View Full Version : Driving Me Insane!!

01-11-2007, 02:59 PM
Just launched this site this week. www.drivingmeinsane.com/forums

Whaddya think??


01-11-2007, 08:05 PM
The idea is pretty nice, but you need to work more on the layout. I like the logo image, but everything else is the default VB skin and that blue background is hard on the eyes. You need to come up with a layout, slice and put it to work in VB .. change CSS colours and recreate the images (buttons, icons and so on)

01-15-2007, 01:37 PM
I think it is a great start..........and a great idea for a website.

Few thing's i would do, first remove some of that google adsense stuff, waaaaaaay to much. I know people think they make money on this stuff, but it too turns' member's away, if they wanted to buy something, they can just do a google search on their own......anyways......next thing i would do would be to change the forum statusicons, maybe use your image of the guy mumbling as the statusicon......

anyways, great start.........

01-19-2007, 02:51 PM
Thanks for the comments.

Some of the Google ads disappear once you register. The biggest improvement is the loss of the left side bar once registered.