View Full Version : My forum

02-12-2007, 11:18 AM
What do you think about my forum?


02-12-2007, 11:58 AM
I really like the logo, it fits well with the overall style.

The portal page is very crowded, even when using the liquid skin. If you cut back on the content there and added some spacing between the blocks it would really help the look.

The style is dark, but easy on the eyes. You offer two version, fixed and liquid, which is a great Quality of Life feature. A light version of the skin would be nice, but the current one is very well done so you probably don't "need" it.

The forum icons are nice, but very random when put against the dark skin. They stand out, almost too much. I do not think this is a major issue, but something you may want to keep in mind as you add more forums.

You have a good amount of posts in all your forums, and what looks to be good traffic. Great job so far :)

02-12-2007, 12:04 PM
Thank you
About the logo, if you log in, you can see a lot of banners more, I use a code to rotate them randomly ^^
And about another style, I don't want to work in that now xD, maybe in the future =P

02-12-2007, 01:38 PM
A while back I played around with a random logo script. When I asked what people thought the general opinion was that it was a bad idea. Your logo is your "brand", whether or not you are actually selling something. You want people to identify your site easily, to know your logo like they know Google or Microsoft.

And about another style, I don't want to work in that now xD, maybe in the future =P

No worries, I offer suggestions that's all. It is up to each forum owner to evaluate the feedback they get and implement that which will benefit there forum in there minds. It is best to get several different points of view before deciding what you may want to change....one persons opinion may not be the majority :)