, 12:57 PM
I also must say that I don't understand the reasoning behind releasing hacks that aren't supported? It's great IF there are others who can support it and help others out, but only the hack author knows what she/he did to code this hack, so really he/she should be the one supporting it.
Could not agree more, if you got the time to make it then support it, if not then keep it to yourself..:down:
08-18-2007, 05:22 PM
it works fine even if i have an older version :D thanks!
08-18-2007, 05:28 PM
it works fine even if i have an older version :D thanks!
08-19-2007, 09:47 AM
Thank you very much.
It would have been even better if it didn't ignore phrases and variables. I would have liked to use cyb's advanced stats in the side bar.
rss feeds from your forum is possible
Heres one for pulling the latest threads from your vbulletin board (make sure you have Vbulletin Options > External Data Provider > Enable External Javascript enabled)
<script type="text/javascript" src="external.php?&type=js"></script>
<script language="" type="text/javascript">
for (var x in threads)
document.writeln("<img class=\"inlineimg\" src=\"YOUWEBSITEADDRESS/images/buttons/lastpost.gif\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" /> <a href=\"showthread.php?t="+threads[x].threadid+"\">"+threads[x].title+"</a> <span class=\"time\">(Posted By : "+threads[x].poster+")</span><hr />");
</script>Substitute YOUWEBSITEADDRESS with the full url to your forum (assumes using ther default theme).
Its not phrased because this mod seems to ignore them :( This is a shame as stats, banner etc can't be used through internal vbulletin options. However javascript seems to work well.
08-19-2007, 12:40 PM
Ah thank you! This works perfectly! Integration.
I have replaced this functionality with CMPS now. The upgraded version 3.0 is fantastic:
08-20-2007, 03:58 PM
This mod is great. Have a couple of questions I hope someone might be able to help me with:
How do I make the sidebars NOT collapsable....and how do I make the 'inner section' (the rest besides the sidebar) collapse? My VB install collapsed before I installed this but now only the sidebars collapse which is the opposite of what I want.
08-20-2007, 04:04 PM
This mod is great. Have a couple of questions I hope someone might be able to help me with:
How do I make the sidebars NOT collapsable....and how do I make the 'inner section' (the rest besides the sidebar) collapse? My VB install collapsed before I installed this but now only the sidebars collapse which is the opposite of what I want.
The default install of this mod does not have collapsible boxes?
08-20-2007, 04:27 PM
Hi RaceJunkie,
When I installed the mod they collapsed. But, I just figured out how to fix it...I found the Ultimate Sidebar templates in the template manager in VB and changed the table value from 100% to 160 (pixels). I hope that's ok to do...not an expert in coding.
Now (and maybe you can help me), where do I find the template that controls the main section (or table) so I can change the value on that since it will not collapse (it is fixed).
08-20-2007, 04:49 PM
Hi RaceJunkie,
When I installed the mod they collapsed. But, I just figured out how to fix it...I found the Ultimate Sidebar templates in the template manager in VB and changed the table value from 100% to 160 (pixels). I hope that's ok to do...not an expert in coding.
Now (and maybe you can help me), where do I find the template that controls the main section (or table) so I can change the value on that since it will not collapse (it is fixed).
The only things you can edit are the usc_sidecolumn_left & usc_sidecolumn_right templates and the settings in the vB options under Ultimate Side Columns Options
08-20-2007, 04:50 PM
Well I found how to adjust the Forum width in the StyleVars section but changing the forum width doesn't seem to have an effect. I wonder if this mod interferes with that or maybe I am missing something.
Any help?
08-20-2007, 04:52 PM
I figured that out (what I can edit with USC) but the basic forum editing I'm having trouble with.
08-20-2007, 04:53 PM
I love this mod. Im having an issue though.
when I have it enabled it is causing a refresh on the site after it is done loading once.
it will load one time then reload then fine. but its causeing extra wear on the server plus agervating customers.
any ideas?
08-20-2007, 04:57 PM
Well I found how to adjust the Forum width in the StyleVars section but changing the forum width doesn't seem to have an effect. I wonder if this mod interferes with that or maybe I am missing something.
Any help?
I use full width on my site and I did not have to change anything regarding the forums width, I'm not sure what width you are using but I don't think this hack bothers either. I do know that you can completely edit the templates to your liking. Here is a How to About Collapsable Tables ( maybe that will help you. If you can leave a link to your site maybe I can help you better.:confused:
08-20-2007, 05:06 PM
I love this mod. Im having an issue though.
when I have it enabled it is causing a refresh on the site after it is done loading once.
it will load one time then reload then fine. but its causeing extra wear on the server plus agervating customers.
any ideas?
Can you provide a link?
08-20-2007, 05:10 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
08-20-2007, 05:38 PM
I checked the main table setting and it's 100%.
My site is
08-20-2007, 10:30 PM
How do I add extra input boxes for each block in the Ultimate Side Columns Options? I can add another block from the template, but how do I add a 6th input area in the control panel options?
08-20-2007, 11:16 PM
thanks. it works perfectly
08-21-2007, 08:51 PM
Can someone help me out with my question above? This is very urgent as my 5 spaces on each side are now completely full and more demand is coming in.
08-22-2007, 02:06 AM
Just open the xml file with a text editor and near the top for left (middle for right) you will see a block for additional content. Just add your code on there.
08-22-2007, 02:34 AM
Is there any way to add additional input fields in the options? This is what I want to add, so I can place the additional content in there and make it more practical.
08-22-2007, 02:57 AM
Yes, If you open the xml file and add a phrase name for block6 and then
use a settin varname and display order for it in vboptions after block5.
08-22-2007, 03:09 AM
Anyone know the conditionals to not show the columns on VB Advanced? VBGallery etc? (especially VbAdvanced)
Thanks !
You can use a if condition in the header template to stop pages from showing.
VBAdvanced =
<if condition="VB_AREA != VBA_PORTAL">
<!-- USC header edit start -->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td valign="top">
<!-- USC header edit end -->
08-22-2007, 06:34 AM
Hi I need help putting in a php code inside a block in this hack. I'm using simple pie for a rss feed and want to put in the following code into the block so that it shows up in the column like regular links:
require_once(''); // Change this location to match where you uploaded the file to.
$feed = new SimplePie();
// For everything else, we'll assume default settings
echo '<ul class="feed">';
// We'll loop through all of the items in the feed and display a linked title for each of them.
foreach($feed->get_items() as $item)
echo '<li><a href="' . $item->get_permalink() . '" target="_blank">' . $item->get_title() . '</a></li>' . "\n";
echo '</ul>';
For some reason I do not get the actual feed URL's but just the raw code that shows up. Any help would be great!
08-22-2007, 07:31 AM
Installed .
08-22-2007, 12:17 PM
is there anyway to make these floating so they stay with the user as they scroll down?
08-22-2007, 06:09 PM
Awesome EmpireZ, that did the trick, now I got 20 blocks on each side, editable from the options panel. :)
Best Regards
08-22-2007, 06:38 PM
Hi All,
This mod is great...just having a little trouble with it.
Does any of you have your sidebars a fixed width (I assume most would)? I can't get the middle or main section to collapse when the browser is shrunk.
Any ideas would be very appreciated!
08-23-2007, 01:44 PM
I have read of two others that have this slow loading issue, but no solutions. It is a result of this code
<!-- USC header edit start -->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td valign="top">
<!-- USC header edit end -->
Right after the header loads, the forum loading pauses then continues as normal.
Anyone have a solution for this?
Increased delayed of loading time of forum when this mod is installed.
I installed this mod with out any problems, with default columes. Only used one right-handside colum with no text or image.
