View Full Version : Major Additions - vbDonator by Mary

02-16-2007, 10:00 PM
PayPal IPN Donation System
by Mary
http://www.MadeByMary.com (http://www.madebymary.com/)

Give to your Donors a presentation that they deserve !!

1.- Product Highlights

Instant Payment Notification for new Donation
Instant Donor's addition to your listings
Calculates the total Donation in times and amount
Donor can add a personalized public message
Donor can add a photo
Configurable list of accepting amounts
Configurable list of accepting currencies
Configurable list of States
Configurable list of Countries
Admin can turn On/Off use of States
Admin can turn On/Off use of Countries
Admin can add manually old donations
Newest Donors block
Most Active Donors block2.- Pequirements

Instant Payment notification works only with Premium and Business PayPal accounts with auto notification turn ON. If you've Personal account you can use it, but you've to add manually all donations.

3.- Installation

Upload the entire /vbdonator directory to your webserver UNDER the folder where
your vBulletin is installed. eg if your vb installation is located at:
http://www.yourdomain.com/forums then /vbdonator directory must be under this (/forums).
CMOD the following directories to 777
/photos (inside vbdonator directory)
/tmp (inside vbdonator directory)
For security reasons backup your database AND turn your board off
Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin
system is enabled.
From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product
and import the product: product_vbdonator.xmlIf you want to add a link to your nav bar then you must edit the NAVBAR template:
Search For:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">

Add Below:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="vbdonator.php$session[sessionurl_q]">

You can use any word you like instead of Donate

4.- Copyright

This script cannot be redistributed, reproduced, or published in any way. Modifying this script and sharing or publishing your modification A-N-Y-W-H-E-R-E (including here) without the author's written permission is strictly prohibited. The same applies for writting addons or integrading it with any other software or module (eg vbAdvanced).

Copyright removal, editing or replacement PROHIBITED !! My copyright text and link must remain visible. If your template has colors that makes my copyright invisible you're responsible to change the color of my copyright to be straight visible.

02-17-2007, 08:59 AM
I wish to all of you, who will use my module
to get in donations 1000 X
the amount that you'll donate to me (http://www.madebymary.com/forums/vbdonator.php):p

02-17-2007, 05:02 PM
This is very cool.. I had a question though before I install.
I would like to use this hack so that I the admin can add different events that members can donate to. Example would be I get a request from one of my members who would like to raise money for an event and would like the paypal funds to go to his paypal account. Can I do taht with this? have multiple donation acceptacne going to seperate paypal accounts.

Example I can have 5 members at one time try and raise money for seperate events and other members can donate to each seperatly ? is it possible? Also is this usergroup based?

02-18-2007, 03:49 AM
This is very cool.. I had a question though before I install.
I would like to use this hack so that I the admin can add different events that members can donate to. Example would be I get a request from one of my members who would like to raise money for an event and would like the paypal funds to go to his paypal account. Can I do taht with this? have multiple donation acceptacne going to seperate paypal accounts.

Example I can have 5 members at one time try and raise money for seperate events and other members can donate to each seperatly ? is it possible? Also is this usergroup based?

Not with this mod. This is for donations to webmaster. Read this (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=139381) for what you're looking for.

02-22-2007, 12:47 AM
How do I remove donators? I just installed it, but I used Manually Add donators. I was trying to add the 3 that have recently donated. It just shows 3 total donations and total of $45.00

Oh and thanks, I've been waiting for something exactly like this and here it is Thanks.

Clicked INSTALL!!!