02-21-2007, 10:00 PM
After seeing what Ted did on his welcome headers and limited guest viewing :
With vBulletin, registered users are able to view endless amounts of content without being directly asked or forced to subscribe no matter how many times they come back. The purpose of the Limited Group Viewing System is to drive in subscriptions by limiting the number of threads registered users are able to view without interruption.
This plugin offers two options which can be used to drive in more subscriptions. The first option allows you to show a reminder message or advertisement after a guest has viewed a certain number of threads. The second option puts up a roadblock stopping registered users from viewing threads altogether after reaching a certain number of views. Both options work together to encourage and ultimately force registered users to either subscribe and pay or login but can also be used separately based on your individual needs.
Because this plugin uses cookies, few if any bots will be impacted when it comes to spidering your site.
Modifications/ Instructions:
Template edits: 1
Plugins: 1 (adds 1 template and several settings)
This template hack should take under 5 minutes to implement and customize.
Customizing the content / messages
To customize which messages appear or what they say, go to vBulletin options, select the ?Limited Group Viewing System? group and configure the options as desired. Each phase can be modified by adding translation text.
Through the ACP you can enable or disable each option, specify the number of threads that can be viewed before the option is enabled and input any forums you wish to exclude from being blocked.
About spiders/bots
This plugin works by setting a cookie to track the number of visits from a particular user. As bots do not tend to accept cookies, they should not be blocked. To further insure there is no spider accessibility issues, there script identifies major bots (google, yahoo, msn, aol) and explicitly lets them through -- you can easily add to this list by editing the plugin code should you so desire, however, unless a bot starts taking cookies this should not be necessary.
Welcome headers compatibility
The Limited Group Viewing is designed to work with the Welcome Headers system and limited guest viewing without any conflict. To insure that welcome header messages do not show up at the same time as the limited guest viewing message, please be sure you are running welcome headers version 4.1.3 or greater (released 11/19).
This script was Modified from the original limited guest viewing originally created by TedS!
Default is set up for registered users: usergroup #2.
With vBulletin, registered users are able to view endless amounts of content without being directly asked or forced to subscribe no matter how many times they come back. The purpose of the Limited Group Viewing System is to drive in subscriptions by limiting the number of threads registered users are able to view without interruption.
This plugin offers two options which can be used to drive in more subscriptions. The first option allows you to show a reminder message or advertisement after a guest has viewed a certain number of threads. The second option puts up a roadblock stopping registered users from viewing threads altogether after reaching a certain number of views. Both options work together to encourage and ultimately force registered users to either subscribe and pay or login but can also be used separately based on your individual needs.
Because this plugin uses cookies, few if any bots will be impacted when it comes to spidering your site.
Modifications/ Instructions:
Template edits: 1
Plugins: 1 (adds 1 template and several settings)
This template hack should take under 5 minutes to implement and customize.
Customizing the content / messages
To customize which messages appear or what they say, go to vBulletin options, select the ?Limited Group Viewing System? group and configure the options as desired. Each phase can be modified by adding translation text.
Through the ACP you can enable or disable each option, specify the number of threads that can be viewed before the option is enabled and input any forums you wish to exclude from being blocked.
About spiders/bots
This plugin works by setting a cookie to track the number of visits from a particular user. As bots do not tend to accept cookies, they should not be blocked. To further insure there is no spider accessibility issues, there script identifies major bots (google, yahoo, msn, aol) and explicitly lets them through -- you can easily add to this list by editing the plugin code should you so desire, however, unless a bot starts taking cookies this should not be necessary.
Welcome headers compatibility
The Limited Group Viewing is designed to work with the Welcome Headers system and limited guest viewing without any conflict. To insure that welcome header messages do not show up at the same time as the limited guest viewing message, please be sure you are running welcome headers version 4.1.3 or greater (released 11/19).
This script was Modified from the original limited guest viewing originally created by TedS!
Default is set up for registered users: usergroup #2.