I noticed there was a significent delayin the load time when that hack is installed. When I uninstalled this hack, the delay was removed.
Are you getting the same problem?
Is there anybody else facing problem of page laoding a bot slow. The header comes first and then remaining page where sides bars are thee, appear after a lag of 10 seconds or so?? what could be the reason
Does anyone know of a way to get this to show only to certain usergroups?
08-24-2007, 09:08 AM
This is a great mod and works perfect.
The only problem we have is that "Display Pages For XXX Column" doesn't offer to many choices.
Maybe it would be possible in a next version to combine choices.
Another problem that we have is that we don't want the colmns to appear in the photopost addons, but we don't know how to do it.
Maybe someone has some hints for us. :)
08-25-2007, 02:33 AM
Does anyone know of a way to get this to show only to certain usergroups?
Just add a array for the usergroup to show in the usc_side template.
<if condition="(in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(6)))">
Another problem that we have is that we don't want the colmns to appear in the photopost addons, but we don't know how to do it.
Maybe someone has some hints for us.
Use a <if> condition, script for photopost in the beginning of the header template using != to stop it from showing.
Just add a array for the usergroup to show in the usc_side template.
<if condition="(in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(6)))">
Man I have been searching for days for this bit of code to find what usergroup someone is a member of.
Thank you very much!
The whole reason I needed this is because there is not a mod for vB, that I can find, where you can have a side column with links to important parts of the site and other things (like latest X posts etc) and also have advertisements. But the part where the advertisements can be turned off for a certain usergroup (in my forum it's usergroup 9 for Sponsors).
As it is I have to use the vBAdManagement mod to show the links and adverts. And then use this to just show the links and other things without the adverts.
It would be really nice to see a mod where we can have a side column where only the adverts can be turned off leaving other things intact.
But this is working with the code EmpireZ gave me. I just changed the 6 to a 9 in the array and added the code to the top of the usc_sidecolumn_right template of the mod (and the </if> statement at the end).
08-29-2007, 03:51 AM
2 questions,
For each column block, how do you change the background color and can you create a header for each column block?
08-29-2007, 04:19 PM
In admincp you have Ultimate Side Columns Templates under Styles & Settings/your style/Ultimate Side Columns Templates. Edit those to include whatever.
08-29-2007, 08:56 PM
Sorry--I'm an utter noob to vBulletin and mod-installation. When you edit the header and footer templates, do you access those templates through your administrative control panel, specifically by going to >Styles and Templates >Search in templates on the sidebar? Is that correct?
Also, is the mod running okay on forums that are updated to 3.6.8?
08-29-2007, 09:23 PM
Yes and Yes :)
08-29-2007, 11:54 PM
Thankee kindly! :)
08-30-2007, 10:31 PM
Thanks T!
08-30-2007, 11:23 PM
This looks very very good. I look forward to installing ^_^
08-31-2007, 02:11 PM
This is awesome and so EASY to install and work!
fariborz khan
09-02-2007, 06:51 AM
thank yoy for yor product
installed on 3.6.8 without problem:up:
09-04-2007, 03:54 AM
After installing this mod (which I love!) I cannot get any page except for the homepage to resize down to a 1024 x 768.
Can anyone help with this? I've been trying to fix this for a awhile now and I cannot figure it out.
Any guru out there figure out how to parse php/vbcode yet? :confused:
09-06-2007, 01:28 AM
I tried to import the xml file from my computer and got this message:
XML Error: Empty document at Line 1
I've tried downloading it and importing it several times and keep getting this message. Any suggestions?
09-07-2007, 09:28 AM
Any way to get this to show on other pages, such as photoplog and arcade?
09-08-2007, 12:57 AM
Like it shows in the first attachment, the thread blocks have double padding on both side after installing the navigation bar which is normally equal to the header bolck. I didn't like it and found a lot of work to have changed the code. Maybe someone can do this easily. But would have loved the code. Also there might be some problem in opening and closing the spacers as the page have extra </div> issues.
09-13-2007, 06:39 AM
I need to have in one of those boxes on my column the latest threads from only ONE forum not the entire page/forums. I need the ability to just put one forum ID so the latest threads can be called from that one forum only. Any ideas on this?
09-13-2007, 08:59 PM
theres a little error when i install this put the codes on the footer and header when i view a pofile theres chunks missin out of it still great code
09-14-2007, 07:49 PM
How Can I Ass Things Like Google Adds In The Blokes And Youtube Vids, Afiliates, Urls Etc?
09-16-2007, 06:01 PM
Help with a two things, please...
1. Does anyone know of a way to get rid of the light blue border around each table? I've tried messing with the code in the templates and the actual boxes on the vbulletin options.
2. How do I center the ad that's in the box? align and div align are not working
I have this installed, and now added the new vBulletin Blog. Problem is the side columns takes too much space on the blog pages, so I want to keep it enabled on all pages, except the blog pages, how would I do that?
09-18-2007, 05:44 PM
Any guru out there figure out how to parse php/vbcode yet? :confused:
Also interested in this...
09-20-2007, 03:47 AM
any one got the problem like mine, when i have the USC on, my page have to scroll to right to see the full page, anyone know how to fix that ?
below is a screenshot
thanks in advance
09-21-2007, 12:20 AM
my header template has a lot of other hacks edited in after $phpoutput (the last line in the header template) and kerry anne mentions to addit at the very end, however when I do that I have errors. Here is what the end of my template looks like:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax-dynamic-content.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax-tooltip.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ajax-tooltip.css" media="screen" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.onclick = ajax_hideTooltip;
<script type="text/javascript">
document.body.onclick = ajax_hideTooltip;
$welcomeheaderswhere should I put the code? Following the instructions, this is what I get:
as you can see, the column is reversed (right column on left side) and the actual left column does not appear anywhere, and the column is above the navbar.
any help is appreciated (NOTE: I am using 3.6.8)
Rik Brown
09-25-2007, 02:33 AM
Simply love it! Just upgraded from the previous left column product (which was also great) and this is even more transparent with our add-ons such as Photopost. Also, noted that vb "if" conditionals work (message #280 in this mod) so one can easily turn off the left column for the new blog, whoson, etc. which we have done accordingly.
Thanks very, very much. A great product! -- Rik
09-27-2007, 03:31 PM
does this work on 3.6.8?
09-27-2007, 03:32 PM
does this work on 3.6.8?
yes :up:
09-27-2007, 04:02 PM
my header template has a lot of other hacks edited in after $phpoutput (the last line in the header template) and kerry anne mentions to addit at the very end, however when I do that I have errors. Here is what the end of my template looks like:
where should I put the code? Following the instructions, this is what I get:
as you can see, the column is reversed (right column on left side) and the actual left column does not appear anywhere, and the column is above the navbar.
any help is appreciated (NOTE: I am using 3.6.8)any idea how to fix this?
09-27-2007, 06:10 PM
wondering if this hack is compatible with 3.6.8?
09-27-2007, 10:46 PM
wondering if this hack is compatible with 3.6.8?
Did you even attempt to read any of this thread? Go to previous page for your answer.:confused:
I have some problems/questions
in this link:
Could the side bar be just below the navbar?
and in this link:
Why is the side bar overlaping the background?
09-28-2007, 02:38 AM
Could the side bar be just below the navbar?
Yes it can, I done it on my site
Can you share how did you do that?
09-28-2007, 08:00 PM
Instead of putting the code in the header template, I put it in the navbar template.
You might need to adjust for alignment such as I had to put <br /> below that code.
09-28-2007, 09:12 PM
Instead of putting the code in the header template, I put it in the navbar template.
You might need to adjust for alignment such as I had to put <br /> below that code.
