View Full Version : ASP database integration

02-16-2007, 08:49 AM
I am thinking of installing VBulletin on my membership website (built in Classic ASP, running on dedicated Windows web Server - I realise I need to have PHP running to do this).

Currently our website's membership details are stored to a table in a MySQL
5 database. Are there any hints on how it may be possible to:

1) Register new members to Vbulletin at the same time as people register to the website, and vice versa

2) Login members to Vbulletin at the same time as members login to the website, and vice versa

Any help greatly appreciated



02-16-2007, 01:04 PM
The easiest way may be to re-write your current system to use the vBulletin user table.

If that's not an option, there have been bridges to other user-management systems written before. Wordpress, Drupal, and more. Your best bet may be to research those systems a bit and see if you can take a similar approach.

02-16-2007, 05:09 PM
for the database side, this is simple.. you will need one of the two systems to see the users table modified to suit the other... we will suggest here that you edit your actual system to follow vBulletin structure, to make it easier to upgrade on later uses.

also, as you require your users to be able to login on both systems, sharing a single cookie is quite simple here, as vBulletin manage cookies in a jar!

this is the usual system we suggest when clients want to install vBulletin on their server... and as an information, PHP is quickly installed on a webserver, it does not take more than 3 minutes, download counted!