View Full Version : Miscsomnia

03-03-2007, 06:08 PM
Can't figure out why nobody ever posts.... looking for honest pointers...


03-04-2007, 04:05 PM
Well right off the bat.

I enter your site and have no clue what it is about.
It looks like a standard forum with people talking.

I would try some type of "frontend" to the site.
- a portal to syndicate news and points of interest in the site (vBadvaced CMPS portal is nice)
- if not a portal, some type of static page with a "welcome mat" informing the public "why this is the best place in the world to be"

You can create some static or dynamic pages
(about us, mission statements, chat, affiliates, entertainment, reason to be here, ect ).

I see in the you talk about an arcade in the scroll marque but no links to get there.
Navigation is a big key. (on every page)
EX: Home - Forums - Arcade - Chat - Contact Us - More

With in the first 6 seconds you need to "hook" the person in to setting down vs. wanting to look for another site.

03-05-2007, 10:18 AM
I tend to believe that sites that start about everything rarely make it. Find something more specific to talk about. Then as your site grows, so can your subjects.

03-06-2007, 02:33 AM
i tried a gaming site, and it failed miserably. this site is getting active somewhat, and running misc forums is quite hard, with many spots needing filled. ill prolly put a link to the arcade in the marquee, but the navbar is right under it, so idk. i had a portal before, and it confused my members, i loved it, but they hated it, and i have it turned off, so im pretty lost right now.

03-06-2007, 08:29 AM
Its great but please replace the blinking icon you are using to show that a forum has new threads. Blinking elemets are nerving.
Use a blue M instead, that would be better.