I have installed this mod & it's layout is fine until we get to the actual post.
I see from your setup it works fine. Could I ask what changes you made to make it happen?
10-02-2007, 10:35 AM
Great hack and have been using it without problems for a few weeks now, just took a little tweaking for me to get it to display how i want -
10-03-2007, 10:31 AM
Is there any possible way to get this to work inside the CPMS, as a module?
10-04-2007, 11:38 PM
I've searched for a while but I can't seem to find the answer. Can some one tell me how I can open the links in a new window?
10-06-2007, 12:26 PM
add "_blank" into your code where the new link should point to!
thanks T_Richardson that worked great but I'm still having some issues here:
10-08-2007, 06:32 PM
Right, I have installed all this, done the edits etc..but when I check out the page the right column is skewed at the bottom of the page and the left column is squished in...could this be purely because of custom skins which I think it might be?
I tried reading through all this thread to see if i could find the answer without asking but got to page 11 and gave up! I saw someone with a problem due to VBSEO, I have that installed on my forum so could that too have something to do with it?
Thanks very much for any help in advance
10-08-2007, 08:17 PM
does it work with 3.6.8
10-08-2007, 08:27 PM
^ Probably I use it fine on 3.6.7
My problem is I use vBonjour, Side columns display fine on the portal page, and on threadlist but not on forumhom. Anyone have any suggestion on how I fix this?
10-14-2007, 08:05 PM
is it possible that we have that sidebar but not beside of Whats going on box ???
i mean Whats going on would be the Full and other sections has that sidebar ..
10-17-2007, 08:43 PM
Very Easy Install Kerry-Anne. I am a total newbie and nothing looks broken. I have it turned off until I can figure out what to do with it. :o)
iI have question
can we put titel for each block
for example right Column has 5 block can we put title for each block and make it sepreat ??
10-21-2007, 06:48 PM
Click on my website and see if this is what you are talking about, if so then use.
<td class="tcat">
<span style ="font:11px verdana;"><b>Title Name Here</b></span>
</tr>The font size and name is optional, you can just put the name of your title on that line instead. Hope this helps. :)
but i was thinking to sepreat each block alone
thanks alot
10-21-2007, 10:15 PM
I'm thinking about is it working for others?
simple installiton
if you want help tell me
10-24-2007, 07:16 AM
This is a great hack , but i am having problem displaying the login box / logged in info on the left column . As of now , i am trying to put it in the Template only ... not the basic text box in admin cp .
From what i have seen it allows the guest to login but even when logged in , it shows the login box still .
can you help ?
look great.. but i have a problem... i want to put different content in the sidebar for each category of the forum.. it's possible??!?!? please help me..
10-29-2007, 12:25 AM
You can use a if condition in the header template to stop pages from showing.
Can you please tell me what the conditional would be for the PhotoPost vBGallery?
10-29-2007, 04:28 PM
Using the "ultimate side columns" will not allow you to call other template or plug-ins in the side column.
I've got a plugin that randomizes some ads using "$ranads" this hack only shows the text, it will not run the plugin.
10-30-2007, 11:47 AM
The side columns are shown even when the forum is temporarely closed.
How could I solve this problem?
Thank you
11-03-2007, 08:03 PM
Beautifully done.
Thank You
11-07-2007, 12:10 AM
I uninstalled this mod mainly because it's unsupported and it lacks several features..
If you are looking a better way to manage side columns Give vBAdvanced CMPS a look. I just figured out you could integrate custom modules with pages and have each module controlled by user groups as well. I'm not 100% sure you can just use this feature without using the main CMPS page but it's worth a look.
11-07-2007, 05:22 AM
When i put adsense into it the adsense doesnt show but the box sizes itself to fit the adsense, just its contents are black, tried different sizes of adsense and makes no difference, it just wont show.
Anyone know why?
11-10-2007, 02:27 PM
Thanks!!!!!! Clicked installed
11-12-2007, 03:44 PM
Good Morning!
Im using the ultimate side column plug-in, however, I would like to put a rss-feed in one of the columns. When I attempt to put php code in there, it doesnt run. When I look at the source code after the page is rendered, I can see my php code just being displayed in the source code. So it looks like the php isnt actually being parsed.
Does anyone have any idea of a way I can get this to work? Or can you tell me which file I could edit to add the php-code directly to the php file that displays those side columns?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Mr Chris
11-13-2007, 06:29 PM
any one got the problem like mine, when i have the USC on, my page have to scroll to right to see the full page, anyone know how to fix that ?
below is a screenshot
thanks in advance
I am having the exact same problem. I have been playing with it for a week now and cant get it just right. The weird thing is it looks perfect on my Mac (see image 1) but on ANY PC I try it on its all out of wack as Stan described (see image 2). I hope somebody can help me I have read every post in this thread 4 times searching for an answer..
Thank You !
Mr Chris
11-15-2007, 07:19 PM
Any Ideas? anybody ? I'm dying here the only solution I have found so far is to change monitor resolution lol. Ive edited every template imaginable. Nothing.. Help Anyone please..
11-15-2007, 08:46 PM
I had the same problem, went through everything like you.
I dropped the code from the header into the navbar - works perfect! I like it better this way anyways.
Mr Chris
11-16-2007, 09:01 AM
Thanks for the reply
So your saying take this code:
<!-- USC header edit start -->
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td valign="top">
<!-- USC header edit end -->
and put it at the very end of the navbar template? Unfortunately I tried that it sort of fixes the problem but not really. See the image below, it still looks out of wack..
Any other ideas anyone? I really hate to have to uninstall this Mod .... everything works great with it except for this one little issue.. Thanks
Mr Chris
11-16-2007, 09:15 AM
One other note on this its really only the homepage that is screwed up if you take a look below at the log in screen.. its absolutely perfect.. It looks exactly like it should.
11-18-2007, 08:39 PM
Is there a way to insert latest polls or stats in the right columns
11-19-2007, 05:31 PM
how can i display the latest posts (not threads) and or top posters?
Mr Chris
11-19-2007, 05:49 PM
Anybody? Any ideas?
11-20-2007, 02:49 PM
Anybody? Any ideas?
i guess not
11-20-2007, 03:06 PM
To place rotating advertising in USC left or right columns I took the javascript code from openads and placed it in one of the USC text boxes in the vbadmin section.
I placed the USC code in the navbar as suggested previously on this forum. Ads don't line up perfectly at top with forum table so there must be a tr or br or something in there that I have to find.
You can view ads and layout at punzhu puzzles.
11-21-2007, 03:11 AM
One other note on this its really only the homepage that is screwed up if you take a look below at the log in screen.. its absolutely perfect.. It looks exactly like it should.
Hey Mr Chris, I'm not using this yet, but what I think is causing that is your top stats mod. Does it look alright on any screen that doesn't have that mod?
If you can get it to start below that I'm thinking you might be alright, how to do that I'm not sure but I would look in that direction.
11-21-2007, 12:27 PM
I would like to put stats in the left column, has anyone done this.
11-21-2007, 02:35 PM
I would like to put stats in the left column, has anyone done this.
That's what I'm trying to do, but haven't gotten a response yet about putting recent posts (not threads) there.
Mr Chris
11-21-2007, 02:49 PM
Hey Mr Chris, I'm not using this yet, but what I think is causing that is your top stats mod. Does it look alright on any screen that doesn't have that mod?
If you can get it to start below that I'm thinking you might be alright, how to do that I'm not sure but I would look in that direction.
Hot Damm I disabled that MOD and it now works perfectly!!!!
Thank you Thank Yo Thank You !!!
