View Full Version : How can I separate my forums

03-12-2007, 01:32 AM
If you visit my url (http://www.travel-talk.info/) , I have this issue:

I want to have the forums separated like you see in the picture below:


This screenshot has been taken from another forum where the forums are separated

I want to have my forums separated the same way for example:

Worldwide destinations by continent and country to be like "GENERAL" from the picture upper and Low cost transportation (air, train, road) to be like "TECH CORNER" and so on for the further forums.

I went through the Mods section here, but none of the scripts there helped me out. I appreciate anyone who can give me a hand.


03-12-2007, 12:27 PM
if I understand your question ...

you will need to set some forums as "categories" ... you can do this by setting ACT AS FORUM to NO (admincp / forum manager)

Act as Forum – setting this to no causes the forum to behave as if it were a category. This prevents posting in the forum and changes the template used to display the forum in the forum list.

More info: http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/forum_add_forum

Other settings you will need to consider: (found in vBulletin Options / Forum Listings Display Options)
Depth of Forums - Forum Home
Depth of Forums - Forum Display
Depth of Sub-Forums

03-12-2007, 02:17 PM
I can bet I did that before but no results. Suddently it worked now. I might have set up something wrong in depth of forums previously. Thank you