View Full Version : Disallow Users To Post in Forum Until Posted in Specific Forum?

Spike Saunders
02-01-2007, 01:29 AM
Is this possible? I had thought so, with a simple task and all, but seem to be on the wrong end.

What I did was create a new member group called 'Members', and made the permissions set so all the forums were unpostable except the Introduction forum. After a post is made in that forum, the Members group would be automatically upgraded/promoted to the regular Registered Users group, which has access as normal.

Is this not truly possible, or is there another method?

One big reason I am looking to do this is due to the mass-attack of forum bots in the past few weeks (not just my stie, but around the web itself) and would like to force bots that register to post in one specific place rather than all over the board... ALSO force new users to introduce themselves to the community before posting elsewhere and getting the standard reply of 'who the f*ck are you?' and such.

Just a question.

02-11-2007, 11:49 AM

Spike Saunders
02-11-2007, 06:47 PM
I think I established a way to do this. By making a new User group 'Registered Users alpha', and taking all users with more than one post from the 'Registered Users' group into the new one. Thn set up a promotion after two posts for the 'Registered Users' group so that they would go to the regular Alpha group. I also did the same for the 'waiting confromation' group.

That was the problem. Lots of people don't get their emails to confirm their account, so they are stuck in that group.

02-16-2007, 08:47 PM
I had this SAME request as well but for a different reason. I even posted it as a paid mod and got a few PMS but no takers. If you find something let me know please. If I find something, I'll let you know.

04-19-2007, 08:47 AM
I have the same sort of set up on my forums in the past. They can register but they are not allowed to view the other forum areas until the read & post in teh rules thread. Here's how I set it up and it works quite well, no mod needed.

1) Make a new usergroup with the ability to view the forums you want them to view after they make that first post.
2) Make your registered members permissions where they can only view that one forum area that you want them to post in. Put your forum area in a category on its own.
3) Set up your promotion where they can be promoted from registered member to the member group you want to give access to the rest of the forum in. IE if they have to make one post then set it up to where after one post they are promoted to the next member group.

When they login that forum will be the only thing they see after they validate their account (if you have your board set up that way) They will have to post to gain access to other areas on your forums.

To give your current members access to the rest of the forums, click on prune/move users in your user menu. Select each member group and then move them to the correct member group if they hae at least 1 post.

As for the problem with your mails not being validated, do not move unregistered or those awaiting activation into this group. It kinda defeats the purpose if you want them to post before gaining access to other forum areas.