Mr Chris
11-21-2007, 03:17 PM
That's what I'm trying to do, but haven't gotten a response yet about putting recent posts (not threads) there.
I would like to know this as well. I am now with a top stats mod. .. It would also be nice to put a poll in the side column.
11-22-2007, 02:27 AM
does any one know how i can add PHP code into the ultimate columns?
please refer to this link ->
11-22-2007, 11:19 AM
I would like to know this as well. I am now with a top stats mod. .. It would also be nice to put a poll in the side column.
you're about the thousandth person.
11-22-2007, 08:42 PM
Installed and works perfectly in my forum.
At this point I am not planning on putting any php or anything in other than text.
edward hamilton
11-25-2007, 02:10 PM
Thanks for this mod. I found it easy to install and modify for my site
11-25-2007, 09:21 PM
This is a great mod. i am also trying to get php elements of vb to run out of the columns but currently with littlle success. running a javascript mod seems to work ok but I ended up with a screwed up forum when I tried (and failed) to force a php function through the column. Hoping to resolve this as I really want to modify the layout of the forum.... (move the login element, include some statistical stuff etc). i wonder if this will be in vb3.7.
wonderng whether to make a new seperate php template with the stats I want and then use an inlcude page html setting... have a play and I will let you all know if it works. If you hear a bang or smell smoke, I probably failed :eek:
I have removed most of the formatting in the left hand column (prefer to intergrate a seemless column) but still have a white edge on the outer extremity of the individual box. Anyone know how I can get rid of this??
example is here (
Thanks in advance for any kicks in the right direction.
BTW, top mod - Clicked install. voted MOTD
12-02-2007, 08:04 AM
Great mod, one problem.
I would like the sidebar to only appear on every page except for my vBadvanced CMPS front page.
Is there any way to set custom variables for what pages the sidebar appears on?
12-21-2007, 05:42 PM
After adding this product to my site, the site becomes slow and main page loads after a gap of 6 seconds. Helppppppppppppppppp
12-23-2007, 07:54 PM
Works fine in vbulletin 3.7.x
Great mod, just what i was after!
12-24-2007, 06:45 AM
Is there an update for 3.7.0.
They tell me that one of the plugins on my forum is preventing "Rebuild Custom Avatars" from working and this is one of the only 3 mods I have installed.
12-24-2007, 10:36 AM
It works fine for me on 3.7.x i installed it, its just inactive whilst i add content to it.
You can see it here: (as posted above)
12-25-2007, 01:20 AM
i'm newbie here. i still confuse how to make 2 left column. Each column has 1 title.
currently by default there is 1 left column provided and you can add block inside it.
Is there any way to do add another 1 or 2 more column at left side.
12-25-2007, 12:58 PM
Ok, got everything working just the way I want it to with just one last tiny problem that cant seem to fix. When viewing site on a big/wide screen the spacing between the left column and the rest of the site is great. As soon as i shrink the viewing area to about less then half, the left column colapses to the rest of forum without any space in between. I added style="padding-right:5px; to the TD width but that only helped a little. Now it only collapses to the 5px and not completely but the gap at full screen became bigger then before. Any ideas?
12-26-2007, 02:34 PM
Am I right that this doesn't support php code in the boxes?
Because Ive just spent hours rtying different variations of php code snippets
like who's online
link to my profile
Reading through this thread it does look like no php will work other than a simple page link URL
but it doesn't say so in the description of the product itself. I think if this is so it should.
If it IS possible to make php links work could someone tell me how?
For example I have
<tr><td> <a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$bbuserinfo[userid]">My Profile</a></td></tr>
which copies the php code from the navbar to open my Profile (3.7beta profile not userCP)
As Ultimate on my board is inserted on the end of the navbar I dont see why it doesn't take whatever it needs for php off the navbar template.
12-30-2007, 08:09 PM
I just installed this on 3.7b3 test board and it seems to be working as designed :)
01-02-2008, 05:50 PM
How would I make the side column not sure for certain pages, for exp: test.php?
01-03-2008, 04:03 AM
Installed. Is there a way to make this fluid though. Know what I mean? Like when someone stretches the forum with a pic, it makes it look like crap.
01-04-2008, 01:17 PM
Can you show for exp: latest 5 posts, in one of the blocks and how?
01-04-2008, 05:19 PM
I am still having problems with this...
I am running VB 3.6.8 with SP2. I tried in my modified template, and thought maybe I did somehting that screwed it up. I then tried using my default style, which I had not altered. As soon as I put the code in the header and footer files, this happens.
If I view my home page, it looks fine. If I view a forum, and see the threads list, it looks fine. If I view a thread to see the posts, it "breaks" my layout. This occurs even with the columns turned off in the options.
Has anyone run into this??? What am I missing?
This is what it looks like with the right side column on:
01-06-2008, 09:59 PM
when i install i get this
Empty document
01-06-2008, 10:52 PM
I just noticed my problem above only occurs if I set my main table width in pixels, instead of percent. Anyone have any ideas?
edward hamilton
01-07-2008, 02:32 PM
I have also tried to use
echo $image;
I also tried
echo "test";
but php appears to be disabled in the side columns. What a shame.
Maybe I'm missing something?
01-09-2008, 05:31 PM
So is there no solution on how to make PHP work with this mod?
I have a number of php items I would like to add but it won't work.
It can't be too complicated, there has to be a way to make it work.
01-10-2008, 07:55 PM
Installed and works perfectly!
Thank you!
01-10-2008, 09:57 PM
Everything looks fantastic BUT it stretches my showthread and it's appearing slightly distorted :[ any ideas?
I am still having problems with this...
I am running VB 3.6.8 with SP2. I tried in my modified template, and thought maybe I did somehting that screwed it up. I then tried using my default style, which I had not altered. As soon as I put the code in the header and footer files, this happens.
If I view my home page, it looks fine. If I view a forum, and see the threads list, it looks fine. If I view a thread to see the posts, it "breaks" my layout. This occurs even with the columns turned off in the options.
Has anyone run into this??? What am I missing?
This is what it looks like with the right side column on:
Yes!!! exact same problem. :(
01-10-2008, 10:04 PM
I am still having problems with this...
I am running VB 3.6.8 with SP2. I tried in my modified template, and thought maybe I did somehting that screwed it up. I then tried using my default style, which I had not altered. As soon as I put the code in the header and footer files, this happens.
If I view my home page, it looks fine. If I view a forum, and see the threads list, it looks fine. If I view a thread to see the posts, it "breaks" my layout. This occurs even with the columns turned off in the options.
Has anyone run into this??? What am I missing?
This is what it looks like with the right side column on:
Everything looks fantastic BUT it stretches my showthread and it's appearing slightly distorted :[ any ideas?
Yes!!! exact same problem. :(
Did you guys added this additional plugin
This should fix it..
01-10-2008, 11:24 PM
Don't understand a word of the step by step Val
Step one I understand.
Step two, select the xml ive just already installed? I dont get it. Where's the additional plugin? =/
01-11-2008, 12:11 AM
Don't understand a word of the step by step Val
Step one I understand.
Step two, select the xml ive just already installed? I dont get it. Where's the additional plugin? =/
All of your steps are within the Add New Plugin page
Look at the screenie.
Good luck.
edward hamilton
01-11-2008, 05:13 AM
To get random images from a php generator I added this Random Banner plug-in (
then edited the Ultimate Column left column usc_sidecolumn_left
Admincp > Styles and Templates > Style Manager > All Style Options > Edit Templates>Ultimate Side Columns Templates > usc_sidecolumn_left
and added $random_banner[$random_number] (from the random image generator)
where I wanted the images to display.
