View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Forum enter for X message and X day necessary

Atakan KOC
01-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Forum enter for X message and X day necessary

Web Site : ?n Sayfa Community (http://www.onsayfa.com/forum/download/252030-forum-enter-x-message-x-day-necessary.html)

What is this Hack?

This hack allows your users to see a forum part depens on their number of
messages or the date of registration. So you can set them to see special
areas accordingly.

Download the product file below and import it into your vBulletin via the product manager.Products to Install: 1
Plugins Included: 5
Setting Group : 1
Setting : 2
Phrases : 6
Files to Upload: 0
Files to Edit: 0
New Templates: 0
Template Edits: 0

Change Logs

1.00 => Initial Version.

How will Manage the hack?

Form the Forum & Moderators go to Forum Manager and manage on of the forums.
At the very bottom you will see the "Forum enter for X message and X day
necessary" When you make the neccesary changes it will start to ask the

I only want this hack to look for the post count?How?

At the forum manage "Forum enter for X Days (Joindate)" set as 0
so this will stop. Also you can use the same for the date manage like X post
or X days set as 0

I only want the users not to be able to write masseges. What should I do?

From the Forum Manage you can do the following >>> "If "Yes" choosen, the
user cannot write but see the forum. If "No" chosen, the user can not see and write to the forum."

What should I do not to affect the board leaders?

For this option vBulletin Options => Forum enter for X message and X day
necessary Setting go to >> "Ignore UserGroup IDs" select the ID to cancel.

This Query valid for where-what?

It is valid for >> "Forum Display, Show Thread, Show Printable"

Web Site : ?n Sayfa Community (http://www.onsayfa.com/forum/download/252030-forum-enter-x-message-x-day-necessary.html)


Atakan KOC
01-30-2007, 10:15 AM
Change Logs

1.00 => Initial Version.

01-30-2007, 10:55 AM
eline sağlık hemşo
g?zel bişiye benziyor
*installed* :)

01-30-2007, 11:15 AM
Very useful! Tks!
The conditionals are cumulative? X days AND Y posts?
all the best

01-31-2007, 01:30 PM
Installed, thanks

02-01-2007, 12:01 AM
I want members with 500 posts not to view music forum how can I do that?

Atakan KOC
02-01-2007, 05:16 AM
I want members with 500 posts not to view music forum how can I do that?
At the forum manage "Forum enter for X Days (Joindate)" set as 0
so this will stop. Also you can use the same for the date manage like X post
or X days set as 0

02-01-2007, 06:18 AM
this is very nice..... thanks for this hack...

02-01-2007, 10:15 PM
How can I change the message visitors see?

02-04-2007, 02:14 PM
This is great! I was waiting for this.
I have a forum which is only accessable for certain member groups. If I add this hack to that forum will it become visible to other member groups as well? I don't want that.

I want the X message in that forum to count, not all messages posted in all forums.
In other words: I only want members which post in that specific forum to keep access to it. Members which do not post in say 6 months will loose access. Could you add this functionality?

02-05-2007, 01:47 AM
Can this mod do this?


Can I also do it so that they must have X number of posts over the past X days to access a hidden forums?

02-05-2007, 02:45 AM

Black Widow
02-06-2007, 05:30 PM
great hack.


I installed this hack and added 1 future.
If member has more than X infaction points he is not allowed to enter the forum.
I also fixed 4 bugs(by adding 4 additional plugins) when user can view directly a thread/post (if he has the thread/post number) and also preventing the user to bypass the protection and post a new thread in the forum although he is not supposed to.

I attached the updated product so if someone wants to use it.
If the author wants he can add all this as a future in the original hack without any credits to me.

02-11-2007, 02:24 PM
how can you change the message displayed?

02-29-2008, 04:22 AM
Extremely Needed for My forum Thanks