View Full Version : Using BBCODE to post in Al Bhed (w/ translation)

02-06-2007, 10:00 PM
My forum is dedicated to Final Fantasy fans and one of the games has a very fun language called Al Bhed, which is not really a language, it is a secret code done by substituting the alphabet with other letters:

"you" in english gets translated to "oui"
y -- > o
o --> u
u --> i

The code is fun and a lot of people on FF forums like to post in Al Bhed but translating back and forth was a hassle. Not anymore! With this 2 simple plugins and 2 custom BBcodes you can make translation as simple as clicking on a button:


1) Download my plugin, import into vB

2) Create 2 BBCodes (see images atoe.jpg and etoa.jpg for instructions on what to fill the BBCode screen)


3) Enjoy!

Using it
Write what you want in english and wrap [etoa] quotes around it to see it on Al Bhed. Or write something in Al Bhed and wrap [atoe] quotes around it to make it easier for your friends to read it. To avoid translating names, put names in "quotes". See it working here
Known issues:
1) Do not use ~ on between the tags. I am using it to work around quotes so it will mess up the translation.

"Undocumented feature"
The plugin code has the translation table. Coders will be able to switch from Al Bhed to any other code, as long as you keep the same number of letters. (If you dig cryptography, Al Bhed is just a fun implementation of a simple substitution cypher and the plugin can accept any substitution cypher. Another famous implementation of this cypher was Sherlock Holmes' "dancing man" mystery letters).

Credit to
The button code was inspired by the Spoiler Tag Mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=110598)

02-06-2007, 10:36 PM
E ruba oui mega drec sut!

Atakan KOC
02-07-2007, 06:04 AM
Nice Thanks... Installed...


05-06-2007, 02:15 AM
Glad you liked it :D