View Full Version : Mini Mods - eMailLink.de vBCode

03-01-2007, 10:00 PM
Hi guys,

this is just a mimi mod to add a custom vb code for the service eMailLink.de
I want to make sure only licensed members are allowed to download this mini mod.

aka the_sisko

03-02-2007, 01:40 PM
what does it do?

03-14-2007, 03:20 PM
eMailLink.de creates images from your emailaddress. You can use this images where ever you want. If you enable the feature you can even receive emails over eMailLink.de

To use eMailLink.de in your forums we created a vB Code for it:
[ emaillink ]D67E0E032A07C703FC6F[ /emaillink ]

resulting in:

http://emaillink.de/D67E0E032A07C703FC6F.png (http://emaillink.de/mail/D67E0E032A07C703FC6F.png)

Thats all... the plugin just creates the vb Code... It could be done with a short "howto", but the plugin was the better way I believe...