View Full Version : Review my NEW forum. Please

02-14-2007, 05:30 PM
Hello im Mobilebros,

What is MobileBros.com?

I currently own and operate mobilebros.com.

Its a fairly new community it was opened before 3 weeks ago but it was closed after i found out that there we so many bugs. I closed it and worked hard in coding a new skin and re-designing the homepage.

The forums are now opened but the gallery is currently closed due to some installation and integration issues.

Here is the link to the forum http://www.mobilebros.com/forum/index.php.

The homepage is now being coded into php and offering many new features like an upload system for wallpapers,ringtones etc. If you a coder and like to join our team we will gladly accept yout and even pay you!!.

Yes Mobilebros is a cellular phone forum but we also offer a category for off topic discussions so if you would like to join we will giveyou a warm welcome.

-Do you like the forums skin?

Yes the forum skin is customed coded and all images are made by me if you would like to have the skin it will not be released to the public. But you can pm Tenkibros at Mobilebros and he will send you the skin.

Thanks everyone who gives me some feedback on the forum and how to improve it.:up:

02-15-2007, 04:12 PM
i love the skin !!

Great layout and the logo is pretty darn cool 2

the only thing i would change is the nav bar with the hover over effect.

02-15-2007, 04:53 PM
Thats very impressive. The color scheme is nice and smooth. Very easy on the eye's. You have a nice, well organized content. Very well done!

02-15-2007, 04:54 PM
The logo is perfect for both the skin and the site topic. The ad at the top seems a little out of place, it was a bright red one about Wholesale Cellular Accessories. I do not think it is that big of an issue, but something to be aware of.

Your welcome message is well placed, but stock. Customise it with info about your site, including keywords that you want search engines to pick up on. Both the guests and the search engines will thank you. You also have a 2nd welcome message above the forums. Remove this one as it is only taking up space and the first one looks better.

Not a big fan of the shout box, it moves the forum down and it is the forum that you want to be the focus of your site. Similarly I would suggest moving the off-topic forum down and keep the others closer to the top.

You have a few too many forums for the current traffic level. The whole smart phone and blue tooth section can be grouped under the individual carriers, at least until you get more traffic and content.

The forum icons do not match well with the other graphics. I would suggest making them match your logo graphic to help tie the site together.

On a general impression note, one of your Super Moderators has a most....colorful signature message. This does not give a very professional impression of the site, especially from a super mod.

Overall it is a very well done skin so far. Great job :)

02-16-2007, 05:43 PM
That's a pretty cool idea you've got there with the animated gif background hover thingy.

I don't know how much it fits in the navbar, but the other links work. It caught my attention without annoying me..

02-20-2007, 08:01 PM
added new status icons tell me what you think, and fixed the welcome message to a different table color.

02-21-2007, 03:09 AM
Might wanna give the spell check a once around, again;
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02-23-2007, 03:10 PM
I found the animated GIF distracting. I know what I'm hovering over, you don't have to point it out. And it really contrasts with the otherwise-sleek theme you've got going for you.