<td class="alt1">
<!-- -->
<!-- do not edit below this point -->
<td width="$stylevar[spacersize]">
01-11-2008, 10:21 AM
All of your steps are within the Add New Plugin page
Look at the screenie.
Good luck.
fantastic! thanks :cool:
edward hamilton
01-12-2008, 05:49 PM
To change the spacing between the forum body and the ultimate side columns the variable is
at the bottom of page when editing usc_sidecolumn_left or usc_sidecolumn_right
Admincp > Styles and Templates > Style Manager > All Style Options > Edit Templates>Ultimate Side Columns Templates > usc_sidecolumn_left
<!-- do not edit below this point -->
<td width="$stylevar[spacersize]">
The spacersize can be edited
All Style Options > StyleVars
The second option is spacersize, spacersize is also used in spacer_open which is used all over the site, I believe, so I'm using caution when changing this variable.
Good luck.
01-13-2008, 10:47 AM
does this work with fluid skin?
01-13-2008, 11:22 PM
I was looking for this to resolve an issue with a single style, worked like a charm!
also - I put the header info in my forum home template underneath my shout box, looks good :)
also - ^^^ my style is fluid.
01-14-2008, 07:52 AM
I think I need some help :)
Please see image... right side is at the bottom of the page, the forum itself is tucked in and I have a log out link just hanging out... lol
Any help please!!!
01-14-2008, 03:00 PM
does anyone know if displaying ads in users private message or inbox is against google tos?
01-14-2008, 06:19 PM
i have this installed on a 3.6.7 and a diff style just fine...
but i just trie dinstalling it on a different forum 3.6.8rc22 and a diff template
and nothing.. installed product, inserted code into both header and footer
and i view forum anothing.. checked setting in options it's enabled.. neither ie or firefox display anything at all
any ideas?
01-14-2008, 07:29 PM
how do we disable this for showthread? i have it for google appropriate but want to disable for showthread any ideas? thanks
01-14-2008, 11:47 PM
I think I need some help :)
Please see image... right side is at the bottom of the page, the forum itself is tucked in and I have a log out link just hanging out... lol
Any help please!!!
Just want to bump this to see if anyone can help me with the issue ?
01-15-2008, 12:39 PM
anyone have an idea of whats wrong, see my previous post
01-15-2008, 07:28 PM
Update on my attempted implementation
After playing with this plugin for a long time I ultimately gave up on it. Not being able to pass php code or variables in it really wrecked things for me and made it useless. I was able to get code to work in it by adding the code directly to the XML file however doing so sort of defeats the purpose.... also as mentioned by others once you install this product it will look fine on the forumhome but it throws of the table formatting for the threads when being displayed. It was at this point I gave up and uninstalled it. (it wasn't until later I saw the fix for the table alignment issue)
Ultimately I just hard coded a sidebar into the Forumhome template, I would have perfered to use this product but it simply wasn't working that great, it needs a lot of improvement still.
The programmer of this plugin seems to have abandoned it.
01-15-2008, 08:47 PM
Just want to bump this to see if anyone can help me with the issue ?
Looks to me that you put the coding in the wrong spot on the footer AND maybe even the header....check where you put it in at.... mine works great!
01-19-2008, 01:23 PM
I have installed this mod & it's layout is fine until we get to the actual post.
I see from your setup it works fine. Could I ask what changes you made to make it happen?
ThanksThanks for this information. I had to place it on my forumhome template so that it would appear underneath my welcome header template. I have managed to get it all working there.
Can you suggest where I need to place it to get it happening with the link to the admin on the other pages as this will currently only work on the homepage.
02-04-2008, 05:52 PM
Hi, I tried to use an if statement to be able to change the adcode in certain blocks but cant do it. What I would want to do is for exp: block 3 to display one ad only on forum how and maybe some other page and if its not forum home then display another adcode. How do i do that?
I tried the following code but did not even work...
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT = 'forumdisplay' and THIS_SCRIPT = 'showthread'">
<else />
Please, any suggestions?
02-09-2008, 06:54 PM
Has anybody been able to figure out how to use code is side column blocks?
02-12-2008, 08:00 PM
Does anybody have a way to start the side colums below the navbar. So that the header and navbar are full width. I appreciate the help :)
02-12-2008, 08:40 PM
I dont know what i did but for some reason when i activate this feature it pushes the main forum to the bottom of the side colums
Does anyone know why?
02-12-2008, 11:09 PM
I've been trying to figure out how to call up modules from vbadvanced CMPS. I was wondering if anyone knew how to do it.
02-13-2008, 11:52 AM
You would probably need to be able to use php in the side columns but I cant figure out how to.
02-13-2008, 02:47 PM
You would probably need to be able to use php in the side columns but I cant figure out how to.
Ahh..then that's my problem...I've been trying different ways and nothing seems to work.
02-13-2008, 03:15 PM
for some reason i have 2 colums on each side if that makes since and only need one, how do i go about taking one of them off? looks great if I can get it to look right
02-15-2008, 07:24 PM
After a bunch of headache I uninstalled this product and ended up creating my own sidebar that allows php. My suggestion if you want to use php make your own sidebar.
Here's a link to my site if you want to check it out...
02-15-2008, 07:40 PM
After a bunch of headache I uninstalled this product and ended up creating my own sidebar that allows php. My suggestion if you want to use php make your own sidebar.
Here's a link to my site if you want to check it out...
Lol, thats what i did today except i didnt uninstall it yet i just tried to paste the code of ad straight into the template instead of $vboption[block1] and it worked. So im probably going to uninstall the whole thing and it it just with template.
BTW, you just need the left/right side column template for the column to work right?
02-15-2008, 08:15 PM
Lol, thats what i did today except i didnt uninstall it yet i just tried to paste the code of ad straight into the template instead of $vboption[block1] and it worked. So im probably going to uninstall the whole thing and it it just with template.
BTW, you just need the left/right side column template for the column to work right?
Yes but I believe if you are going to use the right column you will have to insert it above the footer code.
02-15-2008, 10:10 PM
After a bunch of headache I uninstalled this product and ended up creating my own sidebar that allows php. My suggestion if you want to use php make your own sidebar.
Here's a link to my site if you want to check it out...
Looks fantastic, would you mind sharing how you did this. If you don't want to post it here PM me please?
Thanks... :)
Did you guys added this additional plugin
This should fix it..
Thanks! This did the trick. :up:
02-19-2008, 05:32 PM
does this currently work ok on 3.6.8, hadit working on odler versions but it wont work not, thanks
02-19-2008, 10:57 PM
Thanks for a great mod !!!
Im sure this can be done but i cant seem to get any of the text to a different color..i have no problems with embedding a link but none of the text colors changes seem to work...
could someone post a simple sample i could use...
Ive tried it this way ...but no go
<style type="text/css">
.style2 {color: #FF0000}
</style><p>New <span class="style4">Application Form </span><br />
added Feb 18/08<br />
<br />
<p>New <span class="style4">Sidebar Feature</span> <br />
added Feb 19/08</p>
02-20-2008, 09:10 AM
What do u use side columns for?
02-20-2008, 11:18 AM
What do u use side columns for?
I use them for as much as i can...i think they are great !!
Forum breaking news
Latest forum mods
You tube clips
Guild Links
Realm Status
I solved the problem...i just use <font color="ff0000> </font>
02-20-2008, 01:39 PM
Perfect in 3.7.0 beta5!
Many thanks!
02-22-2008, 05:03 PM
Anyone know how to get rid of the borders just in the USC? Any help is appreciated.
02-22-2008, 05:25 PM
Anyone know how to get rid of the borders just in the USC? Any help is appreciated.
