View Full Version : Have a look ....JusTGolDD ....online money making forum..

02-02-2007, 08:49 AM
Please have a look at my forum
www.justgoldd.com/forum (http://www.justgoldd.com/forum)
and tell me how it looks ?

and any possible suggestions ...??

Thanx in advance !:)

The Forum Basically concentrates on having a bit of time of work...and have a little fun.
Its meant For Like minded people who come in share their Experience on online money making!
I Have Introduced an Group buy section where in you can buy any online product you want in a group ....this saves you a lot of money and is strictly done under the guidelines of the admin and moderators

apart from that we also have a tech related discussion folder which is inspired from the blog...since our blog is on everything on the internet...including TECHNOLOGY....do let me know what you feel about it...

and what possible changes should i implemenet on my fourm ..to make it better....before i start really advertising....for it....:)