View Full Version : Necrotania.com - Looking for feedback

01-25-2007, 11:58 AM
I am hoping to get some feedback on my forum


Forum is at


It has been running vB for about 3 months now, previously being a SMF board. Never had any problems with SMF, but I won a 6 month licence to vB....could not resist the chance to upgrade ;)

I am concerned about the site navigation. I had setup the "Site Menu" drop down after the default navigation was causing long time members to have issues getting around. It seems to work ok, but it feels like it could be better. When the navigation changed here I began to rethink adding the UserCP to the drop down and include the controls to eFiction in there. Not sure if that is the best way to go thought....

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, both with the navigation and other areas of the forum

Thank you

01-26-2007, 01:47 AM
Seems to me the 'Quick Links' dropdown isn't working. You're probably missing one line of code somewhere after it, looks like it's caused by a minute error. What I would do is take 'User CP', 'Popular Tags','Member List' and 'Calendar' out of the main site menu (the dropdown needs to be widened). Their place is in the 'Quick Links' which may be best renamed to something a little more descriptive. The 'eFiction' dropdown is well organized. The 'FAQ' link on the main bar has no reason to be there. It serves no purpose but to state the obvious and clutters things up. Also, if you rearrange the main bar to start off with 'Register', it will be more ballanced.

I'm not too sure what kind of a site this is. Some sort of porno-fanfiction club I presume (in which case this would be a good time to back away slowly).

01-26-2007, 10:05 AM
Some sort of porno-fanfiction club I presume (in which case this would be a good time to back away slowly).


I am not seeing the quick menu error you are...are you getting any errors I can look up?

As for the above comment....I am not sure how to take that. I thought the welcome message explained the site. Not sure how you would even get that impression, There is almost no adult only content in the site.

I think my question came out a bit wrong, and I am sorry for that...It just shocked me that you would think that.

Probably the better question to ask would be "As a person visiting the site for the first time what gave you that impression?". I definitely do not want peoples first impressions to be that, so obviously I need to work on the new user outlook of the site.

01-26-2007, 02:13 PM
It's subliminal. Look at the header. At first glance the "N" doesn't register. The "ECROT" registers as "EROT" because that is what we're most familiar with as a word root. The color scheme and the style of typeface you've chosen makes me believe you're female. The culmination of the above, added to the site being centered around the writing of fiction, which can be interpreted as fanfiction because that is what most women publish online, makes me believe the site in all probability is an erotic fanfiction site. Since it is also a well known fact that most erotic fanfiction that women write is of the homosexual variety, I, as a man who has absolutely no interest in the aforementioned variety, wish to stay as far away from it as possible. Statement = explained.

01-26-2007, 02:53 PM
Interesting......totally wrong but interesting.

So the welcome message did nothing to explain the site?

For the record, 32/Male. Adult themes are allowed but only when they are part of the story, not the central theme of the story. Fanfiction is allowed provided it does not violate any existing copyrights. Our current story base is primarily original PG-13 to R fantasy based works, with a large poetry section.

01-26-2007, 04:45 PM
My apologies for misunderstanding.

10-02-2007, 11:23 AM
I have made some changes to hopefully improve the site.

The Quick Link problem has been resolved, the Drop downs were not populating for guests. I have added basic selections for guests so the Navigation should not be broken anymore.

I reordered the Navigation bar for the default skin, to try and balance things out.

The Alt Navigation has a total reorganization of the Nav Bar to better integrate eFiction controls into vBulletin.

The User Profiles now use the Interactive Profiles mod. They link out to eFiction to list an Authors stories in vB. The main goal of this is to eventually replace the eFiction profiles with vB.

I also changed the Guest message to hopefully give a better description of what the site is about.

Any comments are welcome :)