Yeah, I'd like to be able to do that too :)
I'm puting ads in some of the blocks, can anyone help me with code to rotate several ads in a block. PLEASE? :) :)
02-22-2008, 11:50 PM
I am having the same problem with the columns showing up at the top and bottom. on my test board it works great and i cant figure it out why it doesn't on my main forum.. Does anyone have an idea on why.. I would really appreciate any help
02-25-2008, 12:59 AM
I have the side bar setup on the right side, when I go to inside a thread the right column moves to the bottom right of the page, anyone have a clue how to fix this? Please let me know.
02-25-2008, 12:55 PM
Sorry to bump this back up... But this is really makeing me go nuts. Can someone help me with this issue I have the side bar setup on the right side, when I go to inside a thread the right column moves to the bottom right of the page, anyone have a clue how to fix this? Please let me know.
If not does anyone know a side column mod or anything that works that I can install instead for all pages, that I can install instead?
Thanks guys!
02-26-2008, 09:49 AM
Perfect in 3.7.0 beta5!
Many thanks!
that's what I wanted to know!
<< will try it out now :)
02-26-2008, 04:27 PM
how can you changed the colour background on the column ??
many thanks
02-28-2008, 10:13 PM
I had installed this and initially I liked it. Then I noticed that you cannot use conditionals like <if condition=$show['member']>... so how can we add code like login form...
renders this plugin useless... might as well just add these things to my header/footer by hand.
03-02-2008, 10:41 AM
i get this "-->" just above my side column on the right. does anyone know what i should do to fix this?
03-02-2008, 07:07 PM
I've attempted to add a sixth block on the left column but can not get it to work, anyone know how and what to edit to accomplish this?
03-10-2008, 04:13 PM
Has anyone been able to get any variables, or code working in the blocks yet?
03-11-2008, 08:56 PM
Does anybody have a way to start the side colums below the navbar. So that the header and navbar are full width. I appreciate the help :)
Instead of hacking the header you put the code in the navbar. ;)
Goat Boy
03-11-2008, 10:05 PM
Anyone know how to add code to do this
The display pages settings allow you to control where your columns are displayed
I have photopost install and I want it to display on all pages except photopost page.
03-12-2008, 08:22 PM
I dont have this in my footer? $spacer_close
(3.7 by the way)
03-17-2008, 03:02 AM
you're probably usign a custom skin then. Just add it at different spots to see what works
03-20-2008, 01:04 PM
Can someone tell me please where I can go so I can line it up with my navbar?
See here
03-21-2008, 01:15 AM
I'm running vBadvanced and when I select display on all pages it shows up on the portal home page as well. Any way to make it display on all pages but only forum pages?
03-22-2008, 06:26 AM
Can I ask... is it possible to get this to work for the all pages but not show in showthread (ex: only show in forumhome and forumdisplay, not showthread)
Can you help me?
Thanks and Best regards!
03-22-2008, 02:49 PM
I'm running vBadvanced and when I select display on all pages it shows up on the portal home page as well. Any way to make it display on all pages but only forum pages?
I was just about to install it when I noticed this post. I want it to only show in the forum pages and not on the 'homepage'. Is that possible?
03-23-2008, 02:57 PM
In 3.7 when you place the code in the header template at the bottom, it misaligns posts, even when the mod is turned off. How can I fix?
03-29-2008, 05:47 AM
I was just about to install it when I noticed this post. I want it to only show in the forum pages and not on the 'homepage'. Is that possible?
I third it :)
03-29-2008, 10:43 PM
I've noticed a lot of requests for features. These will be being reviewed when 3.7.0 gold is released and a new and improved version will be coming out to be fully 3.7 compatible with a number of the requests being fulfilled.
If you have feature requests and have sent them to me by PM, please note that PM requests are ignored. If your request is not in this thread then it will not be considered.
Also, a number of bug fixes will be included, so please make a big effort to report any bugs in this thread. Anything reported after 3.7.0 gold is released and before the new version of USC is completed and released will not be taken into account. Compatability with 3.6.x and USC 1.5 (preliminary versioning only) will not be guarenteed and will not be supported.
03-30-2008, 04:30 AM
Hello, this mod looks very appealing to me
I have 3.68, have inserted the code in the header and footer, and added a style border to it so I can see the new table in my forum, so the code is working. However how can I access it though the options in the Admin panel?, This may sound dumb but I cannot find it. Please help
03-31-2008, 04:19 AM
I would like to request that USC can be collapsible, using javascript, to be completely non existent when users do not want a sidebar. That would REALLY set this apart from any other side column. Thank you for taking requests to make the best sidebar addon even better!
03-31-2008, 05:17 PM
I've noticed a lot of requests for features. These will be being reviewed when 3.7.0 gold is released and a new and improved version will be coming out to be fully 3.7 compatible with a number of the requests being fulfilled.
If you have feature requests and have sent them to me by PM, please note that PM requests are ignored. If your request is not in this thread then it will not be considered.
Also, a number of bug fixes will be included, so please make a big effort to report any bugs in this thread. Anything reported after 3.7.0 gold is released and before the new version of USC is completed and released will not be taken into account. Compatability with 3.6.x and USC 1.5 (preliminary versioning only) will not be guarenteed and will not be supported.
looking forward to it (along with 3.7 Gold)
- Option for only viewable on FORUMHOME (noteably: NOT on CMPS/portal page or showthread pages)
- width settings
04-02-2008, 02:01 AM
sorry i'm a noob, but i just dont under stand how to add more box's .
04-02-2008, 04:28 PM
I had installed this and initially I liked it. Then I noticed that you cannot use conditionals like <if condition=$show['member']>... so how can we add code like login form...
renders this plugin useless... might as well just add these things to my header/footer by hand.
Fixed in version 2.0 due to a complete rewrite
I've attempted to add a sixth block on the left column but can not get it to work, anyone know how and what to edit to accomplish this?
Will be fixed in version 2.0 - currently working on this issue.
Has anyone been able to get any variables, or code working in the blocks yet?
Fixed in version 2.0 providing the code is global (ie default code or runs in the global_start or global_complete hook locations)
Anyone know how to add code to do this
I have photopost install and I want it to display on all pages except photopost page.
Please provide the following information then this can be included:
From your photopost files, it will have a line in the main files that say....
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'something');
I will need this line for all the photopost files to include it. I do not have photopost and therefore do not know what the required things to include and exclude are.
Does anybody have a way to start the side colums below the navbar. So that the header and navbar are full width. I appreciate the help :)
Will be included in version 2.0
I'm running vBadvanced and when I select display on all pages it shows up on the portal home page as well. Any way to make it display on all pages but only forum pages?
Included in version 2.0
looking forward to it (along with 3.7 Gold)
- Option for only viewable on FORUMHOME (noteably: NOT on CMPS/portal page or showthread pages)
- width settings
Already included in version 1.0
I would like to request that USC can be collapsible, using javascript, to be completely non existent when users do not want a sidebar. That would REALLY set this apart from any other side column. Thank you for taking requests to make the best sidebar addon even better!
Will be included in version 2.0 - not yet coded but on the to-do list
Can I ask... is it possible to get this to work for the all pages but not show in showthread (ex: only show in forumhome and forumdisplay, not showthread)
Can you help me?
Thanks and Best regards!
Included in version 2.0
04-02-2008, 05:00 PM
More information about version 2.0 development:
This was originally going to be version 1.5 but the amount of rewriting and new features being added warranted a whole new major version number so it is going to be version 2.0
Some of the features are going to be completely unexpected but as always it is easy to turn things on and off in the AdminCP.
At present, due to the complexity of the rewrite it is not upgradable. An upgrade script will be completed prior to version 2.0 being released which will need to be run before importing the new product. More instructions will follow regarding this when it is released.
