View Full Version : Modifying Downloads II

01-17-2007, 11:22 AM
I'm using downloads II as a way to handle stuff I post on my site for users to download.

Well one thing i would like is to be able to hide the download from the person until they comment or "reply" to the file.

I already have [HIDE] hack installed, so being able to use that would be cool, and maybe the Thanks part as well (at the very least prevent a user from download until they have hit the thanks button)

In my mind it doesn't seem like this would be a hard thing to do, And im not so much asking people to directly do this for me.... maybe even showing me how it could be done would be cool too :) Then i could learn some more in the process.


01-18-2007, 09:17 PM

Im hoping someone could not only help me here, but teach me a little in the process...