View Full Version : TheChiefBaboon.com!

01-30-2007, 08:42 AM
Hi all,

Had some new art work done to my new site and would love it all if you could spare two minutes to tell me what you think. Its opinions like yours that could help me to become better. Got a few missing things from CMPS after my upgrade but slowing bringing it all back. However, this doesnt change the look of it.

So....please tell me what you think!

My site - www.thechiefbaboon.com



01-30-2007, 02:42 PM
That looks awesome........I think everything works very well together.

01-30-2007, 08:11 PM
Thank you :)

01-31-2007, 12:16 PM
It is a very nice looking forum. It looks like you already have a good amount of traffic and a good sized community. However the majority of the threads are centered in the Joke section, with a large amount of posts in the General area. The forums that are getting less traffic should be evaluated to make sure they are still needed.

Something about the logo bugs me a bit....the white and black border at the top and bottom. It seems very random and almost out of place next to the logo it's self. About 2/3rds of the way to the right there is also what looks like a skip in the pattern, causing a very small tile. I think it would look better if this was made more solid, and using colors from the rest of the forum.

I do not like the scrolling message...this is a personal preference but it just bugs my eyes. Slowing the scroll rate may help, or just putting it as solid text.

All minor items really, as a whole it is a very good looking forum. Great job :)

02-01-2007, 11:17 AM
Thank you so much much for your honest opinon!

Finally i can start makling some changes based on some feedback. I am not a graphic artist nor in martketing so its hard for someone that doesnt "know the drill"

Will try recitfy some of your comments.

Thanks again.