As it stands, it is currently working well on vBulletin 3.7.0 RC1 (I've not upgraded my dev server to RC2 yet but full compatability will be checked). A lot of the original kinks have been ironed out, and many more glitches are being resolved as well as adding in the feature requests received and the new features that I have wanted to add to it for a while (they are top secret and will not be revealed until releasing it so don't bother asking what they are because I'm not telling).
The original code was designed to be extremely simple to use which, as a lot of people have rightly pointed out, introduced problems for anyone wanting to include any form of conditionals or calls to any functions. This is one of the reasons for the major rewrite and the necessity of having to also write an upgrade script. Most of, if not all of, the underlying code structure is being changed to resolve the issue. This does however cause it's own set of issues, by increasing the level of difficulty for use (no longer all settings, but using more templates which are edited to include the block contents) but it does not leave it overtly difficult. It does however solve the issues of not being able to add extra blocks easily by including 20 blocks in total by default which can be located as desired (yes - you will be able to add all 20 to one side only if you so wish - or more accurately you will be able to when that bit is finished being coded). An expansion product with a further 30 blocks will also be released. It will not be part of the main product as I doubt that many people will require more than 20 blocks, but of course there will always be someone who does.
The total code is approximately 40% complete at this time, excluding the expansion product and the upgrade script (that is one thing that I am not looking forward to!) although the upgrade script may not be required depending on how the final product installation code is written.
At the moment the script itself has evolved from a simple 3 plugin and 2 template product to a 30 template (and rising), 6 plugins (and rising), multiple phases (I lost count), 1 php file, and having a couple of entries added to the FAQ (not done yet but will be done before it is released). The sheer scale of the changes is why this is requiring 3.7.0 and will be unlikely to be backwards compatible with 3.6.9 (it certainly will not work with 3.6.5 or older).
Anyway, thats enough of me telling you what is included and the progress so far. I need to get back to actually doing it instead ;)
04-02-2008, 05:51 PM
has any one added more blocks yet? if so how did you do it?
04-02-2008, 07:21 PM
The instructions are in the usc_sidecolumn_left and usc_sidecolumn_right templates. There is even templates in there for you to use that just need uncommenting. Or... wait for the new version to be released. I've just finished coding support for 20 blocks in it so you should not be short of blocks then.
Please search in this thread - the answers are there. In fact, the answer to this question is in the very first post of this thread which shows on all pages.
04-03-2008, 10:16 AM
More information about version 2.0 development:
This was originally going to be version 1.5 but the amount of rewriting and new features being added warranted a whole new major version number so it is going to be version 2.0
Some of the features are going to be completely unexpected but as always it is easy to turn things on and off in the AdminCP.
At present, due to the complexity of the rewrite it is not upgradable. An upgrade script will be completed prior to version 2.0 being released which will need to be run before importing the new product. More instructions will follow regarding this when it is released.
As it stands, it is currently working well on vBulletin 3.7.0 RC1 (I've not upgraded my dev server to RC2 yet but full compatability will be checked). A lot of the original kinks have been ironed out, and many more glitches are being resolved as well as adding in the feature requests received and the new features that I have wanted to add to it for a while (they are top secret and will not be revealed until releasing it so don't bother asking what they are because I'm not telling).
The original code was designed to be extremely simple to use which, as a lot of people have rightly pointed out, introduced problems for anyone wanting to include any form of conditionals or calls to any functions. This is one of the reasons for the major rewrite and the necessity of having to also write an upgrade script. Most of, if not all of, the underlying code structure is being changed to resolve the issue. This does however cause it's own set of issues, by increasing the level of difficulty for use (no longer all settings, but using more templates which are edited to include the block contents) but it does not leave it overtly difficult. It does however solve the issues of not being able to add extra blocks easily by including 20 blocks in total by default which can be located as desired (yes - you will be able to add all 20 to one side only if you so wish - or more accurately you will be able to when that bit is finished being coded). An expansion product with a further 30 blocks will also be released. It will not be part of the main product as I doubt that many people will require more than 20 blocks, but of course there will always be someone who does.
The total code is approximately 40% complete at this time, excluding the expansion product and the upgrade script (that is one thing that I am not looking forward to!) although the upgrade script may not be required depending on how the final product installation code is written.
At the moment the script itself has evolved from a simple 3 plugin and 2 template product to a 30 template (and rising), 6 plugins (and rising), multiple phases (I lost count), 1 php file, and having a couple of entries added to the FAQ (not done yet but will be done before it is released). The sheer scale of the changes is why this is requiring 3.7.0 and will be unlikely to be backwards compatible with 3.6.9 (it certainly will not work with 3.6.5 or older).
Anyway, thats enough of me telling you what is included and the progress so far. I need to get back to actually doing it instead ;)
WoW Great idea :up: waitting it :D
04-04-2008, 09:27 PM
Right then ..... It's finished and is being tested. The FAQ entries are being ommited deliberately. The upgrade script is written and well tested, and everything is peachy :D
USC 2.0 requires a minimum of vBulletin 3.7.0 RC1
The documentation and change log needs writing, along with the essential upgrade path (do it wrong and you lose your existing contents - so be warned!) and then it can be released. All being well it will be released over the weekend at some point, otherwise it will be Monday. The changelog is very extensive and so it will take a lot of writing.
The only thing not included is an exception for photopost which is simply because there are so many different versions of photopost and they may all have different script names and it would be impossible to even guess what they are.
04-04-2008, 11:41 PM
Ultimate Side Columns 2.0 has been released.
04-06-2008, 12:40 AM
I installed it but it has made two right tothe right side where its supposed to be but it has also added one at the bottom of my page directly above hte "styles" box where you can change skins. When I enter info in box 1, it goes in both places. How did this happen? I checked for duplicate code but the code is in how it says it's supposed to be. help...
04-06-2008, 12:42 AM
Can you confirm that you are using USC 1.0 and not USC 2.0?
If you are using USC 2.0 then please post in the correct thread for support.
04-09-2008, 01:19 PM
How edit code to reduce right column? (to next table)
04-09-2008, 01:29 PM
The width is controlled in the AdminCP > vBOptions > UCS
Or you can turn that column off completely in the same place.
04-19-2008, 01:15 PM
I've searched through the entire thread but I can't find an answer to this :
I want to include and external RSS feed in my side columns. I would need to retireve the latest 5 items from the feed and place them in the 5 side column boxes.
I have seen some help regarding an RSS feed from the forum but I am after a solution that will take data from an external feed, not the VB external feed.
Any ideas on how I can achieve this ?
04-19-2008, 08:34 PM
This will require additional modification and would need a seperate mod to do this.
04-21-2008, 09:35 AM
Installed and I love it... thank you :)
04-29-2008, 06:16 AM
<font size="3">how to make the outside banner getting more closer with the side bar?</font>
05-06-2008, 03:00 PM
Just so you know, when this mod is installed it affect the profile page.
It's such a shame as I LOVE this mod too :(
05-16-2008, 03:11 PM
ok, i've read 29 of 31 pages word for word in the last 2 hours and I don't see any solution to the problem I have.
I have taken one bit of advice that I found and added the starting code to the bottom of the navbar, but this made no change for me.
All I want this for is on the showthread pages. I have it set up that way in the options. When I enable the right bar, it shows up aligned with the rules and quick reply button and when I turn the left bar, it shows above the content.
The above is just on showthread though. It seems to work on other pages if I enable it for them.
I am using CA Evo fluid if that matters.
