View Full Version : World Faction

02-28-2007, 02:59 AM
My website:

02-28-2007, 11:17 AM
The logo, unfortunately, is not very good. It is light lettering on light background next to what seems to be a generic image. The whole image does not seem to fit with the dark theme. I think you need to work on this first, customise the lettering and better work out the colors. Once you get a good look then apply it to the rest of your site.

It looks like the site is set to a very wide fixed width, but with no apparent reason. Put it at a 95% variable width and it will look a lot better.

The portal page has a lot of broken images. I remember having similar issues when I first installed vBadvanced. Do a search on there forum to find a solution...I think it was just a matter of editing some paths.

The forum icons do not seem to fit at all with the dark background. It looks like it is a mix of a very light theme with a very dark and the look just does not flow. You do not have the width problem on your forum home....it may be a vBadvanced issue again.

Outside of a few custom graphics many seem stock. Once you get the logo worked out, apply similar graphics and colors to the rest of the forum. This will improve the overall flow of the site.

This is one of those forums that I have no idea what it is about. If I am to guess I would say just a general chat forum. You will want your guests to know what your forum is about quickly. The welcome message, or a blurb on the portal page, would help here.

It needs some work but you have a good start. Keep up the good work. :)

02-28-2007, 12:57 PM
I cant find the variable width value? Where would it be?

If you use firefox there is not that stupid light blue background on the logo.

02-28-2007, 09:55 PM
it's a good start :up:

- header is to BIG
- 2 login areas on portal page - which one should I use to log in?
- what is a "userbar"? currently, gives error NOT FOUND page
- what's the site about?