View Full Version : Request: Favorite forums (sections) in extra navbar

Sal Collaziano
01-26-2007, 03:45 PM
The forum homepage is probably the most server-intensive page. Correct?

Why not give people the ability to create an extra blue navbar that displays several of their most visited foroums. For example... My forum has like 35 forums. And the forum-jump dropdown is actually very BUSY and kind of a hassle to use.. I'd love to be able to place several links to my most-visited forums so that I don't have to keep loading up the forum front page and scroll down to get there.

This would save server-load and time for the end-user.

If I need to explain this better, please let me know. If you already understand my jibberish, please let me know what you think.

Thank you...

Sal Collaziano
01-29-2007, 02:44 PM
Any possibility of this happening. Is it very difficult?

01-29-2007, 03:16 PM
It's possible, it just depends really on how you want to go about it.

The easiest way (from a coding & management perspective) is to have a selection of profile fields in the usercp that the user can add the URL's to their favorite forums to. For naming reasons, this would need double the amount of fields to the most forums that you would allow, so it would be a long list and take a while to set up correctly.

From a user perspective, a nice "add me to favorites" button in each forum would be ideal, but this would be much more difficult to code.

Finally, a possible (just thinking about it not looking at the coding side of things) solution would be to work with the subscribed forums in generating the dropdown. The practicality of this is unknown though, as I have no idea how much work would be required to get it working.