View Full Version : [showhtml] Hack...

Lord Raven
04-15-2001, 05:05 AM
This hack would be good for people who want to show what their HTML looks like... Like at @forumz we have an HTML Help forum where this would be good...


$string_array = preg_split ("/(\.*?\[\/showhtml\])/", $string);
if ($string_array) { foreach ($string_array as $a => $b) { $other[] = $b; } } else { echo "Something went wrong in \$other."; }
$count_other = count($other);

preg_match_all ("/(?>\[showhtml\])(?>.*?\[\/showhtml\])/", "$string", $array);
if ($array) { foreach ($array as $a => $b) { foreach ($b as $c => $d) { $showhtml[] = htmlspecialchars($d); } } } else { echo "Something went wrong in \$showhtml.<br><br>\n\n"; }
$count_showhtml = count($showhtml);

if ($count_showhtml < $count_other) {

for ($i = $count_showhtml;$i!=$count_other;$i++) {

$showhtml[] = " ";


} elseif ($count_other < $count_showhtml) {

for ($i = $count_other;$i!=$count_showhtml;$i++) {

$other[] = " ";



$showhtml_string = "";

if ($other) {

foreach ($other as $a => $b) {

$showhtml_string .= "$b$showhtml[$a]";



$showhtml_string = str_replace ("[showhtml]", "<pre><blockquote><font size=2>HTML:</font><hr align=left width=50%><font size=3>", $showhtml_string);
$showhtml_string = str_replace ("", "</font><hr align=left width=50%></blockquote></pre>", $showhtml_string);

echo $showhtml_string;


I'm sure you smart guys can make it work better like you did with my PM hack... :)

Lord Raven
04-15-2001, 05:08 AM
It looks like you guys already convert the HTML Special Chars with the [PHP] tag...

It doesn't do that at @forumz... At least not last time I tried...

04-15-2001, 06:27 AM
I believe the php code is nothing but the .phps ;)
If you save any php file as phps it will do that same once view it on a browser.

I like your idea though, but I think it would be too hard to implement

Lord Raven
04-15-2001, 06:30 AM
I figured out that if you paste the above code (changing the variables to their coresponding names) into the parseurl() function in the functions.php file, it would be quite easy.