01-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Installation and Upgrading (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1170288&postcount=2)
FAQ, Changelog and Troubleshooting (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1170289&postcount=3)
Pre-written threads (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1170291&postcount=4)
This plugin is not currently available for vBulletin 3.7.x. Several users have reported serious incompatibilities, and we would not suggest attempting to install it on a forum running 3.7.x at this time.
Awhile back, two visionaries by the names of Sal Collaziano and George B realized that a Digg-like system for forums could be highly beneficial. Kudos to those two for their understanding that by working together, we can all benefit.
What is Synergy?
How often does this happen to you? You or a member write a great thread, Google indexes it a week later, but it is buried in the search results so the masses never end up reading it. Frustrating, isn't it? Zoints solves this by taking a system like Digg, then integrating and mirroring in across all forums in a manner that allows great threads to be read by the masses. Synergy is designed to bring you more traffic and inspire your members to create higher quality content in order to obtain "Top Author" status.
Demos (with forums like these using Synergy, you're sure to get some traffic)
You'll notice all the demos look virtually the same except for the skins. This is due to the system mirroring itself across the forums. When a link is clicked, it takes the reader to the originating forum.
Ubuntu Forums (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/synergy.php)
NASIOC (http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/synergy.php)
ThumperTalk (http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/synergy.php)
LWS (http://forums.livingwithstyle.com/synergy.php)
How Synergy Works
You have a lot of high quality threads on your forum. When you (or a trusted usergroup member you permission via the admincp options) decides a thread is worthy of Synergy, you select the "Add to Synergy" link as seen below.
During the next step, you write a short description for the thread and select which category it should go into.
Your thread is then added to a queue on your forum. Once every X hours, the top thread in your queue is added to Synergy.
When your thread is added to Synergy, the system distributes the link and description you wrote to all participating forums. If someone on any forum around the net clicks on your thread link, they are redirected back to your forum to the actual thread so they can read it. If people like your thread, they can vote on it which ranks it higher. Higher ranked threads, especially those that make it to the front page will in turn bring you more traffic.
The admincp settings are as follows:
Proof of Traffic
If you submit good content to Synergy that gets to the front page, you WILL get a lot of traffic. The following screenshot is from a small forum early in our testing. Guess which day it got a thread on the front page? :D
As more forums join Synergy, more and more people will be reading your threads. Let's work together to remove our reliance on search engines to send us traffic. Our communities are full of great content, it's time for it to be read!
Installation and Upgrading (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1170288&postcount=2)
FAQ, Changelog and Troubleshooting (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1170289&postcount=3)
Pre-written threads (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1170291&postcount=4)
This plugin is not currently available for vBulletin 3.7.x. Several users have reported serious incompatibilities, and we would not suggest attempting to install it on a forum running 3.7.x at this time.
Awhile back, two visionaries by the names of Sal Collaziano and George B realized that a Digg-like system for forums could be highly beneficial. Kudos to those two for their understanding that by working together, we can all benefit.
What is Synergy?
How often does this happen to you? You or a member write a great thread, Google indexes it a week later, but it is buried in the search results so the masses never end up reading it. Frustrating, isn't it? Zoints solves this by taking a system like Digg, then integrating and mirroring in across all forums in a manner that allows great threads to be read by the masses. Synergy is designed to bring you more traffic and inspire your members to create higher quality content in order to obtain "Top Author" status.
Demos (with forums like these using Synergy, you're sure to get some traffic)
You'll notice all the demos look virtually the same except for the skins. This is due to the system mirroring itself across the forums. When a link is clicked, it takes the reader to the originating forum.
Ubuntu Forums (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/synergy.php)
NASIOC (http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/synergy.php)
ThumperTalk (http://www.thumpertalk.com/forum/synergy.php)
LWS (http://forums.livingwithstyle.com/synergy.php)
How Synergy Works
You have a lot of high quality threads on your forum. When you (or a trusted usergroup member you permission via the admincp options) decides a thread is worthy of Synergy, you select the "Add to Synergy" link as seen below.
During the next step, you write a short description for the thread and select which category it should go into.
Your thread is then added to a queue on your forum. Once every X hours, the top thread in your queue is added to Synergy.
When your thread is added to Synergy, the system distributes the link and description you wrote to all participating forums. If someone on any forum around the net clicks on your thread link, they are redirected back to your forum to the actual thread so they can read it. If people like your thread, they can vote on it which ranks it higher. Higher ranked threads, especially those that make it to the front page will in turn bring you more traffic.
The admincp settings are as follows:
Proof of Traffic
If you submit good content to Synergy that gets to the front page, you WILL get a lot of traffic. The following screenshot is from a small forum early in our testing. Guess which day it got a thread on the front page? :D
As more forums join Synergy, more and more people will be reading your threads. Let's work together to remove our reliance on search engines to send us traffic. Our communities are full of great content, it's time for it to be read!