I asked at the designers forum, but a user said to read this thread... no luck :)
05-17-2008, 03:56 PM
make sure you have applied the edits to the templates correctly. That is the most common reasons for allignment issues with this version of USC. If you are using vbulletin 3.7 you should upgrade to version 2.2 in the other thread.
05-18-2008, 11:57 AM
Installed and work great, thanks
05-24-2008, 08:59 AM
I just install USC 2.0 but i don't know how to put the information in the blocks because it doesn't appear.
Foro1.jpg shows how my forum appear now.
Foro2.jpg shows that i can't see the block one, block two, etc
Picture%2013.jpg shows that it can be see it the description of the blocks.
What can i do to see the blocks options?
05-29-2008, 01:17 AM
Please post in the correct thread for support. This thread is for USC 1.0
06-14-2008, 07:01 AM
is anybody able to get there avatar working in the side column? i can't get it to show up for the life of me.
06-28-2008, 02:58 PM
thanks very much :)
07-24-2008, 11:59 PM
This working good for 3.6.8? Lets see some links please.
08-07-2008, 01:28 PM
Thank You Kerry-Anne. Works a treat.
08-07-2008, 01:46 PM
This working good for 3.6.8? Lets see some links please.
Yes - That is what I am running.
I would love to see the text within the boxes " Variable" and I would like to be able to put "Links" in them too. Both of the above as they are - stretch the forum.
I would love to use Hyper links to shorten the room used.
(with the spaces removed) to give us:- (
08-15-2008, 11:03 PM
08-16-2008, 02:18 AM
Can you get separate side columns for each forum?>
08-27-2008, 11:02 PM
I still have 3.6 version and have used this code in one of the boxes:
<a href=? rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src="" width="120" height="450" alt="Portal Education" ></a>
Link doesn't work and image doesn't show up (its in the right place) - anyone point out what I not done right?
(the iframe code from Amazon affiliate program works fine in other boxes)
will this work with Ajax or any other feeds such as latest threads?
10-13-2008, 04:42 PM
Im trying to add a LEFT COLUM to my forum.
Having trouble importing this to the forum. ( 3.6.8 ) I downloaded it to my computer but I cannot import the product.
Keep getting this error: XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1
Any help would be appreciated or if there other better ways to add left colum.
10-28-2008, 03:44 PM
Sounds like you got a duff download. Redownload and try again with the new package.
11-09-2008, 04:04 PM
Yes - That is what I am running.
I would love to see the text within the boxes " Variable" and I would like to be able to put "Links" in them too. Both of the above as they are - stretch the forum.
I would love to use Hyper links to shorten the room used.
(with the spaces removed) to give us:- (
Are we able to do this, Please - Kerry-Anne? I have tried the [Url] method and it didn't work. I have also tried the <a href="> method and the box completely disappears.
May I have your help in this matter Please?
Many Thanks.
11-17-2008, 02:49 PM
Installed but I have a quick question.
How do I get the navbar to go all the way across the screen? I imagine I'd have to install the code under the navbar somewhere correct?
Alex LD
11-17-2008, 10:06 PM
There must be a bug, I was getting the following message when attempting to edit a usergroup may way to try to fix. Though I've gotten the issue resolved by simply removing the addon I'm sure others will experience this aswell The Error is below.
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vbusergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Registered Users',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = '',
`opentag` = '',
`closetag` = '',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`vbtube` = '15',
`uscpermissions` = '0',
`forumpermissions` = '3928575',
`genericpermissions` = '1579685063',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '45',
`pmpermissions` = '3',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '1',
`adminpermissions` = '0',
`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '62',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '100',
`avatarmaxheight` = '100',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`signaturepermissions` = '235519',
`sigpicmaxwidth` = '500',
`sigpicmaxheight` = '100',
`sigpicmaxsize` = '10000',
`sigmaxrawchars` = '1000',
`sigmaxchars` = '500',
`sigmaxlines` = '0',
`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '4',
`albumpermissions` = '255',
`albumpicmaxwidth` = '600',
`albumpicmaxheight` = '600',
`albumpicmaxsize` = '100000',
`albummaxpics` = '100',
`albummaxsize` = '0',
`usercsspermissions` = '31',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
`socialgrouppermissions` = '375'
WHERE usergroupid=2;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'uscpermissions' in 'field list'
11-18-2008, 09:47 AM
This is a mod I really want, and though I followed the directions (I think), I don't get any columns to show at all. I know I must have missed a step somewhere, but going over the install instructions I can't see where.
Can someone point me to the most obvious answer?
I know, I know..I'm like the computer techs customer who doesn't understand why the cup holder on the computer goes in and out. :p
Thanks in advance.
11-19-2008, 09:44 AM
O.k. I'm making some progress. I was able to get the columns to show, but of course now have a problem with another area. See image.
Note: I am not fussing that the problem is with this mod. I'm confident this has something to do with me, or some other code. I'm just hoping someone might be able to point a novice like me in the right direction.
Thanks alot!
11-23-2008, 05:25 PM
Welshy2008, it looks to me like you need to add quote marks to the URL you posted which was:
Without the spaces of course ;)
11-26-2008, 08:00 AM
Are we able to do this, Please - Kerry-Anne? I have tried the [url] method and it didn't work. I have also tried the <a href="> method and the box completely disappears.
May I have your help in this matter Please?
Many Thanks.
You need to use HTML not BBCode in the templates. <a href="someurl">some text</a> will do that.
Installed but I have a quick question.
How do I get the navbar to go all the way across the screen? I imagine I'd have to install the code under the navbar somewhere correct?
Use the below navbar location option
There must be a bug, I was getting the following message when attempting to edit a usergroup may way to try to fix. Though I've gotten the issue resolved by simply removing the addon I'm sure others will experience this aswell The Error is below.
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vbusergroup SET
### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Registered Users',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = '',
`opentag` = '',
`closetag` = '',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`vbtube` = '15',
`uscpermissions` = '0',
`forumpermissions` = '3928575',
`genericpermissions` = '1579685063',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '45',
`pmpermissions` = '3',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '63',
`wolpermissions` = '1',
`adminpermissions` = '0',
`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '62',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '65535',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '100',
`avatarmaxheight` = '100',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`signaturepermissions` = '235519',
`sigpicmaxwidth` = '500',
`sigpicmaxheight` = '100',
`sigpicmaxsize` = '10000',
`sigmaxrawchars` = '1000',
`sigmaxchars` = '500',
`sigmaxlines` = '0',
`sigmaxsizebbcode` = '7',
`sigmaximages` = '4',
`albumpermissions` = '255',
`albumpicmaxwidth` = '600',
`albumpicmaxheight` = '600',
`albumpicmaxsize` = '100000',
`albummaxpics` = '100',
`albummaxsize` = '0',
`usercsspermissions` = '31',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
`socialgrouppermissions` = '375'
WHERE usergroupid=2;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'uscpermissions' in 'field list'
Either you haven't upgraded properly from a version prior to 2.1 or you have removed USC and not deleted the files for it
11-26-2008, 08:01 AM
O.k. I'm making some progress. I was able to get the columns to show, but of course now have a problem with another area. See image.
Note: I am not fussing that the problem is with this mod. I'm confident this has something to do with me, or some other code. I'm just hoping someone might be able to point a novice like me in the right direction.
Thanks alot!
Can you post your block contents please and if you have not resolved it please also post a link to your site where it can be seen in action.
06-16-2009, 02:31 PM
Can I get some examples of what can be put in the columns?
11-21-2009, 02:36 AM
I like this mod.
index & forumdisplay is no problem.
showthread look like crazy, the column run away that go to bottom of thread...?? :mad:
10-18-2011, 10:04 PM
Is there a new version of this product for vBulletin 4.x?
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