View Full Version : Bloggst - A community for bloggers! - Just launched :)

03-02-2007, 10:56 AM
Okay, so I just launched Bloggst (http://bloggst.com/), which like the title says, is a community for Bloggers. It features a completely custom style, and I've modified it and added quite a bit of features to it, like the Tags system, as well as a Digg-styled post-voting-feature. I've also modified the profiles a bit to highlight these and put emphasis on networking, which is what I'm looking at expanding in the near future as well (member-to-member interaction).

Right now, for its purpose it is a little "isolated" - and this is something I also hope to rectify in the near future. Bloggers love the added bonus of plugging their blogs when they do something, and I aim to provide some new features that will let them do just that when participating the forums.

So yeah, it's very much still a work in progress, but at least we've opened the doors. Feel free to check it out and give me some feedback if you have the chance :)

03-02-2007, 11:31 AM
Very original, i like it, congrat ;)

03-02-2007, 11:35 AM
Not 100% sure about the colours, but the look overall is super-smart and very cleanly modified. Yes, I like it a lot excellent job.

Edit: But I don't understand the name. Is it a brand name or does the extra gst stand for something or...?

03-02-2007, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the feedback :) As for the colours, well I guess it's sort of a hate/love thing about it, from what I've heard from people. Either they seem to hate them, or they love them.

As for the name, it is a "brand", and was chosen because of in the possible (but very unlikely) even that the community takes off, a strong brand can come to our benefit.