View Full Version : My site

03-07-2007, 07:45 AM
My site has recently been updated let me know what you think im working on the buttons in header at the moment but you get the idea


03-07-2007, 08:27 AM
The drop shadow on your domain name in the banner is cheesy. Maybe it'll look better if you shortened the distanced of the shadow. You're probably using the images in the banner without permission that other people created. You said you are working on it so I guess we'll have to see if it improves.

Get rid of the ads. No one is going to click on them and they just make the forum look ugly.
I see you have Adsense clear on the bottom. Hardly anyone scrolls that far down the page. Re-do the adsense layout and place it where people can see it but it's not distracting.

Change your welcome message... Your welcome message is the message under "Welcome to the websiteforumz.com.". You have to log off to see it. Anways change it to describe your site. There are two reasons for this. So people can get an idea of what your site is about and for search engines to index.

You have way too many forums and a horrible style. Group similar forums into a single forum. Find a good looking style and gid rid of your current style because it'll drive people away.

Turn image verification on so you don't have bots registering on your forum and spamming it.

03-07-2007, 12:04 PM
those ads get me commision ive had 50 clicks so far the drop shadow look good to me and to the members on the site ive asked all members what they think of it and the forum is a general discussion forum thats why there is so many forums its not specific to any one topic

03-07-2007, 02:26 PM
barry...why are you defending yourself?...you asked for comments...kinda of pointless if you ask for comments but don't want to accept the advice given...

03-09-2007, 10:28 AM
I was just explaining what my site's about