View Full Version : Upgraded to 3.6.4 = YAY! + NEW STYLE

01-27-2007, 12:31 AM
so finally upgraded to 3.6.4 after getting a lot of nasty looks for loving 3.5.4 :P
A new style for JPiC with customized graphics. http://JPiCForum.info
So ---- what do you think? Comments & suggestions very much appreciated!

Still got a bit of work to do on the modifications - but mostly just opened the board up for posting after a 1-day hiatus....



01-27-2007, 12:33 AM
Could show it in the forum review forum :)

01-27-2007, 12:39 AM
It is real laggy, esp the links at the top.

01-27-2007, 01:26 PM
wow very kewl...........nothing else i can say..........you should share this with the botm nominations.

01-28-2007, 11:46 AM
Thanx SHAZZ & HOTWHEELS - JPiC is actually up for nomination in the BOTM for January. Didn't quite get the forum upgrade ready to be showcased in this months voting, but perhaps'll get enough nominations for February.

So anything you'd guys do differently with the graphics/colour scheme? Suggestions are very much appreciated!

ALSO @ Cajunboy
It is real laggy, esp the links at the top.
What does that mean?

Thanx for your comments guys!


01-28-2007, 01:52 PM
It is real laggy, esp the links at the top.

Links at top...:confused:

02-09-2007, 07:59 AM
Well - was kinda hoping to get some feedback on my site... :(


02-09-2007, 11:16 AM
It is a beautiful site, very easy on the eyes...a good thing for sites specializing in writing. I am not that big of a fan of the navigation on the side, but it is a nice feature once you get use to it. The scrolling message at the top also bugs me a bit, but that is more of a personal preference.

Looking at the logo I just noticed the tag line changes each refresh...very nice touch :)

I am seeing a Javascript error on all the pages. I am running IE6 and this is my work PC so it may not be the site.

Not much I can add really...you have done a great job with the look and the layout :)

I am not seeing the lag that was reported above...that is odd because my work PC stinks and is usually laggy ;)

02-09-2007, 03:12 PM
Thanx very much CALASH for the review... I'm wondering about that javascript error you're seeing in IE - I do have a few scripts running - especially on the Main Forum page... What's the error - if you don't mind

ALSO - IE6!?!?!? LOL - that's a nono :p - I'd suggest at minimum FF1 LOL

Nice to know about the lagging is not an issue though - Thanx for the verify - We just upgraded our webhosting - so the site should load without a hitch...

Again - Thanx for the review - Glad you like it!


ooops - ALSO meant to mention the original skin layout designed by GFXstyles.com (http://gfxstyles.com)
I just did a little tweaking and customization - but the guys over at GFXstyles have some AMAZING vB skins - Interestingly enough the skin name I've chosen for JPiC is SERENITY!


02-09-2007, 06:48 PM
Too funny, they made both of my skins as well. One is totally original and the other was a port of my old SMF skin....made it look better too ;)

IE6 is the standard where I work. I do have Firefox installed as well, but when I do a review I usually stick with IE.

The error is below

Line: 33
Char: 100
Error: Expected ';'
URL: http://jpicforum.info/index-1.php

It does not seem to impact any of the site function...all the menus work fine.

02-10-2007, 07:17 AM
I'm viewing it in Firefox and the java menu is messed up. You might want to check into this.


02-12-2007, 07:28 AM
Thanx CALASH ;) GFXstyles is excellent aren't they - Also looked at your site - very nice!

@ MPDesignZ - I've been working on the site all nite - trying to get the stoooopid horoscopes mod workin' - come to find out - dudes site is down... Anyway - I've been using FF for some of that work - Looks fine to me...

Have a screenshot of what your talking about please?



02-12-2007, 08:48 AM
Sure its attached.


02-12-2007, 08:06 PM
Sure its attached.


WHOA! What version browser are you using? Does it look like that in your other webbrowsers?

That's odd really - Doesn't look anything like that in my FF or Opera or IE :confused: *See attached image - the blue to the left is part of my PC screen...

So I'm really not sure HOW to correct this issue! Any ideas?



02-13-2007, 07:12 AM
I'm using firefox 1.0.7.

On IE 7.0 I get "Done but with errors"

Netscape 8.1

"screenshot attached below" Same thing.

It has to be a java or css problem or a combination of both. Where did you get the menu from?


02-13-2007, 09:01 AM
OK - That blows it LOL - I am not even gonna try to figure that one out...
Navigation Menu = Zapped!

But on another note- I seriously recommend upgrading your FF browser https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/

But seriously - thanx for the headsup - I pride myself in making sure that all my sites are cross-browser compatible - Didn't know of the issue with the Navigation Menu, speaking of which - came from Dynamic Drive...

Anyway - yeah - zapped away - so now I figure how to make the site navigation more user friendly...


02-13-2007, 11:58 AM
I upgraded my firefox to 2.0. The reason I had not lately was because when they first released it there was a virus embedded in it. I usually use firefox. Good luck on your menu endeavors :D


02-13-2007, 12:43 PM
LOL - ok - i think FF is one of the most secure browsers now actually - but I much prefer Opera - you oughta give it a try ;) http://opera.com


ALSO - thanx for pointing out that issue

02-13-2007, 02:49 PM
It is a really good stable browser. But for some reason when they first put out the 2.0 version someone had put a virus in it and it crashed my PC. I had to format and reload the entire thing :(

Actually I have opera but I really like firefox better :D


02-13-2007, 11:25 PM
OH NO! Opera all the way LOL
1st reason is because right "out-of-the-box" Opera has better features and more customization options... FF makes ya download all types of quazy extentions and what-not... Once you get a certain amount of extentions on FF - it can slow your PC down dramatically - It's a resource hog LOL

Anyway - Opera all the way ;)


02-14-2007, 05:05 AM
I just prefer firefox and I don't install a bunch of extensions and stuff in mine I don't need them. I only install things I need. :D


02-14-2007, 09:57 AM
tehehe - Don't we all LOL
OK - I hear ya :p


02-14-2007, 10:03 AM
:D I removed the google ads on my site. I think that was what was knocking it outta wack.


02-14-2007, 03:28 PM
:D I removed the google ads on my site. I think that was what was knocking it outta wack.


Actually just visited your site again... (The google ad is still up BTW) but I was thinking I may know how to fix your issue... What about making the logo into 2 parts?

There'd be the logo then the header-right image.

The header-right image could be actually the background image so when you put the google adsense up it'll just lay on the background image, thus not extending far to the right...

Hope that makes sense.
Attached example images...

02-14-2007, 11:27 PM
Actually just visited your site again... (The google ad is still up BTW) but I was thinking I may know how to fix your issue... What about making the logo into 2 parts?

There'd be the logo then the header-right image.

The header-right image could be actually the background image so when you put the google adsense up it'll just lay on the background image, thus not extending far to the right...

Hope that makes sense.
Attached example images...

The google should be gone I took it out of the code. You may need to refresh or something. As for the header I know what the problem is. My screen resolution is 1280X1024 and I'm guessing that your screen resolution is 1024X768. I changed my screen to 1024X768 and got the same result as what you got, which tells me that part of my header is too wide and I know which part it is, just have to fix it now :D I'm probably just gonna redo it in the end. Thanks


02-15-2007, 06:02 AM
actually I'm one of the ancient ones I suppose = 800x600 (((blush)))
Anyway - good luck! You've got a nice site there ;)
