View Full Version : registration page edits

Chirag patel
01-09-2007, 03:27 AM
I really would like to getrid of the extra information in the registration forum

Such as this...

Time Zone
All timestamps displayed on the forums can be automatically corrected to show the correct time for your location in the world. Simply select the appropriate time zone from the list below.
Time Zone:
In addition, you may set the appropriate option to allow for daylight savings time in your part of the world.
DST Correction Option:
Receive Email
From time to time, the administrators may want to send you email notices.

If you do not want to receive these notices, disable this option.
Receive Email from Administrators
You can allow other members to send you email messages.
Receive Email from Other Members

How do I do this?

01-09-2007, 09:22 AM
1) Go to your AdminCP.
2) Styles & Templates -> Style Manager
3) Select your style
4) Scroll down the menu and go to Registration Templates
5) Select the "register" template and remove everything in it.
6) Copy / paste the codes in the attachment to register template.
7) Save it.

Edit: Don't worry, I tried it and there's no problem with timezone, etc. The options that we removed from registration form like receiving email can be set from the "Edit Options" in UserCP.

Your sincerely.